Chapter 4: Ass Not Included With My Happy Meal

Start from the beginning

  By the time she reached the door, she had managed to stop her palms from sweating and had swallowed enough of her saliva to make talking bearable. This evening depended on how well she could open her mouth without making a total ass of herself. As with all of the Payne women, she was subject to word vomit- and her was the worse of the bunch.

    “Good evening,” He greeted her. He wore another Armani suit tonight, but this one wasn’t the pinstripe one she had seen him in the last time. Instead it was a dark charcoal color and he had left it unbuttoned, exposing the crisp, white linen shirt underneath.

   “I’m sorry I took so long to answer the door. I thought you would’ve been late,” She admitted this honestly, trying hard not to blush as he smiled down at her, leaning against the door frame, towering about her.

  The sexual tension between them lingered in the air. She breathed out heavily, looking up at him, hoping he didn’t read the fear in her eyes. It was becoming evident that she was scared of him- scared of wanting him.

  “Its fine. I didn’t get any older waiting for two seconds. Shall we go?” He asks looking away from her quickly.

  Great, he already wanted to get away from her.

What an eventful evening this was going to be…

 “You look beautiful by the way,” He mentions as they lock up, glad that she can hide her face while backing him, only giving him a good view of her bare back. She’d forgotten that the dress had no back, and judging from the way his voice had changed, she knew he approved of it.

  “Thank you. So do you,” She whispered locking the door, tucking her purse under her arm. The word vomit was coming she could feel it approaching at an alarming pace.

  Instead of his convertible, there is a black limousine in my driveway, attracting the attention of my neighbours. “Cinderella needs a carriage,”

“I’m no Cinderella,”

 “Why don’t you let me figure that out for myself sweet cheeks,”

He winked as the driver bowed and opened the door ushering her in. Stifling a giggle, she scoots into the plush leather seating, feeling the coolness against her bare thigh. She was too wrapped up in her exploration of the minibar that she missed the amused look on his face.

  “ I’m glad you like the limo. I didn’t want it to seem like I was being cocky asshole,” He admits honestly scooting closer to her. She could feel the electricity flowing between them, angling her body in the opposite direction. She was definitely scared of him.

 She began to calm down when he brought up a conversation about one of her favorite teams- the Lakers. She had to admit that she had become one of their biggest fans and she often got sideline passes to watch the game while in season. “I’ve been a fan for a long time.” She told him proudly.

“So am I. I bet that you have all the custom clothes in your closet,” He laughed when I blushed, thinking about the custom Lakers jersey in my closet and the pair of Laker’s heels that my sister’s designer friend had made for my birthday last year.

 “You get five points for that one,” She laughed, beginning to feel at ease with him. Despite being so much taller than her, he didn’t seem as menacing as before.

  She was enjoying their conversation so much that she never noticed that the car had come to a stop and had been parking for five minutes. The red stain had returned to her face, and she lowered her head looking down.

 “Do you always blush like this, or am I extra special?”

 “Just this time. You make me kind of nervous,” She admitted honestly feeling her cheeks cooling down.

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