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An unsettling feeling rested in her gut as she let go of Peter walking forward towards where Mantis was, "what the hell?" Her eyes locking onto the area where she was, dust flying around. 

She turned to check on her dad and Peter before moving forward, her attention moved to Drax who was staring at his arm. Her eyes widened as she saw dust crawling up his arm, disappearing. Drax head looked up slowly towards his friend, "Quill?"

And he was gone.

Beth's breathing picked up as she felt like the world was falling on top of her lungs, Tony took a step closer to her. His eyes locked onto Quill who's friends just disappeared in front of his eyes, "steady, Quill." His panicked eyes stared at them as he started to fade too, "oh man."

Beth couldn't move, she couldn't breathe. They lost. They really lost. And now Thanos was doing what he said he would. Frustrated tears welled up in her eyes causing her face to burn as she pushed them back. Tony looked over towards Doctor Strange as he called out for him, "Tony." Beth turned to stare at the wizard, "there was no other way." He stilled and then he was gone too.

"Mr. Stark."

No. Not him. Please, not him. The air in her lungs left as she was too afraid to turn around, "Beth." 

The first tear fell down her face before it became a waterfall, the fear and the pain in his voice made her heart crack in her chest. Slowly, she turned around and the sob that escaped her lips was unstoppable. His chocolate brown eyes that always held the look of curiosity and happiness were now panicked and scared. She saw his skin crackling as he started to disappear, he stumbled closer to her.

"I don't feel so good."

Beth choked as she no longer felt in control of her body as she stood there, "I don't... I don't know what's happening. I don't-"

He cut himself off as he stumbled towards her before falling into her arms, her legs fumbling back before holding him in her arms. His arms locked around her as tight as he could but Beth could feel his strength slipping away from him, "I got you, I'm here."

"I don't want to go."

That's all it took for her body to be shaking violently with sobs. "I don't want to go, please." Her knees were buckling and she couldn't stand much longer, "please, I don't want to go." Beth's knees collapsed under her, forcing the two of them to the ground. She took most of the impact onto her knees before she lowered his body onto the ground, Peter's eyes wandered the sky before they locked onto her blue eyes.

Beth reached up stroking his hair softly, his disappearing hand grasping hers as tight as he could trying to find something to ground him.

Another sob shook her body as she placed a fragile kiss to his forehead. His hand squeezed her hand tighter, "I'm scared." And she was thrown back to Alaska but now the roles were reversed and Peter was fading away in her arms, "it's okay, it's okay. I'm right here." 

Was this how he felt? Helpless? Having to watch as the person you loved die right in your arms, not being able to stop it. 

As the ash started taking over his chest he looked at her one last time, "I love you so much."

And he was gone.

The person who brought her out of her shell; told her it was going to be okay when she didn't believe it herself. The person who inspired hope in her, the person that she loved.


Her hand pressed against her mouth to keep the loud ugly sobs from racking her body. Her flaming blue eyes frozen on the dust that covered her hands. 

Rage consumed her, she let out one of the most heartbreaking screams that Tony had ever heard. Her fists raised above her head before slamming them into the ground, Nebula and Tony heard the ground crack. Her powers shooting to the core of the planet freezing it from the inside out. And she didn't care about the pain from overworking herself, she wanted to feel anything other than her heartbreaking.

Tony's eyes snapped to his grieving daughter as the whole planet turned to ice, Beth's fists meeting the ground as ice layered the ground for as far as he could see. Her hands became even bloodier and bruised as she slammed them into the ground. 

Over and over again.

Tony stumbled over, kneeling to the ground next to her. Pulling her back to his chest as he tried to stop her, Beth's limbs flailed. Weakly hitting at his arms as she tried to escape, "let me go. Let me go!" And Tony's heart broke for his daughter, his heart was nothing but a bunch of shattered pieces after watching Peter go. Now seeing his daughter become self-destructive in her anger, saddened him deeply.

"Beth, stop it. You're killing yourself!" He could feel her whole body tremble in rage, her skin was frozen to the touch. The crystal that resided inside the snowflake emblem where her necklace was, glowed brightly. Her whole body beginning to glow brightly, Tony was so shocked that her weak frame was able to wiggle out of his hold.

Raising her arms to slam them into the floor, she brought her arms down but her hands never hit the ground. 

They had turned to dust.

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