Let us play "dis"card (Reader X Seto Kaiba from Yu.gi.oh!)

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As requested by skyletlieu hope you enjoy ^_^!
I look towards the suns rays glowing down at me. It is the perfect day but here I am pouting in front of a random mansion. The world is playing a cruelty trick on me. Today is absolutely not the most perfect day!

I am listening to 'Loser' by Big Bang. It really exemplifies how I feel like right now. I'm a loser! I may just be going through one of those teenage angst. I can't find anyone who wants to play a card game. What is wrong with me? Maybe they think I am rich and stuck up.

Which I may be a little bit. Not the point. When it comes to card games I believe in my abilities well. But no one wants to ever play me. Why? Do they hate me that much?

You think I am crying? No I am not crying. Hold you tounge! (A/N: umm... Who are you talking to?)

Reader-chan: don't patronize me! I am talking to anyone who hears my cry. *pouting*

Author chan: I am just... Gonna go... Now...*runs away*

Reader-chan: wait! Will play a card game with me!

Even the author of my story won't play with me. I am so depressed. I hear someone come up behind me. "What are you doing in front of my house?" The man says. He sounds very irritated.

"Sorry. I was just really depressed because noone will play duel monsters with me. So, I figured I would stand in front of someone with a mansion like me. We got to stick together right?" My reasoning probably sounds stupid but this is the truth. I didn't really think about the consequences. what the owner would think of a weirdo like me pouting outside of his mansion.

"Are you stupid or something? No normal person does that." I look at him sadly. When I look at him he is actually pretty hot looking. His brown hair matching his eyes that glare coldly at me.

"I'm sorry for my actions. When I get like this I think irrationally. I just..." I start crying for real now. My hands are clentched at my sides. Why am I crying in front of this stranger. He looks around back and forth from me, then everything but me. I don't think he knows what to do.

"I hate when woman cry. Please stop." He says with his hand covering his mouth, embarrassed. " If its a game you want to play. I guess, I have no choice but to challenge you to a duel." I look up at him surprised while wiping my tear stricken eyes.

"Really? You would do thay for me?Thank you Mr. Umm-"

"Kaiba. Seto Kaiba." He says looking away. My eyes go wide. "Wait! THE Seto Kaiba?! S-sorry! I didn't recognize who you were!" I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize who was standing in front if me.

I worship Kaiba with a passion. When I see him duel I aspire to be as cool as him. He is one of the best duelist in all of Japan. Also he is the head of Kaiba Corps.

"Tch. Follow me." He takes the lead to back of his house. When we get there I see his personal helicopter. Woah, it is so big! Way bigger than mine. I envy him so much. I need to get on his good side, it would be good for my family and also myself.

He is so hot and even though he acts cold he is actually nice. In his own Kaiba way. I can't help staring at him when he looks at me with that piercing glare. "Get in I said!" He grabs my wrist harshly. I cring. "Sorry, I spaced out." He leads me into the helicopter.

I strap myself in and he gives me my headset. He slids in to the pilot seat. "Wait! Your piloting?!" I am shocked because I figured someone else would be doing that. "Sometimes I like to steer my own path into the future." I giggle but I catch myself.

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