Chapter 31

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With only the choice of flannel pajamas or the dresses hanging in the closet, you spent the next day dressed in the comfortable flannel. Refusing to wear anything that Lucifer would like. Not that it mattered, seeing as how you were locked in this room. No visitors since Crowley had left last night. No food, nothing. Just you, the huge comfortable bed, and a window to the outside world. A window that was spelled shut.

Your stomach growling, you paced around the room, wishing there was a TV, or books, something to keep you occupied while you waited. Waited to be rescued like the princess in those stories you had read. Or waiting for Lucifer to come, to make you grovel before him. Either option didn't sit well with you.

You hated having to rely on others to do the saving. Your entire life had always been doing what you were told. Never stepping out of line, letting the men take control. And here you were, once again waiting for men to make the decision. For Dean to come save you, or Lucifer to finally decide he wanted you in his presence once again.

But there wasn't much else you could do as of right now. The window refused to open, and the door wouldn't budge as well. No phone, nothing to use to contact Dean. You had prayed all night, but you weren't sure it had made it through this spelled room.

Your only hope was that Demon Crowley. Hopefully, he wasn't double timing you, playing you against Lucifer.

Pulling a chair to the window, you sat down, leaning your elbows against the window sill. The town hustled below you. It was an older part of town, with some untrustworthy people doing business down below. You had tried banging on the window, but you were too high up, and the guys down below hadn't even looked up. Not that you would want them to anyways, you thought with a shudder. As you stared down, one pulled out a gun, robbing the other man, leaving him to die on the ground.

Turning your gaze to the sky, you watched as the sun slowly moved down, marking the change of afternoon into evening. Still, you were alone, your stomach rumbling. About ready to give up and curl up into bed, you were surprised to hear the door open, Lucifer striding in.

You could see the intense anger on his face, the way his eyes flashed red, his hands curled at his sides. "Damn it Y/N!" He yelled, and before you could even blink he was in front of you, his hand wrapped around your throat.

Struggling, you smacked his arms, but your hits were nothing more than a slight annoyance. "You were a distraction, weren't you? Sent to distract me while those freaking Winchesters destroyed my plan! Answer me!"

Opening your mouth, nothing came out. His hold was too tight, your fear too strong.

Grumbling under his breath, he released his hold slightly. "I don't know what you're talking about," you tried, but with an inhuman growl, he lifted you off your feet, shaking you as if you weighed nothing.

"Don't you dare lie to me. Not now. I can snap your neck with the slightest movement," he threatened. "Now, tell me. Were you a distraction so they could blow up my shipments of the virus?"

It was the first you had heard of the mission, and you were relieved that at least a part of your plan had worked. Even if you died at the hands of Lucifer right now, at least your sacrifice hadn't been in vain. "It wasn't really supposed to be a distraction," you whispered, his hand tightening once again.

As black dots filled your vision, the door to your room opened once again, the Demon Crowley stepping inside. His hands clasped in front of him, his eyes cast down. "Your evil Highness," he started.

With the distraction, Lucifer dropped you to the floor. On your knees you took deep, gasping breaths, your throat burning with each. "Can't you see we're busy?"

"Are you sure you want to kill her Sir?" Crowley asked, taking a step forward. "After all, she is very important to Dean. She could be a good bargaining tool. Especially with...," he said before his voice trailed off.

"Very true. She could become valuable," Lucifer murmured, staring down at you with interest. "And she does entertain me. Wouldn't it annoy Dean if she were to pick me instead of him?"

"And how do you plan on doing that Sir?" Crowley asked.

"I plan on breaking her," he answered, reaching down and grabbing you by your hair, roughly pulling you to your feet. "I am Lucifer after all. I know how to bend people to my will. Before long she will do anything I want, and I can't wait to see the look on Dean's face when it happens."

"I think that's a great plan," Crowley agreed, and you raised your eyes to him in shock. "But I also think you need to be careful."

"Are you threatening me?" Lucifer asked, his eyes flashing red once again, two Alpha males and their testosterone filling the room.

"No Sir. I just wasn't sure if you were aware of one special thing," he hinted at.

Lucifer seemed to calm down then, still holding you roughly by the arm.

"May I?" Crowley asked, nodding towards you. Raising an eyebrow, Lucifer stepped back, and Crowley came to stand in front of you. Searching his face, you could see the slightest glimmer of guilt and promise, pleading with you that he was still on your side.

Licking his lip, Crowley placed his hand on your belly, leaving it there as he closed his eyes. "It's as I thought. Y/N is pregnant, with Dean's child."

"Are you certain?" Lucifer asked, pushing Crowley away before placing his hand on your belly. His touch sent a shiver through your body, his touch almost possessive. Cocking his head sideways, his hand cold through the flannel, he smiled wickedly. "It is true. She's not far along, but there is another lifeform growing inside her. A boy I think."

"With this news, not only do you have Dean's love, but you have his unborn child as well. A child he knows nothing about. Think about all the possibilities," Crowley insisted.

"It does change things," Lucifer thought out loud. "But I do think it will be enough to finally have the upper hand against those pesky Winchesters."  

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