Chapter 18

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"Dean?" Sam asked me, as if it was the tenth time he had repeated my name. Snapping out of my trance, I stared up at my brother, his worried face extremely close to mine.

"Dude, back up a little." I muttered, rubbing a hand along the stubble on my chin. "What's up?"

"Well, you blanked after we heard the news, and Sam and I are worried." Cas answered for Sam.

"I'm just trying to figure out what to do." I sighed. "Here, Lucifer is planning on destroying the world. There, Lucifer has my new wife in his grasp, ready to destroy her and her previous life. I don't know what to do."

Sam and Cas glanced between them, before Sam turned to me. "Go. Cas and I will call in someone to help us. As soon as we get this stopped, we'll come help you."

"I don't care what Lucifer does to that community." I spat, surprising Sam. "They brainwash people, force people together that don't even know each other! They throw people out into the real world, expecting them to survive. All I want to do is find Y/N, and get her back safely. Than Lucifer can have his fun. It will keep him occupied while you find a way to stop the virus."

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed, surprised at my attitude. "We both agree that the community might not be the greatest way to train hunters, or live. But that doesn't mean that they should all die! There are innocents there!"

I agreed with Sam, truly I did. But all I could think about was getting Y/N back safely. "Fine, I agree. I just have no idea how to stop Lucifer."

Cas stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Maybe this will work to everyone's advantage. You will head to Y/N's community, and try to rescue her while letting it slip that we're here. Stopping the virus before it can spread. By this time our help should be here, and we can cage him again."

It was the best plan we could come up with, I knew that. But I didn't have to like it. I hated leaving Sam and Cas here, to deal with this big problem while I ran off to rescue the girl. But I couldn't leave Y/N there. She had wormed her way into my heart, and I needed her to be safe."

"You call if anything changes?" I asked, pulling the Impala's keys out of my pocket. I had a four hour drive ahead of me, and that's if I didn't stop for breaks.

"Of course. And Dean, be careful." Sam said as I climbed into the Impala. Y/N's e/c eyes swam into my view, and I couldn't wait to have her by my side once again.

Your POV

You heard Myra gasping behind you, no doubt hearing Lucifer's words. Your face had gone pale, your mouth dry as you stared at the man across from you. No, not man. You couldn't forget that Lucifer was a powerful being, one of the most powerful on the planet. And hearing those words coming from his mouth had your knees quivering.

"No. Please." You managed to plead. "These people have done nothing to you. Let's just you and I head somewhere, until you meet up with Dean again."

"You're a perfect match for that Winchester. Did you know that?" He asked, his mood shifting as his attention turned back to his milkshake. "Both of you self-sacrificing, ready to give yourself up as long as it saves humanity. Even Sam is that way. It amazes me that the two of you found each other through an arranged marriage."

"I'll do anything. These people are innocent." You continued on, shrinking back when his eyes flashed red once again.

"They are not innocent!" He screamed, the windows cracking with the force of his words. "These people have hunted, and killed! Some of those monsters were innocent as well, but that didn't stop them!"

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