Lions, Panthers, and Jaguars (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)

Start from the beginning

A servant lets him in and he is lead to where you are. He hears laughter and sees you and Erik laying on the couch, laughing.

"Remember that time you scared captain?"

"With the fake snake?"

You and Erik begin giggling again. He's clutching his stomach and you're covering your face.

"He made us run laps until lunch!"

"It was worth it. I think the coloniser peed himself."

This causes more laughter.

"I'll come back later," T'Challa softly says making you and Erik look up.

"Hey cuz," Erik drawls.

"Your majesty."

Your voice is cool and T'Challa sighs.

"I'll come back later."

He turns, walking off.

"You two..."

"He made me go to therapy. He knows I hate therapy."

"I think that's a military thing."

You snort and sit up.

"Is it helping?"

"What? Therapy?"

"Yeah. It works for me."

You're silent.

"You know Ashanti...I know you and you don't like talking emotions until you're ready. T'Challa doesn't get that but be patient, especially since you two are married."


Erik tilts his head.

"Yeah...aren't you two...?"

"Erik I'm sooner married to you as I am to T'Challa."

"Oh. Well then...want to get lunch? Shuri says there's a really good American/Wakandan spot in the city. I want to try it."

"Sure. Let me change."

He nods and you walk off.
You and Erik run into your house's doorway laughing. It had begun to rain and you two are soaked. Erik had given you his robe once it began to rain but it didn't make a difference.

You two stand in the doorway, smiling and catching your breathe. Erik smiles at you and you remember why you found him so attractive in the first place.

His dreads are loose now, tossled and dripping water . Water runs down his chest and you watch one drop in particular as it trails down his neck. His eyes seem even darker and did they always look golden? He bites his lip and you feel your heart rate increase.

He leans forward and kisses you. It's soft and unsure but it's sweet. He pulls back and you blush.

"God I've missed you."


"Wish my cuz didn't have you. You look so good Ashanti."

You bite your lip.

"Let's dry off."


You jump as you feel a strong hand slap your ass.


He laughs as you chase after him.
"You busy?"

T'Challa looks up to see you in a black jumpsuit.

"Never too busy for you. Come."

You walk over and slide in his lap, kissing his temple.

"I've missed you my love."

"And I You."

"How is Erik? I am happy to see you two are getting along."

"He's fine. Still Erik."

He nods as you pull his head up to kiss him. You straddle his lap and he holds you close, moaning as you kiss him.

" and Erik should be illegal."


You shake your head before kissing him again.

"You're both drugs...drugs are bad."

T'Challa chuckles as he kisses you again.

"When I finish; I will show you just how bad I am for you."


T'Challa laughs.
You moan as T'Challa kisses you. Skin pressed to skin and you moan at the softness of his skin. He kisses down your neck while grabbing the bottle of lube.

He quickly slicks himself before gently pushing in. You gasp, hugging his neck, fingers in his hair as he pushes in. T'Challa is thick and long. He begins to thrust into you.

He does deep, long, slow strokes. He kisses you as he fucks you in a manner you haven't had in a long time.



His deep brown eyes look at your black ones and you moan. This man looks so good without even trying.

"Hey T'Challa—oh sorry!"

You curse as T'Challa blushes.

"I'll come back!"

"Please do!" You snap.

You two hear the door close before you yank T'Challa back down and kiss him.

"I swear to Bast and Sekhmet if you don't make me cum I will personally allow Erik & Shuri torment you."

T'Challa growls and you moan as he gets back to work.
You are now in a black tube dress and you're looking at Erik. He licks his lips.

"Erik: stop undressing Ashanti with your eyes."

"Can't help it cuz. She looks good."

You roll your eyes as you sit between the two men. You are all in your living room. T'Challa nuzzles your cheek as Erik strokes your hand.

"I see you two are back on good terms."

You and Erik look at each other and nod.

"Yeah, we are," Erik says.

You yawn before getting more comfortable with the two men. You sit in T'Challa's lap and put your legs in Erik's lap. Erik strokes your thigh as T'Challa nuzzles your neck.

"I love how you two are cuddling me," you sarcastically say.

"I mean why wouldn't we?" T'Challa asks. "Are we not your men?"

Erik laughs at your surprise face.

"T'Challa and I spoke baby. We both like you and we both know we wouldn't want to see you with anyone else."

You look at the cousins before groaning.

"You two are going to be the death of me!"
Several months later
Erik glares at his two workaholic partners. He yanks both of you up—making you curse and T'Challa give a surprised yelp—and drags you two to the bedroom. He dumps both of you in bed and pins both of you down.

"We are taking a nap and we are not moving until 3 pm: it's 12. Don't try me."

"What if u don't want to nap?" You ask, glaring up at him.

"I will tickle you."

"You wouldn't!"

Erik smirks and you settle down, knowing you lost. T'Challa attempts to fight but you hear a moan followed by sucking and knows T'Challa has also lost.

You all curl up together, soon soft snores filling the room.

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