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Blackjack took a running start before he took off.

The wind whipped my hair back into Luke's face.

"Can't you pull this stuff back?" He yelled over the wind.

"Nope!" I laughed. After a little while I could see our destination.

Right here?


Blackjack tipped into a nosedive and pulled up last second.

Luke screamed like a baby.

Blackjack landed lightly on his hooves.

Luke immediately got off and started kissing the ground.

"You know you're technically kissing my half-sister, right?" Or would it be my third-sister?

He stood and used his arm to wipe off his mouth looking disgusted.

So donuts first or information?

"In a little bit. I need to check something out."


I walked between two trees and the illusion lifted. Knew it.

A twelve year old girl was tending to the hearth.

"Lady Hestia." I bowed.

She looked up and bowed to me.

"You should not bow to me." She said.

I rose. "You don't have to bow to me either. And I only bow to those who deserve my respect."

She rose just as Luke walked in.

"Lady Hestia." He bowed and I smiled.

"Alpha we just went over this. Stand up."

"What brings you here?" Hestia asked.

I was about to answer as Blackjack walked in.

"Good. Now I won't have to repeat myself. We are safe from eavesdroppers correct?"

Hestia nodded.

"You also have to swear to never tell anyone or anything else what I am about to tell you."

I swear on the River Styx I will not tell anyone or anything what I am about to be told.

Thunder rumbled. Guess it works for telepathic oaths too.

Hestia said her oath.

I sat on the ground, they followed my lead.

Blackjack laid down behind me so I leaned against him.

"I know where Percy is."

Hestia stared at me flabbergasted.

"You do?"

You know where Boss is?

I reached up and removed my mask.

"If I may, why do you wear a mask? I do not recognize you."

"Lady Hestia. I am very sure you know me. Alpha help me take the splints off."

He knew what I was going to do. "Are you sure?"

I nodded and leaned forward. He moved my cloak and unfastened the splints from my wings.

They involuntarily stretched out, hitting him in the process.

"Sorry Alpha." I giggled.

"I'm sorry I still don't recognize you."

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now