Opened wounds

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Henry's past.

Emily's P O V

Open wounds begin to bleed and here grew another seed, a seed that will keep me in my chains from which I will never be free again. My eyes fluttered open and I scoffed. In here reeks of liquor, ice-cream, beer, blood and sweat. My tears have soaked my pillow and my sheet and here I am staring at the ceiling not wanting to move.

My hand was throbbing and my throat was dry and burning. My phone buzzed and I threw it to the ground. I didn't sleep at all. I sat up crying and screaming. I might have had many concussions from me banging my head on stuffs. I wrestled with my nightmares last night but they took the best of me.

I sat up in bed and blocked the sunlight that was coming through. 'Why do you look like that?' Elijah asked and I turned to were he stood. "Your in a hole" I said trembling not because I was afraid but because my body was still in shock. He disappeared and I sighed as I got up. The bottle fell spreading splinters all over and I just went to the bathroom.

Henry's P O V

"Come on tell me" she whined as she bounced in the bed. "Come here" I said and she came to me. She sat on me and I began rubbing her shoulders. I removed the bra strap and kissed her shoulder. "Stop I need to know" she said pushing me away. "Why do you want to know about her?" I asked. "You seemed very interested in her" she said.

"She's my bosses sister okay. I was her bodyguard" I said. "Did you ever go out? Or had s*x? Or dated?" She asked. "No, no and no" I said. "Oh thank God" she said and I laughed. "Now you can get what you want" she said as she leaned over and kissed me softly. She pulled away and I grabbed her head and gave her a heated kiss. "Wow" she said and flipped us and pulled her down to me.

Emily's P O V

I decided to go and visit his tomb just to see how it looks and maybe talk to him. I walked around the cemetery and saw his tomb. I fell to the ground like shattered glass. It pained to see him there covered in dirt. I touched the tomb and dried my nose. "H-hey" I said as I gulped. "I'm sorry I placed you here" I said.

"You must hate me now" I said. I laid on his tomb and smiled a bit. "Elisha is growing and he's very handsome" I said. "We miss you so much" I said crying again. "I-I can't L-Let you go" I said wiping my nose again. "Why should I?" I asked. "So you can move on" someone said and I jumped up. "Henry" I said and he smiled a little.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "You see that man" he said pointing to Elijah's grave. "I knew him" he said and I rolled my eyes as I wiped my tears. "Don't play around. You have no idea how this feels!" I yelled. "I have no idea?" He asked laughing again. "You know what get out!" I yelled. He ran up to me and gripped my arms as I looked into his eyes with shock.

"Yes I know how it feels to lose someone so precious. I know how it feels to feel like your sinking and there is no one to pull you up!" He yelled. "Come!" He yelled and pulled me along. "You see her. She's Genius Wells, I called her Genie because that's what she was like to me" he said. "I don't understand" I said.

He sighed and looked down at the grave and tears came to his eyes. "When I was about five years old I was given to an orphanage. I knew both my parents. They didn't want me so they gave me up. My mom gave me up because I wasn't hers I was my dad's. My dad gave me up because he loved my mom more.

In the orphanage we fought for almost everything. We fought to eat, we fought to sleep and we even fought to shower. Almost every night I was bullied by this huge kid called Biggs. He would call me abandoned and always remind me of my past. He did it until one day I couldn't take it anymore and I banged him in the head with a pot and I was beaten.

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