Chapter 30

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Dean's POV

I waited impatiently for Sam to arrive at the bunker, knowing that every second we wasted was another second that Lucifer could get bored with Y/N. And we all knew what Lucifer could do when he was bored.

Cas had arrived and left, going to see how close he could get, and what information he could gather. I had made him promise not to get too close, not wanting to annoy Lucifer anymore than possible. But I also needed as much information as possible before we went in to save Y/N.

Sam had called, saying he was about a half an hour out, and I sank down onto the couch, knowing there was nothing else I could do.

Tapping my fingers on the arm of the couch, I was surprised when someone tapped on the window. Jumping up, I peered out the window to see Crowley standing there, glancing nervously around him. "Let a Demon in?" He asked, and while I didn't want to, I wanted to know why he was there.

"No funny business?" I asked, showing him the colt.

"No funny business. Now are you going to let me in?" He asked again. Sighing, I opened the door, pushing the mat with the Demon trap aside. Crowley stepped in, slamming the door behind him before running his hand along the doorframe, red lights symbols appearing on the wall. "In case I was followed."

"Crowley, you've been missing for like three months. What are you doing here now?" I asked, crossing my arms and watching him warily.

"I thought you might want to know who I met today," he spoke quickly, nervous.

"Crowley, are you going to ever get to the point?" I questioned.

"You are horrible to deal with," he muttered. "But I will get to the point. I met your lovely wife Y/N today."

"This isn't some sort of trick is it?" I grabbed his collar, searching his eyes, knowing I would gladly stick the knife between his ribs if he was lying.

"No, she's stunning, isn't she? She misses you, and hates being Lucifer's pet. And so do I. That's why I'm here. We need your help."

"Why are you helping her?"

"Because I want Lucifer locked up as much as you do," he insisted. "She's scared, but unharmed, for now. Lucifer is treating her like his princess in a tower, but he's already snapped once, and I'm afraid she won't be able to come back from it again."

"Can you take me to her?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"I'm lucky I was able to sneak out long enough to talk to you. I need to go back, immediately before he realizes I'm gone. But here. This is the address, and her room number. Lucifer has been disappearing every day, from three to five. If you want to save her, that's when."

Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulled out an envelope, placing it on the table.

With that, Crowley was gone, just as the door opened and Sam came striding inside. "Dean, who were you just talking to?"


"No, really? Was that Cas on the phone, or...," Sam didn't believe me, and I didn't blame him. We hadn't seen Crowley in months, and we hadn't really parted on the best of terms anyways.

"No dude, I'm serious. It was Crowley," I insisted. "I guess Lucifer has Crowley under his thumb, along with Y/N. Crowley says he wants to help out, get Lucifer locked back up."

"And did you believe him?" Sam asked, opening up a beer, and it was then I finally got a good look at him. He was covered in soot, his shirt ripped and a nasty looking burn on his arm.

"Yeah, weird enough I did. But what happened to you?"

"I ended up blowing up the stupid transfer station, and I just barely made it out before it blew," he answered. "But it's taken care of, so that's all that matters."

"But you're okay? I don't want to be worrying about you on top of worrying about Y/N," I said, and he nodded. "Good. So Crowley gave me an address, a room number and a certain time that we can rescue her."

"I still don't think that's a good idea," Sam argued, and I had to admit it all sounded a little too easy.

"Sam, I don't have anything else to go with," I whispered. "I hate knowing that Lucifer has Y/N, and I'm willing to walk into a trap to get her back."

"Then we need to be smart about this trap," he sighed, knowing that I would go by myself if need be.

Just then Cas came back, a grimace on his face. I could see his hand clenching his side, as he started to topple over. "Cas, what happened?" I exclaimed, catching him as he started to fall.

"His Demons. They found me. I was able to escape, but I think they know we're on to them."

"Great, another snag," Sam muttered once again, and I didn't spare him much of a glance before I turned back to Cas. He had a nice gash on his stomach, but it wasn't life threatening.

"I'll heal," he assured me. "But I'm afraid I didn't garnish anymore information."

"While you were gone we had a visitor," I started to explain, telling him all about Crowley and his visit.

"I have to agree with Sam. This has to be a trap," Cas answered just as I figured he would.

"Do we have any other choice?" I asked, throwing my hands in the air, looking at both my brother and my best friend. Both men shook their head, and I knew that they were just as resigned to this as I was. "Then I guess we better get back on the road."

"Dean, we need to wait," Cas muttered, still pale from his wound. "I'm not at full strength to help you. If we wait just a little bit, I can transport us there to save time."

"It will give us a little bit more time to do some digging," Sam agreed, pulling out his laptop, but I stopped him.

"Hey, I'll see what I can come up with. I think you need a shower and that burn needs looking after."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he mumbled, stumbling towards the bathroom as I opened his laptop. Taking the address Crowley had given me, I typed it into the search bar. It was the address of a seedy apartment complex. There was access on the roof, and even with the live view, I didn't see a lot of Demons guarding it.

"Cas, I think if you transport us to the roof, we can come down the backstairs where no one would be suspecting us," I thought out loud.

"We could sneak in, get Y/N and get out before anyone notices us," Cas said, but I had a different plan in mind.

"I think we sneak in, save Y/N, and lock Lucifer back in that cage once again. If we don't, we'll always have to worry about him, and how he's going to try and wreck the world. We need to get rid of him once and for all."

"And how are we going to do that?" Cas asked.

"I don't know yet," I muttered, finally remembering the envelope Crowley had left behind. Picking it up, I ripped it open, amazed when a couple of rings fell into my hand. "But I think Crowley had an idea."

"Those are the horsemen rings," Cas spoke, sitting up. "With those we can...,"

"Lock Lucifer back up again," I finished.

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