He's gone.

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I don't get it. What the hell is going on?

Emily's P O V

I woke up to the cold air against my skin. I look to the window and saw the windows opened. That must have been Angela. I groaned as I sat up and looked to the corner of the room. Things never change. I saw my dad staring right back at me. "Hello my love" he said. "Finally decided to visit me again?' I asked. "Hmm I missed you" he said. Where are you?

I rubbed my eyes and forced myself out of bed. It feels so different without Henry. Everywhere I go his who pops up into my mind. How do I breathe? I looked at myself in the mirror. I felt like I was dying inside. I got a clean scissors from the drawer and began cutting my hair. I watched as the hair fell to the floor. I looked at myself. I now had neck height hair. I began crying.

I felt like I was alone even though I wasn't. I felt as though a part of me left. I walked downstairs to see Angelo watching TV. He turned around as if knowing that someone was looking at him. He looked at me and then his eyes widened. "Emily?" He asked. I looked at him with the tears still flowing. He cane upstairs to me and held my hands.

His focus was on my hair. "You look so adorable" he said. I smiled and he wiped my tears. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I feel so empty and alone" I said as I placed my head on his shoulder. He was a bit lower than me since we were on the stairs. "Hey we are all here for you just know that" he said and I nodded. "You should really get that properly trimmed" he said and I laughed.

"Thank you" I said and he kissed my cheek. "Hey I love your guts" he said. "I love you more" I said. "So what's for breakfast?" I asked him. "Ask Angela that" he said a little louder. "What?" Angela asked and I turned towards her.  "Good morning what's for breakfast? Angelo says your making it" I said and she glared at him. "Can we have a second?" She asked me. "Okay" I said and went downstairs.

Angela's P O V

"Why don't you leave me alone?" I asked. "If I leave you alone you will be lonely what kind of man will that make me?" He asked. "Whatever" I said. "Why are you so angry?" He asked. "You left me there standing, staring at your back. You happened to hurt my feelings" I said and he looked at me with his mouth half open. "I didn't think you would have wanted me to-do" he paused.

He looked at me with a Devious smirk as he walked up to me. I tried to keep a straight face but I'm freaking out tight about now. He placed his hand under my chin and leaned down as his lips gently met mine. He pulled away and looked into my eyes as I smiled. "How was that?" He asked. My heart was now racing. I felt as though I was in a trance.

My mouth opened and closed like a gasping fish. "Speechless" he said and then he kissed me again. He gripped my waist and my hands flew around his neck. "Guys i-" I quickly pushed him off and looked at Emily with a 'oops' expression. "Oh" she said with a 'i knew it' look and walked away. He leaned in to kiss me again and I pushed him off. "Can I take you out some time?" He asked. "I'll think about it" I said and walked away.

I walked away trying to give off a hot look and I think I aced it. I went into the kitchen and Emily sat down looking at me. I tried to ignore her but I couldn't. "Ahhhh!" We both yelled hugging. "That was so hot!" I yelled. "I saw you" she said. "You snooped" I said. "Would you blame me?" She asked. "Noo!" I said. "So what was it like?" She asked. I sighed and leaned on the table imaging it again.

"Ohhhh girl I'm so happy!" She said. "Ladies" Angelo said coming down the stairs. I looked up and began flushing and Emily a couldn't help but laugh. "Stop it Emily" I said trying to cool down. "I can help with that" she said and got up. I watched as she came back with a glass of water and threw it on me.

I gasped and looked down at my now soacked clothes. Angelo walked in and began laughing at me. I growled and went into the kitchen and caught a pan filled with water. I came out and stood in front of her. "Hey wait!" She yelled trying to run. "I don't think so" I said with a smile before throwing it all in her.

She stood with her mouth opened as she looked at me. "It's a war" she said.


"Ahhhh!" I yelled as both Angelo and Emily we're after me. "Noooo!" I yelled as I felt the water splash on my back. We laughed as we all fell to the ground laughing.


"Weeee" Angelo yelled as he skated across the floor. "Your making this harder" I said to him. "It's not my fault I'm so sexy" he said smirking and I but my lips to prevent you blush. We mopped the floor and laughed when Angelo fell.


Emily's P O V

"Hey guys I'm heading out for a little okay" I said. "Are you sure?" Angela asked. "I'm going to talk to Elijah" I said. "Oh okay" Angela said. "Be careful baby" Angelo said. "I will. I'll be back soon" I said as I grabbed my car keys and my phone and went outside. I closed the door behind me and went to my car.

I stretched but was mindful not to stretch too much. I opened the car door and got in and switched the car on. I closed the door and backed out of the drive way as I headed up the street.


I decided to stop at work first. I oark the car in the lot and went inside. The bell on the door ringed and I smiled as I walked in. There wasn't much people in today. "Hey Mr Everald" I said and he turned towards me. "Hey" he said seeming shocked as he came to me and hugged me. I kinda braced him back a bit so he wouldn't hurt my wound.

"How are you?" He asked. "I'm okay. I'm not here to work though. I'm not ready as yet" I said. "I understand" he said. I turned to see Agustus sitting at a table by himself. He looked at me and smiled before he turned back to his menu.

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