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My dad was leaning against a tree, wings relaxed. Speaking of wings, mine are tucked underneath my cloak.

"Lord Chaos." All of the gods bowed and the demigods quickly followed their example.

"Hey Chaos. I've been meaning to ask you. Can you please make them not drag me into Truth or Dare?"

"No Alpha. I find it quite amusing. Plus the stories keep morale up." My dad smiled evilly.

"Requesting permission to run." Luke turned to look at me.

"Granted." With my permission, Luke took off at a sprint towards the Big House.

"Not so fast. You have paper work." My dad's words made Luke freeze in his steps.

"Fury, how about you go set up accommodations?" I directed it towards the one eyed demigod.

"Yes Commander." He took off at a run, no doubt wanting to escape the horror of paperwork.

"Omega, may I go visit the resident hellhound?" Bianca stepped forward. I nodded.

I told her about Mrs. O'Leary but she can sense the Furies and other creatures that work for Hades. Or are descended from someone who works for him.

"How did you know about Mrs. O'Leary?" Annabeth took some steps forward until she was beside Dakota.

"I have the ability to sense them. Now if you excuse me." My fourteen year old cousin went off to where I presume Mrs. O'Leary was at.

"Are you trying to let everyone escape paperwork?" My dad walked over and wrapped a wing around me.

"No. I just want Alpha to suffer the most." I looked up at him.

"I hate you!" Luke yelled over the stack of paperwork in his arms.

"No hating the commander." Zoe glared at him and he gulped.

Ethan ran back and gestured towards the cabins before making a lot of random hand signs.

"You are going to have to use your words."

"Fine. The cabin is set up between cabins one and two. A path leads to it." Much better. Much much better.

"Thank you." I nodded.

Chiron went off and blew the conch once for dinner.

Or is it lunch? I looked up at the sky to see the sun chariot nearing the western horizon. Definitely dinner.

"I guess we are staying for dinner then." Zeus looked at the other gods who nodded.

"I guess I better get back before something happens." My dad kissed my head before warping back to Chaon.

"Let's eat." I looked at my team, no, my family. They nodded, even Bianca who just ran over to us covered in hellhound slobber.

We started following the gods to the dining pavilion, when Dakota dropped back.

"So... Are you and Chaos a thing?" He asked slyly. What is his problem?

"Ew! Gemini, grab the scrubber!" I yelled, disgusted.

"What happened?" He popped back holding the vegetable scrubber. Yes, we actually have a scrubber.

"He just asked if I was dating our Lord Chaos!" I do it just to annoy my dad. He doesn't like his titles either. Like father like daughter, I guess.

"Ugh! I'm going to use this myself." He stuck out his tongue and pretended to scrub it.

"Why is that so disgusting?" Dakota asked, stepping a little closer to me. I swore I heard a growl but I dismissed it. We're in camp and the rest of the team would have reacted.

Luke stepped up beside me, between me and Dakota; Dakota scowled. "Because Chaos is her father."

"Did you get permission?" I asked him with wide eyes; we never got permission to reveal our parentage.

"I think he's fine with this. I'm not dead." True, true. "Anyway, the rest of us are covering your paperwork. We all agree you need to get more r and r." I scowled, I do the paperwork because it keeps me busy.

If I'm not busy the memories come back. And they won't leave me alone.

"No complaining, it's decided." Zoe was on my other side now.

"Where will you be eating? Because you can eat at my table if you want." Dakota looked around Luke.

"We have a place. Fury made sure." Okay so now the entire team is surrounding me. That was Silena holding Beck's hand. They're behind me with Bianca on their right. And Lee and Michael are beside Zoe.

"Oh." Dakota sped up until he was beside Annabeth, who took his hand.

We walked in relative silence up until the dining pavilion. As soon as we entered murmurs started. Odd, usually it's silent then murmurs.

"These are part of the Army of Chaos. I will let their commander introduce them." Chiron announced from the front. Schist.

"Alpha you do it. I don't think I'll be able to." He nodded before stepping forward.

"I am Chaotic Alpha, the second in command. Our commander is Chaotic Omega. Just call us by the last part please. The first part is just showing we are a member of the Chaotic Elite."

Zoe stepped forward. "I will do introductions. I am Chaotic Stellar. There is Chaotic Angel, Chaotic Gemini, Chaotic Fletch, Chaotic Arrow, Chaotic Forge, and Chaotic Siren." Each of my friends stepped up as their code name was called.

"Now can we eat?" Luke asked, tilting his head.

"Of course. Campers please treat them with the same respect you would treat me." Chiron sat in his wheelchair.

We made our way to the table Ethan got set up for us.

"You finally figured out how to work the capsule." I noted sitting down.

"Yep. Five thousand years and I finally figured it out." He nodded sliding us our plates.

I focused and a slice of pizza appeared in front of me, normal color. I'm not giving them such a big hint as eating blue food. Besides I rarely do that anymore since I discovered my mom and Paul died in a car crash.

I still drink blue drinks though. I can't give up everything without it seeming odd.

"Pull down your hoods. We have our masks on." I told them. They all pulled off their hoods, getting some odd looks from the other tables.

I took a bite of pizza when the whispering started. Why? Oh right, sacrificing.

"Alpha." I poked his shoulder, he looked at me a little bit of barbecue sauce on his chin.

"Good Father Alpha. Take care of your appearance." I threw a napkin at him. He wiped his face with it before looking at me expectantly.

"Tell them about sacrifices. I'm too lazy." He scowled but stood.

"Chaos has ordered us to not sacrifice to him. He finds it annoying. And as such when we try to sacrifice food..." He threw my pizza in the fire.

It immediately fell on his head. "That happens."

"I'm taking your food." I pulled over his plate and started eating the chicken nuggets he didn't touch.

"Hey!" He yelped and tried to pull his plate away.

Seeing as Luke already said Chaos is my dad, I blocked him with a wing.

"No fair." He pouted. I rolled my eyes and tossed him a nugget.

After we were done eating, Chiron stood up. "Please proceed to the campfire. The Hunters are here and we will be having another game of capture the flag tomorrow."

We stood and followed the campers out. With all of us finally seated, Chiron announced what we would be doing.

"Tonight we will be telling the story of our greatest hero who went missing five years ago tonight. Perseus, better known as Percy, Jackson."

Great. Just great.

(Fem) Percy Jackson and the Army of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now