The most beautiful moment (Kamina X reader from gurren laggan)

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Hope you like! It may be a little lemony but not too much. I love Kamina he is soooo awesome. Story for CodilynLunn So hope you guys enjoy!

On that fateful day when...

I fell from that big tree...

He captured my heart with a smile that could pierce the heavens.

I wouldn't say my fall was the most graceful. Not in the least. But to him, it was. He stares at the sky and yells loudly. "Thank you heavens. For raining down such a goddess." And then smiles goofily back at me "Hey there pretty lady. The name's Kamina the guy who just saved you from hurting yourself!"

I giggle, he is pretty cute. "Thank you kind sir. My name is (name)!"

Author-chan: your name is name?

Reader-chan: *face palm* sure it is.

Just messing with ya, I know ^_^!

Kamina looks at with intrigue. "That is a pretty cool name. It really suits you." I nod my head "Thank you." He keeps staring at me. "Umm... Kamina?" He looks confused. "Yes?" I look at him intently. "Can you let me down now?" He looks at me flustered but laughs loudly when I do as he sets me down.

He scratched the back of his neck. "Heh heh sorry about that." Awkward silence. I really don't know what to say. I am really bad at this thing called conversing. "Soooo... Why were you in that tree?" Kamina asks me. Good question Kamina I don't know either. Here goes nothing. "Well, you see. I thought maybe if I could find the tallest tree I could be closer to the gods. I don't know it was a but stupid and reckless but I wanted to believe." I start to get a little sad saying this.

Just look down (name) I keep telling myself. I may sound like a crazy person and he is probably looking at me like I am a weirdo. I feel a tight grip on my shoulder that forces me to look up. "That isn't stupid or even reckless. If that is what you believe then keep doing that. Believe that you can surpass the skies and make it up there. Whatever the reason, it must be a good one to try to climb that tree. That takes a lot of guts. Heck, I don't even think I could climb that tree! Just never stop believing in something, promise me that."

His intense stare makes me feel warm and happy. It is a familiar feeling to me. I want to stay in his presence forever, never leave it. I take his hand in mine in a sign that says I won't let him down. "I may not know you but yes. Yes, I promise you to never stop believing." He grins toothy at me.

I think I may have fallen in love at first sight. Call me crazy but this man who caught me, was the greatest moment in my life. "Beautiful..." I hear him whisper under his breath. I thought I misheard him but I am sure he said that towards me.

He comes closer. I start to get excited suddenly. No one has ever taken such intrest in me like this. He starts to corner me all the way to the tree and there is no way I want this moment to ever end.

"Kamina?" He looks me in the eye. "Yes?" I have to wonder. "What's so special about me. Some regular old girl who climbs trees in wonder." He smiles softly. "That is exactly why. You just answered your own question." My heart right now! I can't take it anymore!

He takes my face in his hand and then suprisingly nuzzles himself in my neck. A warm hug, a embrace like no other. To feel loved what a great feeling. Tears stream down my face as I break down in front of this man I just meet. It feels like I have known him since before this life.

"It's okay... Don't cry my little angel. I'm here for you." I nuzzle myself closer to him and fall into his arms literally. "It... It's been hard. My family cast me out and told me never to come back. There where too many mouths to feed so they let me, the oldest, go. I live wandering from place to place. Hoping to find somebody or something tangabile to hold onto. And then there you were, my knight who saved me from my own devastation."

He holds me tighter and it all feels better, the chaos in my head all but disappeared. "That's terrible. No person in this world should have to live like this. It makes me very mad, that this world can be so cruel. To have such a beautiful perfect girl to be caught up in all this worlds imperfections."

God, he has a way with words. Words that draw me in closer. That ravel around my heart and make perfect melodies that hold true to my every being. Wish I had the courage to say all of this. Maybe one day, if I can stay with him forever. I would really like that.

"I can tell a lot is going on in that head of yours right now. Maybe I can help give you the courage to open up to me more, one day." I stare at him. How did he know my thoughts so easily? He whispers in my ear,"stay with me, forever."

Before I know it, his forehead is on mine, His blue hair grazing against it. The way he looks at me is like he is asking me if it is okay. Those cute eyes looking very serious into mine.

I nod as he takes my shoulders firmly very sure of himself. His kiss comes at me fast and I don't have time to breath. How the heck did I live without this man for so long?! I let him overtake me as my arms are left clinging at my sides. I want him to just hold me close.

He smiles into our kiss. "Careful there. You sure you want to give me all the power? You don't know what I am capable of." I blush at this. "We just met I am sure you have more self restraint than you know." He smiles and laughs heartily. He lets his hands linger to my waist and holds on softly.

"You sure, you're sure?" I am a little startled by this action. Am I judging his character all wrong? He kiss my jaw line as he runs circles around my waist. "You're right. I would never defoul a beautiful lady I just met. It is one of my morals." I laugh at him. "And you wouldn't call this defoul?" I am just kidding with him and he can tell. He still responds. "Of course not!"

I finally give in and put my arms around his neck. Something changes is his twinkling eyes, a new excitement. "That's the spirit!!" He kisses me with more aggression, seeing if I will follow his lead. I do just that. We kiss like it is all we can do. To my surprise we follow over into the grass filled with many flowers.

I giggle at this and he just keeps on kissing me. When we can kiss no more Kamina gets off me to catch his breath. He lays down beside me in the bed of flowers. His arm stays around me. Kamina can't seem to contain himself after a few seconds.

He kisses my bare shoulder all over till he leans into my neck, kissing there as well. Startled, I let him keep doing what he is doing. Not complaining here! "Kah! Kamina!" He starts attacking a particular place on my neck and I curl into him.

As he finishes me off he bits my earlobe and I start reacting immediately. "Darn it Kamina! My weakness!" He starts humming making my ear vibrate. Feels so good. "(Name)-chan. I can tell that we are meant to be together for awhile." I nod. "Yes, Kamina. I believe so too." He hugs me. "So it's decided then." I kiss his cheek. "Sure is."

"You know what? You can believe in me now. Believe in the me that believes in you. Not me who believes in you. The you, who believes in me." I hug him tight. I cry. "Is that alright? I don't want to burden you." He laughs like a maniac and it scares me at first. He ruffles up my hair. "You are not a burden! You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me."

I just stare off into space and then I smile more brightly then ever. Kamina steps in front of me. "Where do you think you're looking with those eyes. Your eyes are only meant for mine." I giggle at his silliness. "I'm being serious (name)-chan!" He whines and I laugh harder. This man, can't take him seriously at times. He makes me happier though. Maybe I can believe in him. Then I will have the most happiest and most beautiful moments in life.

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