Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 1

Start from the beginning

"I'll take care of her disposal if that's all right with you all." Huedhaut says to the others.

"I don't need an escort." I glare at him.

"It pays to have workaholic like you around sometimes. Dispose of her as you wish." Leon says with an arrogant smile spread across his face.

I roll my eyes. Great... they're going to kill me...I'll need to make an escape plan...

"Don't forget those words." Huedhaut return the smirk as his almond-shaped eyes narrow.

I continue to walk out of the room with Huedhaut suddenly taking the lead at a brisk pace.

Walking down the many corridors of the mansion, I shove my hands in my pockets as I gaze out the lancet windows and into the night, as there's nothing but the sound of our footsteps clacking against the marble floors.

Occasionally looking at the windows reflection I notice Huedhaut's expressionless face, as he doesn't even bother to look at me. I drop my gaze down at my feet as I continue to walk, thinking as how I'll be able to escape before he has the chance.

"This way." Huedhaut's calm voice echoes. late...

I look up at notice him standing in front of a rather large door.

Looking between him and the door with a rather skeptical expression. "And this is where you'll 'dispose' of me?" I comment, reminding him of his words from earlier.

Huedhaut chuckles. "There's no need to think of that. Besides, look where you're going, and go home."

"Home?" I raise an eyebrow. "Then what was with the whole 'I'll dispose of her' conversation?"

"Were you thinking dispose as in kill? I can if you would like." He smirks.

I raise my hands as I back away, shaking my head. "Nope, I'm good, thanks."

He chuckles again as he points to the large door. "This door can connect to anywhere depending on the will of the user. Use it to return to your world."

"Oh...okay." I say taking a single step towards the door, until I hear him continue to speak.

"We'll probably never see each other again. Forget about today and live a happy life as a human." Huedhaut speaks lowly.

I turn around to face him, giving him a confused look with those words of departure. His eyes glistening under the lighting, and his voice soft as it cracks ever so slightly with emotion, I find myself unable to move as I can only stare.

Why...did he say it like that?

Wait, why did he say that at all?

"Well then, hurry and be on your way." Huedhaut says.

I blink repeatedly to bring myself back into reality after zoning out, as I realize how his words had a strange effect on me.

"Well...can I see you again sometime?" I blurt out, unexpectedly.

His eyes widen by my words. "Excuse me?"

Why did I say that?! I scream internally, with obvious embarrassment written all over my redden face.

"Even if we could meet again, it would probably be for the best if we didn't. Think about the positions we're both in. You're no longer a goddess."

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