Falling for You (Yoshii from Baka and Test X Reader)

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Heya guys, oh my gosh I absolutely love this story I wrote and I hope you do as well!
Tagging criss_cross09

What's crackin'?" Yoshii runs up to me excitedly. "Eggs." I respond bluntly. He starts cracking up at that. "Oh gosh! You are a riot (Y/N)! I knew I could count on you for a fast joke."

Noble of Lost Pause: Did someone call  me. Whats crackin' guys-

Author-Chan: Noble get out of my story, I didn't call you. This is not your anime youtube channel time. I love you but please, this is my quality anime content.

Noble: Okay I gotcha Author-Chan. Sorry I will go back to my anime shenanigan uploading self.

Author-Chan: Sorry about that guys won't happen again Also subscribe to the LostPause on YouTube he is awesome and he needs lots of love ^-^! Love him so much! Anyways back to the story.

I smirk at him, Silly Yoshii. "As always I am the pun master. Or Punster as they call me." Yoshii laughs a disheartened laugh. "HAHA! No one calls you that Keep dreaming (Y/N)." I pout at him and stick my tounge out. "Never!"I glance over at him. He is now averting his attention looking elsewhere. This kid does not know how to pay attention.

He is staring at a wall, I swear. I tap his shoulder and he startles. "Gah! You scared me all the way to the depths of Hell! Neve do that again." I shake my head "No promises." The bell rings and we both look towards the ceiling. I takes us a moment to realize that we are late and our internal bell rings. "CRAP!" We both screech. We are running before Iron Man can appear to put us in our place.

we ended up making it to class alive. "That was a wold time wasn't it? Just glad we made it here in one piece." I nod my head furiously in agreement. I giggle until we bust out laughing. "Will the two of you be quiet. It's tome for class to start and you are hindering my ability concentrate and excell in my schooling."

Yoshida looks at his friend Yuuji in utter confusion. "You care about school? Man, I thought you were a slacker like me. Did I misinterpret your flawed characters personality? My mistake." Yuuji grits his teeth at his dear friend. "Say that again why don'tcha. I will fight you."

"enough fighting boys. Here come the teacher now. Shh!" I shush them a little too loudly. Everyone is laughing at us miscreants. Yuuji sighs while shrugging his shoulders at Yoshii.

The teacher quiets everyone and starts taking attendance. Boring I think to myself. Yoshii leans up close to me and whispers to me in my ear. "This is a bore fest isn't it? I wish we could stay at home all day and play videos games, wouldn't that be more fun than this snooze fest."

I smile at him and mouth "Yes". I love that he used Fest 2 times in two separate sentences like it was nothing. Funny as heck! He is right though and I was just thinking the same thing he was about how utterly boring today was.

The teacher throws chalk at the two of us and I catch mine swiftly in two fingers. "Chalk it over teacher. I need more chalk in my life. Yoshii is still rubbing his forehead where his chalk hit him leaving a big red mark. I can still tell how shocked he is at what he has just witnessed me do.

He is also trying to hold in a laugh at my terrible pun all the while. Everyone is talking in hushed tones and gasping astonished.

"You like to tell joke dontcha Miss (Y/N)? Well, if you like to tell jokes so much, why don't you go tell them in detention? Now the jokes on you."

Okay, Ow! that was a burn! From a teacher nonetheless. Man, this sucks. "BWAHAHAHAHA!!!" Yoshii has finally lost it. Our teacher raises a stern eyebrow directed towards Yoshii. "Yoshii, sounds like you want to join her. just for that maniac laugh you get dentition as well today. That is all." he says just as the bell rings.

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