The beginning toward revenge

Start from the beginning

Nk: Bhai you don't worry before you reach police station, our lawyer will be present with legal papers. I will not let anyone to get successful in its motive. He stated eyeing at khushi.

Arnav: ''No need to do anything..i have did mistake and I am ready to pay for it and don't want your so called lawyer. Let's go inspector''!, with stern voice. Without giving any bug to NK words, Police force took him off. Nk marched toward her and drag her in one corner.

Nk(Griping her hand): You bit** mujhe pata hain yeh teri harkat hain...tu apni harkaton se baaz nahi ayegi na..kya karne ayi hain yaha? (I know its all your won't change..what you doing here?) Who allow you in my company?

Khushi: How sweet feel so good to hear these sweet words from your mouth after so long..i really missed your abuses. She spoke curdling a sugary voice which really pissed him off.

NK: Shut up!!! Get the hell out of my company right now.

Khushi: Your company? As far as I know it's your brother company and you are just his puppet, wasn't you? That's it his patience broke and he raised his hand to gave her a hard slap but before it reached her face, she clutches his hand and pulled it back. Her changed behavior literally shocked him to the core.

He get utterly surprised by seeing this side of khushi. A innocent girl who never dare to point an finger on him now shooting him like a tigress.

Khushi: Let me remind you Mr good for nothing Nk that I have sign 6 month modeling contract with this company and unfortunately, you can't fire me. She gave him a cunning smile. He is trying so hard to control his nerves. She turned to leave but again stop and twist a little.

''And one more thing, I am the one who call the police to arrest your brother. Just wait and watch, its just a beginning I will make his life a living hell and you can't able to save him. I came back to take my incomplete revenge and until I won't achieve my goal and destroy him completely, I won't get any peace..You and your brother ruined my life and now its pay back time''. She exclaimed fiercely and retired to her work leaving behind fuming nk.

''Tu zinda rahegi tab toh kuch kar payegi na?'' (If you alive then only you would do anything.)He gave a devilish smile after putting down his phone.

''You are missing your parents a lot, wasn't you?..Let me fulfill your wish today itself and send you to them. I have full sympathy for your brother, poor guy how he would bear one more death. He will be on the verge of loosing his dearest gudiya- last member of your family'' He began laughing loudly staring at her dangerously who disappear from his sight.


In police station:

Acp: ''Mr raizada a huge apology for taking your precious time...this inspector is new here so don't know anything about you. You can leave now!!''

Arnav: How can you leave me so easily? I am a culprit and I am ready for punishment.. put me behind the bar. All look at him in shocked expression. His behavior really surprising to them.

''What are you looking at...Do your job and take me inside!!'' In a meanwhile Lawyer had come with legal documents but he reject it merely to sign any of the bail papers. Nk tried to convince him many time but he is not ready to listen anything and wished to stay there.

NK: ''Its all because of that girl..i won't spare you miss khushi gupta...!!'' He thought something in his mind and marched back.

Arnav was laying in the hard floor by placing his hand engrossed in thoughts. The flashes of the past came before his eyes. Tears tricking from the corner of his eyes.


Anjali(In phone): Bhaiya please save me...!! Anjali began fidgeting in his arms and arnav heart beat stop listening her painful pleads onto the phone.

Arnav: You scrounger.. leave me sister..i will kill you if you dare to touch her.

Kidnapper: Your sister is so sexy how can I leave her without tasting the charming beauty.

Arnav: If anything happen to my sister I won't spare you...!! Phone already get disconnected before he register anything. Panic rushed down his spine. After hearing her voice, his mind not rest at peace. He began searching her in every street like a maniac.

''Chodo mujhe.. jane do..'' Anjali go backward getting highly frightened while the kidnapper glare at her body lustfully and tore her shirt in one go. She hugged herself covering her body. Fresh tears rolled from her eyes when he started his assault and began biting her neck pinning her both hands onto the walls.

Anjali: Don't touch me..My bhaiya won't leave you...!! Let him come then you are gone.

Kidnapper: Before he would come you have been already been marked by me. He pushed her down and went on top of her and began kissing her body harshly like an animal.


Anju!!! Arnav get up with a jerk and feel relief seeing the surrounding, he was already in jail? Sweat bean forms on her forehead remembering that dreadful incident.

Arnav(Banging his fist roughly):''Khushi my mistake is so grave that its unforgivable. I can never forgive myself..what a beast I am...For the sake of useless revenge I ruined an innocent life... (Pause) I am ready to pay any cost. I want to bring back happiness in your life, khushi.

Precap: Arnav saves khushi!!

If you like the update, kindly please give your votes and comments. I reedited the entire chapters as it has many grammatical mistakes which i had written 2 years ago.

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