Mind your Manors (Reader X Claude from Black Butler II)

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A story for xXJustMeeeXx ! a heads up to people before you read this story, confused. XD Well, this story will be taking place if Claude never met Aloise. Also there may be K-pop refrences because I was listening to BTS while writing near the middle of the story lol(try to spot them all!). Hope it is enjoyable for your eyes to read ^_^!

I wish my life didn't suck such. I don't who my real parents are. And to top it off my adoptice family hated me so much, that when I turned 12, they just kicked me out! Well you know what screw them! They were never supportive parents anways.

All they ever did was whine, whine and whine some more as drank their fancy wine. I was the nicest kid in world but they made into the person I am today. I snapped one day and thats why thwy wanted to disown me when I got to a certain age.

You want to know how I snapped. Hahaha! I broke my fake mothers stuip fragile arm into. I literally snapped! Ahhahahaha! I tell great jokes don't I? But anyways I handle myself for now on but it is very difficult. Sometimes I wish I knew if my real family was nice. All I know is they are dead.

They are the lucky ones. I can't stand to live in this wretched world. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE ME WITH YOU!!!" I start huffing. It feels good that I can express this pit up rage. Never before could I do that without my fake parents sending me to an insane asylum.

I am human to! I need to be able to express that! Walking through these dark woods I ponder the meaning of human lives. Why must we be so fragile. We can break like glass at any minute. You tip over glass and your doomed unless someone saves it. Saves you.

I am now laying down on the ground on the most comfortable matter known to man, it is woven to perfection. What is this all of a sudden? Such softness it...envelopes ...me...

Everything is everywhere but also no where. I am stuck to thae web of thoughts going through my head. Am I dead? Suddenly I see a huge spider that looks unnatural appear beside me. I just stare at it.

"Hello." I say already bored of this.
"Why hello. Looks like I caught I live one in my threads." I stare at him, it, whatever this thing is. I am still not very amused. I yawn.

"Are you really that eager to give up?" He asks me clearly being the only one amused. "I am not scared of you. I have gone through Hell and back." He seems even more amused. "oh? I actually have gone through Hell. But nevermind that. Do you wish for something more than anything in the world?"

I stare at him confused. "I can make your wish come true. But at a cost." He can not be serious? Can he? I don't know if I have any. "Make me yours. I can see it in your eyes. Beneath those eyes ia a very handsome man. I could live happy knowing we are together living a rich life."

I can tell he is thinking about this for a minute. "That can be arranged. I mean eventually your soul will be mine. I don't mind being your loving husband and butler for as long as you live. You are a rather amusing human." I think if he had a body right now he would be smirking benignly at me.

I make my contract and regret nothing when I see how handsome he truly is. "I will not disappoint, my heiress." He will be the death of me, literally. His cold demenor , dark aura and handsomess were all worth it. This is the fate I chose. But I am liking it. Into the darkness.

~Time skip to 6 months later~

Well, I got my wish. I am filthy rich, richer than my adopted family! I can't help but laugh at them when I run into them in the streets. Money is great, power and diplomacy is spectacular.! And My butler is my husband. Although he gets on my nerves sometimes. Only because he takes everything so seriously.

Nothing fazes him. I just want him to love me right(A/N: EXO song refrence!). Is that to hard to ask? On that day he said I am amusing. What do I have to do to get him to interact with me more? Hmm... I got an idea hee hee hee...

Once he helps me get dressed he is about to walk away and I grip his tailcoat. He stares at me with an eyebrow raised. I grab his glasses from his face. I start to blush. He is so much hotter with them off. "May I have my glasses back, mistress?

I start laughing at him. He seems more uneasy and I am loving getting to tease him. "Nope!" I put them on my face. "Woah! I can see much more clearer! Is this how demons see things? or am I just very blind?" I run around the room inspecting things.

"Please. Give them back or else?" I smirk. "Or else what? Are you going to eat my soul?" He grabs me bridal style and throws me on the bed. I shriek. Claude is scaring me now. His eyes turn red and he is smiling at me. Smiling!

I never see him smile like that. He gets on top of me. "You give me know chose but to use force. You make me feel crazy. I was waiting for you to act on your own. I'm sorry for what I do in advance.

He pushes me harshly on the bed with all his might, and I gasp. The wind was knocked out of me. "Yes show me that fear. It's so perfect!" His body starts shaking uncontrollably. He bites my neck and it hurts like hell! But I-I sort of enjoy this pain.

"Ah! Claude!" He starts licking the blood flowing out of me. Why is his tounge so long? "Your blood drives me crazy. Why do you taste so good?" He brings his lips to mine. He made sure that he had lots of blood in his mouth. He forces me to taste the sweet blood.

It does taste sort of delicious. I can't help but admit that. He forces his tounge in my mouth. I start to gag and I feel him laughing through the vibrations of his voice. This is utter bliss. He stops to let me catch my breath and I start gasping and coughing.

Demons are so passionate. That is the only thing running through my mind.
He starts biting and licking my ear while digging his nails into my soft skin. Humans are fragile. At any minute we can break. If this is the last time I breath my last breath I can die happy.

There is blood everywhere. Blood shed everywhere. Memories flood into me. I start to remember something I forgot. The smell of fire and blood come first. Then I see it all. My family is screaming calling out to me. I am only 4. I don't understand what fear is. I think that everything was meant to be like this.

A scary looking man picks me up, taking me away. But I can't help but being drawn to him. I reach out to touch his glasses. He frowns at me. He gives his glasses to me. And I am very happy. Nothing bad happened. Everything is alright.

I start to cry. Why would I forget that day? I feel like that is a day you would never forget. Even at such a young age. Trauma is the only answer I have. "You saved me. Why?" I look at Claude and he stops biting my body for a second.

"I hungered for you. I wanted this day to happen. The day you would remember. The day you would want my love. I love you... But I also want to devour you ugly and also pure soul. Your beautifully human." I start crying on his shoulder.

"All I ever wanted was to be loved. No matter who. Even if it was a demons love. Please, I beg you please devour my fragile glass soul!" I kiss his cheek and grab onto him tightly. I don't want this bliss to end. But every story must come to an end. It doesn't have to always be a sad ending.

It can be happily tragic. I want my soul to be his. "It would be my pleasure." He replies with his eyes glowing straight through me. I whisper into his ear. "Do it now." Everything starts to become a blur.

I start crying happily. All humans hunger to be loved. Thats what makes them human. No matter if your a psycho, they need love to. I could be a psycho for loving a demon. But at least I am happy. "Thank you Claude."

Darkness folds in around me slowly. And then all at once.

Goodbye to this cruel, unloving world.


I think this story turned dark for the better. Don't you think. I would call this story a happy tragedy and nothing else. I hope you guys liked it. While I wrote some of this last night Weird things stared happening so I had to stop writing until today. Well it was like 2 AM when I was weiting. Could have been sleepy hallucinations. I felt something go up my leg, it felt like a snake or something. It gave me a chill up my spine. Word of advice for people, do not stay up writing stories of scary natures so late. do it in the day time lol. Well love ya'll stay safe! Hope you enjoyed xXJustMeeeXx !

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