Levi me alone(Levi X reader from Attack on Titan)

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2 stories in one day unbelievable, right! Don't go to college kids you get busy until you reach summer Jk! Go to College and get a degree, I am a upcoming sophmore in college now and understand how important college is. It is hard but will be worth it in the long
Run when you graduate. Anyways here is a story for ya My_life_IS_aNERD !

Cleaning is very hard. Let me just get that off my chest. It's stupid. stupid.stupid. Do I even need to put any more stupids down? I wish Levi would stop making me clean for no reason. He picks on me more than anyone else. He says it's punishment. Cleaning otaku pfft. I just wanna clean that smirk right off his face!

He gets under my skin so much. But I don't want him to know that. If he knew that he would tease me forever. I am close to being the same rank as him and he treats me this way? It is really unbelievable.

I see Eren pass by my and I swing around fast. "You there! Eren. Can you run me an "Errand"?" I joke around with his name because you see the eren in errrand sounds like... Nevermind I think you get the pun. He doesn't laugh at my lame joke but gives me this look of disaproval.

"Please lay off the puns a bit Mrs (name), Ihear them all the time. You are running out of good ones." I scoff at hearing this. "Couldn't be any worse then having to clean so much! Levi could lay off just a little more than me don't you think?" He looks at me nervously. I look menacing when I am mad but I can't help it honestly.

If you went though the crap I went through everyday, you would be too. I just want to be promoted, but I get the big load all of the time. More than my subordinates even. I sigh sadly.

Eren looks at me concerned now. "Are you alright? I can't help but notice how much Levi likes to make you work." I look at him. No one ever asks me if I am okay. This make me happy that a subordinate of mine is being so concerned. They do not usually care that much.

"If you want the truth, I am not fully all here right now. Nothing exciting ever happens and sometimes I just hope that something will. That is the best I can do." Eren listens to me so intently and I have the sudden urge to reward him somehow.

"Come her old buddy!" I hug him tightly and realize this may be a bit embarrassing especially because his face is in my bossum. "Sorry about that! Really I appreciate your concern of your commander." I give him a thumbs up and he does the same back.

"Well, gotta go back to work. I hope you can become happier." He smiles walking away. That kid is so sweet, hope he finds a nice lady to be with one day.

On the other hand, I need to find someone myself. I start to daydream the perfect guy for me: He would be tall, clean cut, not too charming but also not to plain. Someone who can keep up on my level and be strong next to me. Not too Bossy and that is the perfect guy for me.

Not too many high standards right.(Author-chan: i am trying so hard to not make jokes about Levi's height XD). I feel a menacing glare at my back, And suddenly I am scared to turn around. "Slacking away are we? Tch. What do you think this is the Garrison?"(A/N: oh yeah. I went there.)

"Eep!" He puts his hand on my shoulder turning me around. He is attempting a
Smile and it is the scariest thing I have ever seen, even mire scary then titans! "I am trying to be nice while I still can. So please clean Miss (Name)." You know what? I am not gonna give in to him this time. Screw not letting him know how much he irritates me.

"No. I am tired of you treating me like this. Will you do this when I get on the same level as you?" I look at him and smirk lowering myself to his height. He glares at me. Crap! I think I went too far! "Don't kill me with your dustpans of death and dust!" I yell as he comes closer to me.

He comes close to my ear and it makes me anxious without knowing why. "But what if I just want to sweep you off your feet?" He says with a blank face. I look at him confused. That was the cheesiest pun I have ever heard but I know he knew I would like it. 

Where did a guy like this come up with such a great pun like that? I can't help but laugh right to his face. "So you came to "Pun"ish me then?" He chuckles under his breath and I want to squeel. What's gotten into Levi?

"I came to wash away all your worries actually." He kisses me and it shocks me. How does he think he can just do this out of the blue. It makes me irritated but also...happy. I bite his lip to show him I want him to not hold back.

But he looks a bit irritated by these actions because he pulls away and teases me by staying an inch away from my lips. "Levi! Why-" he cuts me off. "If you want me to continue you will obey my actions."

I whimper. "You are definitely not my type." I mumble this but he still hears. "To bad I want to be your type." He kisses me slowly and it is unexpected how passionate he can be.

He literally knocks me off my feet because I am in so much shock I fell. "Tch. This is really not working out is it?" He helps me sit up and he sits next to me.

"Listen. I have been watching you ever since we started working together. I want to be here for you. I also can't help but obssess over making you work so much. I just...I just want you to respect me. I want to be your lover and to be one I need to show you all of my feelings." I want to cry, but I have never been the emotional type. I feel bad that I never realized those stares he gave me.

I always thought he was out to get me fired. No, he just wanted me to notice him, but he was always to shy. I smile "awe. That's so sweet! Captain Levi was too shy to tell me until now." I tease him.

I expect him to get made at him but all he does is pull me to him. "Do you... Like me too." He says into my shoulder probablly blushing. Why is he being so cute today? I can't stand it. I can't say no to this guy. He is so honest.

He may not be the tallest guy but he is the most honest guy I have ever met. Honesty is a great trait to have in a partner. I unravel myself from him, staring into his eyes. "Levi, the moment you came into my "Pun"land. I knew I loved you like no one else could. It takes courage to make a pun as much as it does to ask someone out. So yes, I would love to get to know you more." I wink at him.

He smiles down sweetly at me, and I feel special to get to be the only one to see this expression. He kisses my forehead softly and winks right back at me. He helps me up. "I think my office has a lot of papers to do and that won't be the only thing I will be doing tonight." He says staring into my soul. I get nervous as he drags me along to his office to do some "papers".

Hope you enjoyed my fluffy little Levi X reader. I didn't intend for the puns to happen but they did XD. The puns are back and strong as ever!

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