I coffee my face when I'm with you(Otoya Ittoki X Reader)

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Hello all,Happy Easter! So I have beeN having the idea for this since I started working in the coffe shop on my campus in February. I love making coffee and making others happy and satisfied by the drinks I make to just taking their order. Coffee is the best and I love drinking it so much! Hope you guys enjoys this sweet story(I almost said sweet drink XD). If you have coffee you should drink it while reading this story. It would make it more enjoyable ^_^! Oh! And also I bought this cute uta no prince sama coffee cup I will post it on a separate post later ^_^!

Coffee. The best thing in the world. It makes your heart all fluttery and warm as it makes contact with your throat to your stomach and through out your whole body. This is why I make coffee for a living. When I became a barista is when my life really began. Because I only drink coffee (I hope some people understand this reference XD!)

Anyways so enough of all the Philosopical stuff, let us get to my story. Everyday at 9:00AM there is a guy named Otoya who walks in with the sweetest and kindest smile I have ever seen.
When He walks to the counter he looks suprised and says. "Whoa, we meet once again! What a coincidence!"

I find it so cute the way he acts like this. I smile back at him. "Will you have the Cuban with a bit if vanilla as always?" I ask him his regular choice coffee. (Can you tell I work at a coffee shop now! I love knowing things XD! This drink taste particularly good like this.)

He looks up and contemplates looking so innocent. "Hmm...What do like Miss (name)? I want to try something different today."

I have so many different prefrences but if he wants what I will drink the most..." I really enjoy the hot caramel creme with two pumps of vanilla flavoring and I like it really foamy with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle on top. (I make this a lot since I get one free coffee a day.)"

He smile more brightly then I thought possible. "That sounds really good actually! I love sweet coffee! I must try this." He looks at me and leans his arms on the counter with his hands on his face(see picture above^)

I can't help it. "Ah! You're so cute!" I see that he is blushing a bit. "I-I'm sorry. I mean um this Coffee fits you..." Crap what did I just say? Just stop talking (name). I hid behind the counter as I type his order in.

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