You sigh.


"Stay as long as you need."

You hug him before you two sit quietly.
You are stunned at seeing Shuri, Nakia, Ramonda, and Ross. Even more stunned when they tell you what happened.

Anger stirs in you but you calm it enough to go with them before M'Baku. M'Baku has always liked you: the quiet Jabari woman who has the blessings of the gods.

You listen quietly as the group talks.

"Was it done properly?"

You glare at M'Baku and he feels as if you are ready to say something.

"You are an ass."

He blinks as you pull the fur you wear close to you.

"You only care for tradition and here they are telling you that the tradition done will lead this country to ruins but yes: your tradition."

M'Baku flushes red.

"I know about the body pulled from the river. Is it T'Challa?"

M'Baku is silent.

"It is him. Come. I know where he would be."

You quickly lead the group away and M'Baku follows. Arriving, he watches as Ramonda crushes the herb and feeds it to T'Challa's comatose body. You go about healing his injuries.
M'Baku feels you watching him and T'Challa.

"No. The Jabari will not help."

You snort before turning, your fur following the motion.

"T'Challa. Don't bother trying to speak sense into the man. We have a bigger problem."

You take T'Challa's hand and pull him after you. M'Baku frowns.

Are you and T'Challa more than friends?
You destroy the two ships with ease and Erik blinks in shock as T'Challa walks forward with you. You are in a black catsuit made by Shuri. It can absorb kinetic energy and you can then use it in your magic or hand to hand. There is also a covering of your lower face. Your eyes are no longer their calm black but are now a pure white.

The border tribe charges and T'Challa runs forward. Your hands glow black as you begin to fight as well.

T'Challa is stunned by your ruthlessness. You had just snapped a Man's neck with ease and had a calm look in your eyes. You rip a spear from a man and run it through him and two other men.

Ayo blinks at how merciless you fight. When W'Kabi calls the rhinos, you summon elephants and large cats. They're eyes are white: the only sign they are under your control.

You and T'Challa see Erik standing over shuri. You both attack, going over the edge.


You all land on the tract and you are instantly on Erik.

"Hey baby," he says and you growl before sending a powerful punch, which he barely dodged.

He kicks you off and you land in a crouch in front of T'Challa. Your magic is snapping and popping around you.

"Yield N'Jadaka."


"I don't want to kill you," T'Challa says.

"I do though," you quietly say.

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