You'll Pay

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I made him very angry.

Emily's P O V

"Wake up it's time to train!" Someone yelled and I got up groaning. "Why do you always shout? I'm right here" I said with my eyes still closed as I dropped back in bed and pulled the covers over my body. "No one said anything about training" I said and got comfy.

"Get up!" The person yelled again as the sheet was pulled off of me. "If it's one thing I hate more than yelling is someone waking me up!" I yelled and threw myself back in bed. "Okay" the person said and I heard the footsteps go to the left side of the bed.

I only felt when someone's hand or foot came crashing in my back and I landed on the floor. My eyes shot open and I groaned as I held onto my back. I looked up and saw a angry face staring down at me.

"Henry" I said looking up at him confused. "If you think you could kick me in the b*lls yesterday and come today smiling with me then it doesn't work. You wanna be a man well let's train like a man" he said. "Who said anything about being a man?" I asked.

"FYI I didn't ask to be a man. You made me one" I said as I got up. "That's the spirit" he said as he dragged me up. "Ugh let me go" I grunted and he did but roughly. "Henry" I said whining. "Come training starts now" he said.

I walked towards the bathroom and he walked in my way. "Can I at least shower or do you want to join?" I asked. "Training. Starts. Now" he said and I rolled my eyes. I knelt down and dragged out a suitcase and began picking out clothes.

He took me up off of my knees and gripped onto my arm tightly with his left hand. I looked at his right arm to see a cast on it. "You broke your arm...then it was in the hit and run. Then why wear a cast now?" I asked.

"I was trying to allow it to self heal but that didn't work out. I was afraid. I never really needed a doctor before" he said before his expression changed to a cold one. He walked off pulling me along with him. I kinda noticed that bruise and the way his right hand clinged to his side all the time.

He pulled me right into the torture room. "Why am I in here?" I asked. "To train" he smirked. "Your arm is broken" I said. "I'll show you what a broken arm can do" he said. "I already know the answer. Nothing" I said and he chuckled.

It was kinda creepy but I was prepared for anything and I mean anything. He through a stick towards me out of nowhere and I caught it. "Good reflexes" he said. All of a sudden he came towards me trying his best to hit me hard with the stick.

I placed mine in front of me and his landed on mine with a hard impact slightly cracking my stick. "Uh!" I gasped. He pulled away and lunged after me again and I blocked him. "Stop!" I yelled. "You can't tell an enemy that" he said.

Okay I was getting afraid now. He used the stick trying to hit me in the head and I doged it but his foot came and knocked me of mine and I landed on my back and had the air knocked out of my lungs.

I laid there trying to breathe when I saw the stick coming towards me. "Ah!" I screamed and placed my stick out and his hard force broke my stick in two. I got on my stomach and coughed as I pushed myself up only to have his elbow slamming in my back.

I fell on my stomach coughing and wheezing as I turned to him. He was red and puffing and filled with anger. That's it I'm done. I was angry, very angry and there was one flare about me. When I'm angry I forget who you are and what you are.

I got up and gripped onto my two sticks. "Now you just pissed me off Henry. Wrong move" I said and ran towards him. I threw one of my stick in the air which caused him to look and I used the other and slapped him in his leg. "Ah!" He yelled.

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