"ohw you really have to visit the UK one day. I'm sure you'll love it and it is quite different to America."

"is this an invitation Jessie?"

"take it how you want it” she winked and laughed at me.

"so how long are you staying in New York? I can show you some nice places that you usually don't get to see.”

"I don't have a lot of free time but I'll see what I can do with my strict timetable."

"oh yeah I see. it's alright." she might be honest or she simply doesn't want to meet up.

"it sucks to barely have time for yourself but I guess I can find a few hours for you" she grinned which I mirrored.

"great! text me if you have a few hours off"

I looked at my glass. it was empty. I was exhausted from the day. it started to get cold here and staying down here isn't really my plan for the next few hours even though I got nice company now. so I had to do that what every bartender hates to do.

"sorry guys but no alcohol anymore! the pub closes now. you can come upstairs if you want or just go home. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has to get up early tomorrow."

some of them said good bye and the other few went upstairs. it was much more comfortable to just hang out. no one was really in the mood to dance or shit like that. well at least I thought so.

"let's play truth or dare!!" exclaimed Peter. I swear that boy just wanted to try it on with Holly.

everyone cheered so I had no choice and just joined them.

"okay ehr.. Holly. truth or dare?" peter asked.


"okay, let's start with something easy.. hmmm.. shout out of the window 'I'm a hot sexy potao'"

she grinned, jumped up and opened the window.


"No one cares!" shouted a man back from the street. yeah welcome to the nice side of New York.

"well done Holly. you did great even though you changed the potato into a pineapple. why are you discriminating potatoes?"

"Peter shut up! Holly your turn" I just had to stop him before this discussion turned into a ridiculous one like mostly. sometimes I loved them but then it's pure hate.

"okay. Pepper, you're next. truth or dare?" Holly asked.

"argh for fuck sake. uhm I'll go with truth. ”

"okay. let me think.. ah yeah. when was the last time you had sex?"

"what's the time right now?"

Holly raised her eyebrows.

"just turned 3am."

"ah yeah. I'm being honest. it was like three and a half hours ago."

a gasp was heard by literally everyone.

"at the party?!" Peter asked that what everyone thought.

I shrugged "yeah."

"what?! how?! who?! where?!" he kept asking.

"not going into details. pervert. okay next one.. Vinny!"

"I know you do great dares so dare it is"

"okay Vinny get ready. hmmm a prank call?!"

he laughed and pulled out his phone.

I typed in a random number that I know really well.

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