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"You'll be fine?"


"Do you have your sword?"


"Do you want me to throw Luke into oblivion?"

"Ye- No!" I glared at my father.

"Just checking." He chuckled and pulled me into a hug.

And I have to admit it felt nice. I nuzzled my face against his shirt.

"Aw. Is somebody enjoying this?" Dad teased.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

Picking me up, Dad started walking. "I think I'm going to hold you hostage a little longer."

"Mhm. Okay."

After about ten minutes of walking Dad stopped and sat me down.

"Why are we here?" It's the courtyard.

Pretty place. But I almost never come here.

And I don't think Dad does either.

But what do I know?

"We're going to relax. By we I mean you. And by relax I mean...sit down and stop thinking about depressing stuff."

"Like I really have a choice in that matter." Was my grumbled reply.

"Well sit. Now." I winced at the tone in his voice. He's never sounded like that with me.


I sat, not offering an argument.

And that seemed to put him off more than anything I've ever done in my lifetime.

"Percy?" Now his voice was soft, almost gentle, like he was talking to a small child...or a wild animal.

Don't know which would be the closer fit.


He crouched in front of me and kissed my forehead. "What's the matter?"


Just a useless brat!

I felt hands grab me and I struggled to get away. Not again. Not again.

Please not again.

A hurricane was building around me but still the hands held strong.

"Calm down Percy! Calm down! It's me!"

*Crack* the belt slashed across my back

Tears fell but I refused to cry out.

Not letting that happen again.

Not again.

"Baby calm down!" The hands grabbed my face and made me look at them.

Crooked teeth and rank breath. Crazed look in his eye.

"Shh. You're safe."

This won't hurt at all. Just stay quiet and don't tell your mother. It's our secret.

"Nobody's going to hurt you."

I cried out in pain.

*Slap* I said be quiet brat!

"Look at me. Perseus look at me."

I laid curled up in a ball, unable to move.

That's what happens when you disrespect your elders.

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now