A Tragedy

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Heart beat stops.

Emily's P O V

I stayed up the whole night. I couldn't sleep. All I remembered was Henry, confession, kiss, and wet. That's all that was on my mind. Do I love him too? I don't know what else to do. My phone buzzed and I took it up.

"Good morning....I see you nearly got f*cked continue on that path...I like it"

Who the hell is this? Is this person watching me or something? What. I was confused now. What am I going to do? I ran my hand through my hair. I don't want to come out of this room. I mean I can't how will I face Henry. I will only feel broken once more. I dropped back in my bed. I'm getting very weary and tired.

"Ahhhh!" I yelled as I grabbed the sheet and tried ripping it. What is wrong with me? "Tell me" I said looking at the wall. "Don't you want to give me some advice...tell me why" I said as I went closer to it. You might think I was talking to the wall but I was seeing my mom.

"Mom tell me please. Why did you leave me to suffer like this?" I asked. "Why did you do it? You should have taken me along with you mom" I said. "I'm dying slowly and no one notices..no one knows or understands me and no one can. No one feels my pain. Mom I need you back. Come take me with you" I said.

Her face was sad and filled with guilt and regret. I wanted to get to her I wanted to go. "Mommy" I said. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to leave you like this and I really miss you. I regret leaving you like that baby girl" she said. I sighed and looked away. "Your fake" I said and turned my back to the wall and she disappeared.

"Em" he said and I got up. "Elijah I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone" I said. "Listen to me I'm not in the mood for your crap now" he said pulling me up. "Kill me" I said and he stopped and turned to me. "What?" He asked. "Do it...your experience...you can do it" he said and he placed his hand over my mouth. "Shut up" he said and continued pulling me.

It's kinda late and my stomach growled but I didn't pay that any mind. "Help!" I yelled as I gripped onto his shirt. He looked at my with a shocked and confused expression. "What is wrong with you?!" He yelled. "I don't know Eli I've got a weird feeling in my gut...that today is a bad day" I said. "You could simply say your hungry" he said. "You stupid! I'm not hungry" I said and he laughed.

"Okay baby sis" he said and squeezed my cheek. "What's up on the menu?" I asked. "Tuti fruiti" he said and I screamed and he covered his ears. "What is it!" Bryan yelled as he rushed inside. "Some fruiti woti thing!" Harry yelled. "Are you serious?" Shawn asked. "Don't you see Emily is loosing her head" Marcus said. "Shut up" Eli said and I smiled.

He got the tuti fruiti and gave it to me. I was stress eating again. I sat down in front of the TV watching a cartoon called Strange Magic. It's old but it's a good cartoon. The Strange Magic is actually love. It shows me that no matter what you are or who you are there is love out there. Well love for them and not for me. I guess who so ever made me forgot something.


Henry didn't come out and I've been out here for two hours straight. I finally got up with the yogurt in my hand and I went outside. "Where are you going?" Elijah asked. "I want some cool air" I said. "Go to the back" he said and I nodded. I walked around the back and ended up in front of a lake.
The hell. Why didn't I know that there was a lake? I sighed and sat down as the water sang to me and told me it's stories from it's ripples.

I sat as the breeze held me in it's arms. That was the only comfort I got. I just realized that I'm way too good at goodbye. Everyone I love hates me or disappears I can't afford to lose Henry also. I stuffed more of the yogurt in my mouth and sighed. I got up and brushed my butt off and went back inside. This was like a wake up for me. I really miss my normal life. I wanna go home.

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