What's going on Elijah?

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A what?!

Emily's P O V

I sat back and tried to catch my breath as I gripped the seat. I then opened my eyes and turned to Eli. "What. Was. That?!" I asked. "I'll tell you when I get home" he said through clenched teeth.  I took in a sharp breath and closed my eyes as I tried to think happy thoughts.

He yanked me inside the house and threw me down on the couch. "Elijah what is the meaning of this?!" I yelled. "Okay I'll tell you just ask...I've been hiding this too long now enough" he said. "Just talk" I said.

"I'm a gang leader" he said and my eyes went wide and my heart stopped. "A. What??" I asked. "I'm a gang leader. I am the boss for a gang" he said and I got up and slapped him across the face. His jaw clicked and I heard him take in a deep breath.

"How could you?!" I yelled. "And now what I'm involved?!" I asked. "Yes...your supposed to do undercover work" he said and I slapped him again. "I'm your sister!" I yelled. "I know but you needed a job desperately so I though you could do this" he said.

I slapped him again. I was angry yes but it also made me feel good. "God would you please stop doing that?!" He yelled. I gave him one more and giggled a little. "I'm done now" I said. "Elijah I'm very disappointed in you. The last thing I expected you to do was to put our lives at risk and now you have" I said.

"I'm so sorry Em" he said. "I don't even know what to really say to you right now" I said. "I'm pissed Eli. Very pissed" I said. "Your unbelievable" I said and got up from the couch and went to my room.

"Emily please forgive me won't you?" He asked. "Oh I will.....in due time" I said and closed my door. When I thought about it my heart bled. Me going and doing some undercover sh*t and having my life at risk.

That means it is... if he has so many guns.  And people just walking into his apartment building and trying to kill him. At this moment my blood was boiling. He hid this from me the whole time. That means I was already in danger. No wander why he got this damn house so quick.

Eli. I don't know why you did this but I'm not taking any part in it. This is some bull sh*t. How could he do this to me? To us? He was supposed to be wiser than this. I threw myself in my bed and sighed. "Where do I go from here?" I asked myself.

"I'm sorry that I disappointed you" he said from the other side of the door. "Why?" I asked as tears rolled down my cheek. "I needed the money and I needed to show the court I was independent enough to take care of you" he said. "Well I guess you tricked them" I said and I heard him sigh and lean against the door.

I didn't even bother to let him in. I pulled the covers from my bed and wiped my tears as I hopped in. I'm blank right now. I don't even know what else to say to him. I don't know what else to think.

A gang leader.

Elijah's P O V

I placed the bottle of liquor down and went for a next one. I burst the cap off and turned it at my head once more. "Emily I'm so sorry" I said to the wall. I turned on my side and gulped down more of the burning liquor.

I got up and staggered to my room but not without bumping into things. "Why did I even agree to do it? I could have found another job" I said to the mirror. But then once your in there's no coming out of it.

I dropped myself on the bed but bumped my head and it began bleeding. I groaned and placed my hand on my head but then I ignored it. I turned the bottle at my head again and got comfortable in bed.

F*ck my life because now I f*cked up. If I hadn't been so silly to carry her there then she wouldn't have known. I'm an idiot. Now I have placed my sisters life in trouble. I'm sorry.

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