Symmetry So Perfect!(Death The Kid X Reader)

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I am so happy and pleased to present this story before Valentines Day. What a treat! I have been working on this story for a couple of days now. So, without further ado, here you go! Happy Early Valentines day everyone!

Sometimes I wonder when I look out my window sill at the crazy creepy moon, that I love so much, what it is like to be perfect in every way. I don't feel perfect, I feel typical. Like the random person in a sea of other people who are just the same as me.

Nothing special, just normal. I wanna be famous, a soul reaper everyone knows for being exceptional. As dazzling as the moon shining down at me. I wish it could share it's magical shine with me. So no one could look away, just as they do with the moon. A force that is always present and constant in one's mind when it appears up in the sky at night.

My grades as a soul Reaper are the Average C's and B's mostly with the occasional A. So not a star student, no pun intended. Also, I can't even speak up to my own crush. He's the headmaster Death son which makes it even harder. Why do I have to like him, out of the whole school. He is way above me in rank of academics and status. He has everything I could ever want. That's only one of the reasons I admire him so much.

I think he is super cute especially when he is super serious. I mean seriously those eyes of his, so dark yet so bright and alight! Also he has the cutest guns, my weapon is just a small handled light blue knife.

Though I still adore my weapon even if he gets on my nerves sometimes. He is always telling me what I should have done after I make an action. I mean, tell me before I do something terribly, ya stupid Blue Blade! That's what I say back to him.

Maybe if I keep trying my best, I will make it up there in the ranks with the greats. Suddenly I hear Blue Blade awaken. He yawns walking over to me. "what the hell are you doing up? Still thinking about that thing you always think about? What was it again? Oh yeah, to be one of the greats? Well, lemme tell Ya that's not gonna happen with you just sitting here pondering on that the whole time. You gotta go out there and get some souls sweetie." he says sardonic like.

I get mad."Grr...Blue Blade I swear! Don't you think I know that already?!?!" he stares at me dumbfounded while blinking his eyes like he thinks I am an idiot. "Then why aren't you doing it then?" I fall over dramatically. "Cause you were asleep, you jerk!!!!"  he bursts out laughing, holding his stomach in laughter.

"Let's go now then. Since I'm awake at the moment. Hurry up before I fall asleep again." He is the absolute worst! But I hate to said but he has a point. I need to do everything I can if I wanna be at the level of my crush Death The Kid. I run after him out the door of the dorm.

Outside is eerily quiet and I have got to admit it I am loving it! I could go for a stroll. I shake my head, that's not why we are out here. We are looking for some souls. As we walk up and down the cobbled gray stoned ground of town Blue Blade stops suddenly.

It was so unexpected I walk into him, bumping my forehead on his shoulder. I immediately touch the inevitable bruise left behind from the contact made with his hard body. "why'd you stop for?" I ask him confused. He glared at me but softened his gaze a little bit after.

"Isn't that that Death Kid you're always gabbing about?" I scowl at him and then look up to see he's right. Across the street is Death The Kid. "It's Death The Kid you numbskull. Be careful what you say. That was rude. He might hear you." I whisper all of this to him. "Oh I'm sorry. I forgot you 'love' him!" He tells me sarcastically while emphasizing Love. He purposely said that loudly to try to embarrass me.

"Shut it! Oh god, he is coming over now!" I try to hide behind a lamppost nearby. He snickers at me. "GREAT hiding place. He'll NEVER find you there..." he needs to stop being so sarcastically mean all the time. I mean I know it's probably the worst place to hide.

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