Home alone

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So this is how been retired feels.

Emily's P O V

I woke up with Eli staring at me. "Ahhh!" I yelled and he laughed. "Stop I'm not that ugly" he said and I laughed. "don't do that" I said grabbing him by his tie. "Okay" he said staring awkwardly at me.

"So what do you want?" I said relaxing. "Well take care of yourself I'm going to work" he said. "Okay" I said as I slumped back into my bed. This I can tell is going to be a very boring day. I then went back to sleep right after hearing Elijah closing the door.

Elijah's P O V

I'm so scared and concerned about having her there. Oh well never think negative. I hoped in my car and sped off praying to God to keep her safe.

Emily's P O V

I woke up stretching. I felt lazy so lazy I didn't even want to open my eyes. I don't understand all this time waking early wasn't a problem but now I can barely even open my eyes. I groaned and got up out bed. I went to the shower and filled the tub.

I came out of the bathroom and went downstairs I looked in the refrigerator and wasn't really pleased. "This fridge is empty" I said groaning as I dragged myself up the stairs. I went into the bathroom and turned the water off.

I stripped myself and got into the tube. "Ahhhh" I said as I relaxed. Well I don't really have anything to do and I'm still a little shocked that I almost kissed my boss. Yack.

What if I did? Would we be together or stuff? I mean I don't know anything about love...I didn't even get it from my parents. Only my mom and my brother. My laugh is sad and highschool wasn't all that good either.

.................. Flashback................

"Ahaha! Why do you look like that? Did your man beat you?" The meanest girl in the school Julia said. "Julia stop" Angela my bestest said as she came to defend me. "Angela don't you have your drunk father to attend to?" Julia asked. I was tired of this.

I was tired of hearing all these taunts. I was tired of going to school with a busted face. I was tired of being weak. I got so angry that I punched her and broke my knuckles. She landed on the ground crying and I was ganged. Angela tried to help me but they were too much.

On top of that my father was informed about it. That his 16 year old daughter punched a girl in the face. I was afraid for when I arrived home there he was with a belt in his hands standing in the door way.

I dropped my bag on the ground and walked up to him. "Don't look so fierce" he smiled. "When will you stop? When will you die?" I asked and he gripped me by my neck. I was so angry with him and myself that I ignored the pain and only stared venomously into his eyes.

"You will come to regret saying that" he said. "You can kill me but I'll just die with one thing on my heart...I will die knowing my brother is safe if you died too" I said. "I'm going to kill you!" He yelled. "Then see you in hell you b*tch!" I yelled at him.

He used the buckle and slapped me across the face causing blood to ooze from my wound that was there. As I turned to look at him his shoes came flying in my face.

I woke up that night tied and was naked in his bed. "Ahhhhh!" I tried to scream but my mouth was taped. "I thought that instead of beating you why don't I do this" he said as he came over me.

I knew it was no use fighting but I didn't stop. "Stop" he said flicking out his knife and placed it at my neck. "Your nasty" I cried surprised that it came out. "Come on...why do you think you call me daddy huh? Because I can tap the p*ssy good" he said and I felt like vomiting.

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