Everybody Included - A Little Tipsy, But Otherwise Okay

Start from the beginning

"I think." Lance took several seconds, getting lost in the not-water as it swished up against the sides of the bottle as he swirled it around in the bottle, the thing almost completely empty already. Wait, how many drinks he get? Was the bottle full? Of course, it was, Hunk was pretty sure it was full, and Lance had drunk the entire thing, "I think I'm gonna go find Keith." He looked up, a grin splitting his face as he came up with what he was going to do next.

"But-" quick, think of a way to make him stay put, so Hunk could figure out what the stuff Lance had been drinking was. Maybe Coran knew? "you hate Keith."

"Meh," Lance waved the concern away, narrowly missing the cabinet behind him as he suddenly turned and teetered towards the door, Hunk not even noticing that Lance had grabbed another one of the bottles on his way out, leaving the poor Hawaiian standing shell-shocked at the drunk teen leaving the room.

He just got Lance drunk.

Hunk gripped the countertop in an attempted to wrap his mind around what had just happened.

He just got Lance drunk.

Shiro was going to kill him.


Keith was currently curled up on one of the many couches sitting around the lounge, fiddling with a small device that Pidge had claimed was some kind of mp3 player that she had been able to download "emo music" onto, but he was yet to get any results from the blue screen that continued to remain blank in his hands.

"Come on," he grumbled at the device, reaching up to readjust the green tinted headphones that were a little too small for him to be using, but it was the only thing he could find, and Pidge had let him use them so...

"Keeeeiiiith, where aaaare yooooou?" Somebody's voice rang through the halls, and Keith had the sudden urge to run and hide, fast.

Instead, he shoved the "mp3" in his jacket pocket, threw the headphones behind the couch in one swift motion, curled up on his side with his back to the rest of the room, squeezing his eyes shut, and pretended to be asleep.

"Keeiith? Are you in here?" The off-tone and slightly unnerving voice was in the room now, and Keith had finally pinpointed the voice to be Lance's, but he sounded a little off and- Drunk? Why would Lance be drunk? And where would he have even gotten the stuff from?

The next time he spoke was right behind his ear, "Hey there."

Keith just about had a heart attack, limbs flailing as he suddenly found himself in a heap on the floor with Lance laughing his head off beside him. "The fuck, Lance, what are you doing? You just don't do that to people when they're trying to sleep!" He scolded, trying to get his bearing back together, scooting his but back up and onto the couch again, Lance plopping down beside him.

"I was looking for you, I wanted to give you this," with those words, Lance thrust a bottle into Keith's hands. He completely ignored Keith's scolding, which, if Keith was sure Lance was in his right mind, would have blown up in an argument right then and there, but, Keith didn't think he was, so crisis averted I guess.

The teen looked at the bottle questioningly, it didn't look to be anything special. The thing didn't have a label on it but appeared to be a bit bigger than your average wine bottle, and the liquid inside wasn't colored or anything. Maybe it was water?

"Go on, try it." Lance hiccupped, taking another swig from his own similar bottle, the last of its contents gone and Lance pouted as he looked into the empty bottle.

"Are- are you drunk?" Keith raised a questioning eyebrow and Lance, in turn, furrowed his own.

"Yeah? So? You need this more, you'll lighten up a little, emo." He laughed, giving another hiccup.

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