Love like Rain( Reader X Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho

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As requested by AtsukoSakuras . Get ready for a very sweet and lovey dovey story. I hope it contents all you Kurama fangirls and makes you heart melt ^_^!

Rain starts to fall suddenly. Great. I was walking home from school when it started pouring. I run to a bus station that you wait under( you know the place they always run to when it rains in anime lol. Do not exactly know what it is called.) until the rain dies down.

I breathe easily when I make it under. My eyes are closed. Thank God this place existed. I look over and gasp when I see someone sitting on the bench. I fall down in surprise. "H-hello Kurama!" I start to blush.

"I knew it would rain today." He says quietly. He stares at me a minute then gives me a hand. I start laughing nervously. "Eh heh. Then why didn't you bring an umbrella?" He looks at me then looks away. He does this pattern over and over nervously.

What is up with Kurama today? I mean, I know he is smart. There must be another reason why he didn't bring an umbrella.

We didn't talk much after that. Just sat quietly as the rain stil came down. I sigh, finally. "Well, it looks like it will be raining awhile. Why don't we talk as we wait till the times goes by?" I smile at him expectedly.

We talk about school and fighting mostly. Thats all we really have in common. He is so smart that it always intimidated me. I always wanted to talk to him. Sadly I never had to courage. I am thankful for the rain for giving ke this time with Kurama.

Its nice. Talking to him is like talking to the rain. When words pour they pour like crazy. He is so nice and proper and he always analyzes everything you say so he can read the mood. I love how he takes care to listen to every word I say.

Why can't there be more people like him in this world? It would make my life more interesting, maybe I just need him in my life. "Hey (Y/N). Let's try something different." He takes my hand and leads me out of the bus station.

"Kurama? What are you doing? It is still raining." He ignores me. We walk into the rain. "Doesn't this feel nice?" He says smiling with his hands outstretched looking towards the sky.

I take in the feeling of the rain against my skin. I close my eyes. "Your right. It does." I start laughing. I feel so free. I don't care if my uniform gets wet. This is the greatest moment of my life.

Kurama starts running around and I chase after him. We are both laughing and having a good time. I wish this never ends.

The rain glistens all around us. This is all because of nature that we get such a beautiful moment. You don't get this feeling from sitting in class or a internet cafe. The thrill of living in this beautiful world.

"This is amazing!" I yell to Kurama. I don't pay attention but I trip and start to fall. Kurama turns around and catches me but he also falls. I am now on top of him. And I feel his breath and mine combined.

My heart nearly stops. Everything stops. Even time itself. Kurama is staring deeply into my eyes. He pulls my hair out of my eyes. "The reason why I didn't bring an umbrella. Is because I knew this would happen. I knew it would rain. And I knew you would pass by here."

My heart does stop. I swear it does. Kurama was waiting for me? He helps me we run back over to shelter from the rain and everything that happened in it.

I sit down and Kurama stays standing in front of me. He gets down on one knee. I get confused. He brings out a rose and says. "Will you marry me?" At that moment a the rain has cleared up and a huge rainbow appears behind kurama.

I am in awe. Did he know that a rainbow would a appear? This like a fairytale come true. He looks up smiling sweetly. He see the confusion in my face. "I thought about and if I asked you out we would be bound to marry one day. I mean familes in this day in age encourages marriage if you find someone special at such a young age.

You get pressed by your parents asking when you are going to get married. I already considered that as an option. I feel like we would be great together and our babies would look great."

Is start to laugh. Kurama is so silly, but also sweet. He considered thw future and thought it through it carefuly. A future with Kurama? Well, that would be amazing but... So soon. Haha.

"Thank you for the offer. I am flattered really. But i feel like it is just to soon. Why don't we date first. I trust that you would be a great husband for me. But lets take it slow first." I smile at him.

He smiles back and hands me the rose. "Take it. I promise it won't hurt you. I took the thorns out myself. I would love to take it slowly. But do mind if I." He stares at my lips not sure if I wanted to kiss.

I giggled. "Of course Kurama." He kissed me passionately and my legs started to tremble underneath him. He held me so I wouldn't fall off the bench. I sat the rose down beside me and intertwined my fingers in his soft red hair.

I could just imagine roses and sparkles all around us like in a shojo anime. Kurama backed away to catch his breath after a few minutes. He put his forehead on mine and gazed into my eyes lovingly. "Your so sweet and delicate as a rose. May I call you, my lovely rose?"

I blushed hearing him call me something so beautiful. He makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the whole world "because you are." I freaked out. "You can read my mind?" He smirked at me. "I can tell that was what you are thinking."

Why must he be so cute >_<! He kissed my forehead and then slid down next to me. I look over and he has fallen asleep on my shoulder. "Kurama?" He fell asleep! He is so precious.

I lay him down on my lap and let him sleep for a bit. There is no way I can wake him up when he looks so at peace. I pull my hair behind my ear and lean down to whisper to him. "I love you, Kurama." I hear him mumble. "Love you too."

I almost die inside. I wasn't expecting an answer. He pulls me in closer kissing my lips softly and then lets go again. "Sweet dreams, my prince."

~A day later~

Me and Kurama walk home from school together holding hands. This is the best feeling ever. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have my prince and he has me, his lovely flower he admires so. ^_^ he told me that earlier today. I was so happy hearing him say he admires me.

When we walk Kurama sometimes leans over to kiss my cheek from time to time, ehich is the cutest thing ever. I never knew that I would be one of the lovey dovey couple person. But I don't care because it feels great to be in love.

Youth is a great thing and I can't wait to cherish everyday with Kurama. He walks me all the way home even though his house is in a different direction. "See you tommarow for our
Date in the garden, my rose."

He kisses me on softly on the lips and I give him a hug before he leaves. "See you then!" I wave to him as he leaves.

I walk inside and mom smiles at me. My dad puts his gand on my shoulder and just gives me a thumbs up. Which is silly because he is wearing shades while doin this, trying to be cool. A spark is in his eye and a single tear leaves it.

I face palm. Familes, what can you do about them. "You will make lovely children one day." My mom tells me proudly. I laugh while blushing. Kurama really does understand everything. Well, it isn't to bad to think about living with him one day. I can only dream about it for now.

I run to my room and lay down to sleep happily dreaming dreams of Kurama.

Happy Ending right? This was such a cute concept. I always lived slice of life anime where the girl in the guy gets stuck in the rain under a bus stop. It just feels such a romantic anime thing! Its been awjile since I have seem Yu Yu Hakusho so I hope I did fairly well with this story. Hope you all enjoyed! Love you all! Thanks for the request AtsukoSakuras it has been fun to write this for you ^_^!

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