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Back in New York, Tony was pacing the room frantically. The what if's going through his head were driving him mad. What if he had said yes and gone with her, what if she's hurt, what if she's not coming back. All the thoughts made his anxiety skyrocket.

Pepper was typing away on her laptop to see if they could get a last known location of the plane they took.

"We know she went to go find her mother, I remember it was at some park that got really cold about 7 years ago I think." Tony's mind was blanking as he tried to remember what Beth was telling him that day in the Avengers facility.

They had talked to May prior to where they were now. She was going through Peter and Beth's room to see if she's found anything, Pepper and Tony went through Beth's apartment even though she doesn't stay there often.

The ring of Tony's phone stopped him from pacing as he frantically opened the text from May, the picture showed a crinkled sticky note.

Here's the symbol you were looking for :) -MJ

"She was talking about a symbol, her friend must have helped her." Tony was heading towards the door as Pepper grabbed her bag and followed him, "let's go find our daughter."


Michelle sat in the library, her head in her third book. "Michelle Jones," MJ looked up from her book and was met with the eyes of Pepper Potts and Tony Stark.

"Mr. Stark, it's an honor to meet you. Um, can I help you with something?" They both took a seat in front of her causing MJ's anxiety to spike, "you found some kind of symbol for Beth?" Pepper questioned softly seeing MJ's panicked expression, MJ stuttered. "Yeah, she said it was for a project she was doing for you."

Her eyes flickered between her best friend's parents, "did something happen to her?"

Pepper sighed before thinking of something without revealing Beth's other identity, "Peter and Beth took one of the jets. We think she's trying to find her biological mother," MJ's eyes widened. You don't really hear of a teenager stealing a jet but her dad is Iron Man.

She pulled out her phone and typed something into her search bar, "the symbol was from an old abandoned forest park, Blackwood Pines. Temperature dropped a few years ago, no one's been able to enter since."

Tony wrote down the location before standing up, MJ got up as well. "I-I want to help, she's my best friend. I need to make sure she's okay." Tony looked to Pepper who nodded, "you can stay with me at the Avenger's building while Tony goes to find them." MJ nodded picking up her bag and following the two out of the library.


Beth and Peter's hands were laced together as Zena took them inside of the castle. Beth was rapidly asking her mother questions while Peter's eyes wandered around the building. Something was telling him that something was wrong, his spidey-senses were tingling since they stepped into the building.

Peter looked around the completely empty room, his enhanced hearing not hearing anything but the sound of their footsteps or the random rush of wind from outside.

"What was that, outside?" Zena's question made him turned back to the conversation, Beth's hand tightened around Peter's. "That's actually one of the reasons I came to find you," she pulled her hand from Peter's.

He could feel her hand trembling in his earlier, all he wanted to do was hold her and help her find control. Zena stopped walking to face the two of them, she could hear the shakiness in Bethany's voice. Her eyes locked onto the girl's trembling hands, "Alright, come with me. Let's go sit and talk."

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