General (Erik Killmonger)

Start from the beginning

You growl and Okoye follows as you leave.

"You're dismisses General."

Okoye hesitates But a nod from you gets her to leave. You salute to her as she leaves the throne room.

You look at Erik. He's in black pants, shirtless, and a matching robe. The jaguar clawed necklace sits on his neck. His dreads are braided back.

"Your majesty. What can I do for you?"

"Don't call me that."

"Call you what your majesty?"


"What is "that" your majesty?"

Erik charges you and hits your chest, like a child throwing a tantrum.

"That's very unbecoming for a king your majesty."


You look at Erik who's breathing hard.

"Stop doing that. Stop. I need...I need you."

"You should have thought of that months ago, weeks ago. What do you need your majesty?"

" I need you."

You look at Erik before pushing him away from you.

"I need to go address your new guards. If that is all your majesty."

Erik heart breaks as you walk out.
Erik enters your office and sees you are busy working. On a board is various notes on how to fix a formation.

"Yes your majesty?"

"Are you busy?"

"Not necessarily. I finished the training for the day with the guards and they are on duty. Why?"

"Can we go for a walk?"

You look at him with cool eyes before standing. You put your bracelet on before grabbing your arm cuffs and slipping them on.


"They keep my powers in check your majesty."

"Erik...please General."

You pause before sighing.

"Erik. Shall we?"

You two leave your office and begin walking. Erik hesitates but takes your hand. He is surprised when you allow him.



"I know you're angry with me...or disappointed with me...but...I need your forgiveness. I understand if we never go back to...before but...Itimu I can't live with you hating me."

You two are now in the garden. You sit under a tree and Erik follows.

"I can't hate you N'Jadaka. Even if I wanted to and I tried but I can't."

Erik straddles your lap. He kisses you and you kiss back.

"I don't approve of this. I can't approve of this. As your husband and your friend I can't let you. I know you want to rewrite history to give blacks a chance against the colonisers and I am here for it. But you ain't think of everything. What if these weapons get in the wrong hands?"

Erik blinks.

"You didn't think of that did you."


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