"Thea, we need to leave, I don't trust that man," Luka all but begged when Loki had left. They argued back and forth but the confusion Thea felt and the instinct to protect Juliette won and they packed up to flee once again. They drove for hours into the night before choosing a place and backtracking in case they were followed.

The motel they found was nice, but mostly vacant. Once they got to their room on the third floor, she spent the next two hours scouting the place and surveying the parking lot in case of any danger that may have found them.

Many miles away back with team Romanoff, the team had finished looking through the small amount of information that was pulled from the flash drive before Thea made her escape with it.

"So," Darcy concluded as she sat amidst the rubble in the room, "we now know that Luka could possibly still be alive and is somehow connected to our new friend who has a fascination with flash drives. This 'Echo' group you heard on the girl, Thea's, phone from her friend is after her because she can absorb other people's powers. And to top it off, this Thea chick is an accomplished assassin at a young age of 23 for our favorite club HYDRA."

Bobbi sighed before sarcastically rolling her eyes at the brunette. "Yeah, I think that just about covers it, but why did those guys want Nat?"

They all looked to Natasha for an answer, but she just shrugged her shoulders and continued going through the dead mans pockets. He had nothing but weapons on him, not even a radio to use to trace back to wherever Echo was operating from. "He said that they needed me later, but I'm just as confused as you are. And what the hell did he mean when he said, 'they are coming for me'? she asked with air quotations.

"Whatever it is," Dove voiced from the behind the laptop, "we have more problems to worry about. It looks like the girl just defected from HYDRA." He continued to scan through the information he gathered from a contact. "It looks like she actually 'stole' the information that we stole from them, they aren't sure because she wiped their systems.

Bobbi then stood up in revelation, "since the file had information on Thea, she had to of known about it before hand. And what if Echo had a key to it? As soon as Darcy accessed it, it could have tipped them off. What if Thea was only a part of HYDRA so that she could monitor this Echo group?"

"That's a serious long shot," Natasha said as she sighed in frustration. "But now Echo isn't the only one after her, HYDRA is too, so...."

"No," Darcy said as she started shaking her head. "You aren't going to say what I think you're going to say." When Natasha didn't respond, Darcy groaned in defeat.

"Care to enlighten me?" Dove asked when all three women in the group got up to gather their belongings.

"We have to find her before anyone else does," Bobbi said. "For her own protection as well as for us to find out more."

"Okay, I need the hack to all of your secret girl code talk. I can never keep up with you all," he said before going to his room to grab his own stuff. "I was looking forward to a hot bath tonight in a nice new hotel or something."

About an hour later, the group was on the road and following the tracker that was on Thea's car. They knew she would have dumped it, but the location could at least point them in the right direction. When they got there though, they found the car totally trashed. Dumped in a small town next to a bar, they discovered that either HYDRA or Echo had gotten to it first in search of any clues. Natasha peeled off and went into the bar without a word while the others went through the car just to be sure there wasn't anything they could go on. Just as they figured, there was nothing.

Agitated, Darcy threw her arms up in defeat. "At least Nat had the right idea and got a drink. God I can only imagine what she must be going through."

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