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Peter's feet had never moved so fast as he rushed over to Bethany who laid on the ground bleeding out. The fresh layer of snow that had laid on the ground was now stained red with her blood, "Beth." Her name fell out of his lips repeatedly as he took her into his arms, a groan slipped from her lips at the movement. Sharp gasps of air left her mouth, blood falling from her lips.

Tony had burst out of his suit before stumbling beside her, his knees meeting the cold surface of the snow. Tears were free falling out of all of their eyes, Peter looked at Tony as a sob racked his body. "Mr. S-Stark, what do I do?" 

Tony never responded because for the first time he didn't know what to do. Peter's hands laid on top of Beth's trying to apply pressure to her wound but they both knew she was losing too much blood. 

Alora took slow steps towards them, her eyes examined Zena who had fallen limp after her last strike to stab Bethany succeeded. Peter shook his head as one of his hands brushed the hair out of Bethany's face, "Beth, Bethany. Hey, look at me." Her head lolled over until her droopy eyes met his, and even though the excruciating pain she was in, she gave him a smile. 

Peter sobbed as his hand shook while he caressed her face so gently, "this wasn't how it was supposed to be." Beth's eyes blinked but her eyes stayed closed a little longer before she fought to keep her eyes opened, her eyes moved to Tony who was crying by her side. One of her hands let go of her wound and gripped onto her dad's and in her final moments, she was so grateful to be surrounded by her family. 

Though some may not be blood they were her family. A tear slipped down her face as she realized that she wouldn't get any more time with them. Peter noticed Beth's lips move as she tried to speak, it was so quiet. Peter wouldn't have heard it if it weren't for his enhanced hearing.

"I love you, always."

Those four words were enough for another heavy sob to rack his body, "I love you too." The corners of her lips upturned as he said it back, the corners of Beth's vision were beginning to turn dark as she kept her eyes locked on Peter.

"I'm scared," Peter hiccuped as he tried to contain himself. "It's okay, we're right here. I'm here." Beth nodded weakly as her vision was taken over by darkness.

Peter had to listen to her heart stop beating, Tony had to feel her hand go limp in his, as Bethany Stark died. 

Tony's words shook as he lifted his head to look at Alora, "can't y-you do something?" Alora had been quiet the whole time, silent tears running down her face. 

A loud cry left Peter, echoing through the forest and through all their ears was the devastating sound of heartbreak. He loved Beth, so much. Their first time saying I love you's were their last. The pain that was erupting in his own chest was tearing his heart into pieces.

The snowfall had stopped, an unbearable silence washing over all of them. Alora dropped down next to them, her hand dragged over Beth's glazed eyes, shutting them. Pulling out a necklace from under her shirt she unclasped it, holding it out to Tony who let it fall into his open hand. It was a simple silver snowflake with an ice blue crystal in the center. "It holds the powers of our ancestry from our part of the planet. Zena was after all three of them, together they hold the entire power of our planet." 

Alora gave him a weak smile before waving her hand, Zena's body moving closer to her. "Tell her I loved her, so much." Peter looked up at her confusedly, Alora placed one of her hands above Bethany's heart and her other on Zena's. 

The sound of ice cracking filled their ears, Tony and Peter watched as Zena's body started turning to ice before rising into the air as snowflakes. Alora's arm started turning to ice, the ice had almost completely wrapped around her body except for her head. With her last moments, she looked at her daughter and smiled knowing she would be okay. 

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