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That's literally all I can say.

"Okay hold up!" I held my hands in a t. "You guys have absolutely no jurisdiction over me."

"You are currently residing in our childrens' home. If you pose a threat to them, then we are within our power to decide what to do with you."

"Can I keep him? He's kinda cute."

"Hey!" Two voices cried in outrage.

"Enough! Who votes to kill the punk?"

Ares raised his hand, duh. So did Athena, Hephaestus, Hera, Mr D, and...


A tie.

"Before you decide my fate or whatever...can I talk to somebody?"

"Who?" Zeus questioned.

"Lord Hermes."

"I will allow it."

"Father it would not be wise to-"

"He said he would allow it Owl Brain. So listen to your father."

"I don't see why you are doing this. According to them your traitorous daughter-"



They kinda just voted and I'm pretty sure they're going to kill me.

Damn it...I'll be there as soon as I can.

"My daughter was not a traitor!" Poseidon grabbed his trident.

"She was just as bad as-

They were broken up by the sound of my laughter.

"You know if you'd let me talk and hear my side of the story you would know that- oh wait I already told you my side of the story. And the literal god of truth didn't call me out for lying."

"Hermes go and speak with him. Hear him out." Zeus sighed, probably regretting calling this vote.

Not that I could blame him. Cause he probably didn't have a choice.

"Fine." Dad stood before shrinking and walking over to me.

"Follow me." He said before leading me...somewhere, sword at his side.

He doesn't trust me.


"What do you want?"

"Who were they talking about?"

"You're just stalling you know. It won't change my vote. Or the council's decision."

I shrugged. "Just answer the question."

Luke? Are you still alive? Do I have to keep them from killing you?

Is it just me or does he seem way too into this?

I'm stalling. So I'm good for now.

Okay...cause Percy's in the midst of a nightmare...and if I can't get her settled down she'll hurt herself.

"My son. He was...a hero. But before that he betrayed us. But he was still my son...I was too late to see him alive one last time."

"Did you hate Percy?"

"No. It was the opposite really. She was my favorite cousin in centuries...She wasn't afraid to sass us. But that doesn't make me like you Chaotic Elite people. Because of you guys...we couldn't find Percy. Do you know how hard it is to watch someone you love fade...I still don't know what reversed it." He leaned against the wall.

"It was because of her we're here though. Percy loved this place. Part of the reason Chaos protects this place from Omega. Who just so happens to hate this place. But Omega came because of Percy. Without Percy...we wouldn't be helping. You'd be fighting this war on your own."

After that there was an awkward silence before I asked my next question.

"How did you feel about Luke?"

"I regret what happened...I know it was fated since before he was born...but I still feel like if I hadn't let his mother attempt to host the Oracle...If I had done something maybe he wouldn't have betrayed us. Maybe...but that's stupid. It was fated, there was nothing I could have done."

Well... don't exactly know how to take this information.

But I'm pretty sure he doesn't hate me so that's good.


Dad ran a hand through his hair. "Sometimes I really hate being immortal. I watch my children die. Over and over and over again. Guess you wouldn't know anything about that."

I shrugged. "I mean I've made plenty of decisions in my life...Bad ones. They hurt people. And then when I got a second chance I decided to not get close to anybody. I did a real good job on that one. I ended up falling in love with the person I hurt the most."

"And who was that?"

"It's not really important."

"I really think it is. Seeing as you're going to die and I'd like to know who I have to tell or apologize to. Makes it slightly less awkward...or more so depending on how everything goes."

"Uh... that's not reassuring at all."

"Here's a really good question. Why did you want to talk to me?"


"There are a few gods Percy told me she trusted and actually liked. You were one of them. She told me that out of all the gods I could reason with you'd be among them. And so I tried."

"You didn't do a very good job of it. I still see no reason to keep you alive. For all we know you could have powers that keep us from sensing if you are telling the truth or lying."

"Wow. Thought you'd have more faith in me than that. Guess I do deserve it though."

"What do you mean?"

I reached up and removed my mask.

"Hi Dad."

Okay so crappy chapter cause Wattpad deleted 900 words and so there's this that was written like in an hour and I'm half asleep and I remembered bits and pieces and tried to throw them together

So good night


See yah

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now