Shine on me

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Get drunk and talk sh*t

Emily's P O V

Again I woke up because of the same old thing. A replay of my past life. I'm so lucky I get to live it all over again. I walked over to my window and opened it up. "Elijah...I miss you so much" I said and walked away from there. I haven't heard anything from Cinthia since she left but I hope she comes to look for me.

I know nothing about the gang now it was just like before except...Henry still comes along and Elijah is dead. This is what I wanted but not without Elijah. I was comfortable with him wherever we were. Henry and Angela will be coming over for a sleep over and I'm honestly thankful for that. If not for them then I would be wrapped up in my nightmares.

My phone buzzed and I walked over to it. I took it up and saw the message.

''s life. I know the answer a living hell. I know and I'm enjoying it'.

So these messages were still coming in and I honestly didn't even mind anymore. It was just talk or should I say text. I was only being remembered all the time. I'm glad it's only messages for they can do me no harm with messages. I've gone through worst so this should be nothing for me.

I walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I opened the door and screamed. "Uh!" I gasped as I jumped back. Elijah was on the floor all bloody and his hands were stretching out to me and then he disappeared. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I went into the bathroom not closing the door. After all I'm the only one here.

I look into the mirror and saw someone else. A girl with a bored, tired face and she had bags under her eyes. I looked at my hair and it was growing wildly. I can't tell the last time I got a hair cut or even curled my hair or washed it. I sighed and began filling the tube. I sat down as I watched the water flow. My life was boring now.

I couldn't think of anything to do. All that I ever needed was Elijah and now he's gone. What am I supposed to do now? I've been asking the question for  a very long while now and it hasn't been answered as yet. I turned the tap off and stripped myself as I sat in the tub. I sighed and began to soap myself.


"Ahhh!" I yelled as they both held me and dragged me out of the car. Another man was helping my father. I kicked at them and they grabbed a hold of my foot. I grabbed onto the door and my phone began ringing. I looked at it and I saw that Elijah was calling. "Grab the phone" my dad yelled and I reached over to it and answered it.

"Elijah help Dad has me!" I yelled and the man dragged the phone from my hands and smashed it. They pulled me out but I had my hand in between the door. "Help!" I yelled but it looked as though people were afraid to help me because everyone that passed just hurried along. I began crying but I didn't stop fighting.

"Stop!" I yelled at them and my dad slammed the door on my hand. "Ahhh!" I yelled dragging my hand from there and flashing it. I felt as though my knuckles broke, maybe they did. I cried as they both lifted me from the ground and marched into this abandoned looking house. "please" I begged. "Your wasting your breath" the man said.

"This will haunt you. Whatever you will do to me it will haunt you forever!" I yelled. "Yeah are the one who's gonna be haunted" he laughed. I struggled as they kicked open the door and there was the bed right in front of me. "I'm excited" my dad said. "Help! Help!" I yelled as my throat got hoarse. "Place her down" my dad said.

"You will enjoy this too. Well maybe it will be just us who will be enjoying but that's the point of this" he said. "Why do you enjoy hurting me? Your own daughter" I asked. "I don't know...I love seeing your brother go nuts and your screams gives me pleasure...and it's also pay back to your mother" he said and that's when his hand slammed in my face.

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