Where did I go and where do we go from here? (A message from me~Not an Update~)

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So, I have't been on wattpad mostly for awhile because everything broke on me, literally, no joke XD. First my phone broke and then my laptop broke on me :(. So those were not fun times at all XD. I am using an old phone now and my grandpa surprised me with a new and improved laptop,  its pink and kawaii and I love it and it is mine (lol look at me, fangirling over my new laptop >_<!) Anyways,before all this happened I was having major writers block, its never a fun time when that happens. 

Now, where do we go from here. I am just going to say it here. I try really hard to write these stories and sometimes its really tough. I want to write all the XReaders you guys want written, I really do but its super hard sometimes. I just wanted to lay this all out there. I really wish I had the ability to write them all, like a some Super Otaku Fanfiction God, now that'd be freaking sweet XD. But alsas, I am a mere mortal. Some characters are tricky to write then others and also I realy need to be inspired to write something and inspiration is sometimes not easy to come by. So, if its any consulation, I will  do the x Readers I am confident and comfortable in because I don't  want to just throw rubbish stories at you guys. I want to write stories I am proud to share with you guys,  because I love you guys and I love to write ^-^. But you know one day this might all change, I might get  better at writing as I learn more about it, as I am a English Major in College right  now (technically,  I took a year off but going back to it this summer. I needed a break from it for a bit.). I will develop new writing styles, venture out and grow as writer. Just like I am doing by myself right now.

But yes, I will write  the requests that I can weire or the ones that come out good from what I write. I really do adore and appreciate you guys a whole lot, more than you even know. It makes me happy to look at  comments at times when I need it the most ^-^. So enjoy my stories from now and the futures to come. Also, one day I dream to publish my own books one day. When I reach that dream, I will let you guys know about it ^-^. I hope you all are having a magnificent day filled  with anime joy, fangirling/fanboying and XReading here on wattpad (isn't that just lovely? I sound like a disney channel star talking about Disney channel introducing an episode on Disney Channel XD!) Sending love and Kawaii times whenever you are reading this~!

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