Chapter 5

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After your run in with those men, Dean made sure you stayed by his side the rest of the shopping trip. As he traversed the rest of the store, you glanced around, surprised with the different families you saw. Kids were running around happily, annoying their parents but acting as if they didn't have a care in the world. And they probably didn't. So unlike the compound, you thought to yourself. Even from an early age, you knew your roles, you knew the expectations.

You were starting to realize how strict and dull life was in the hunting communities, even when faced with the risk of monsters. And even though you had been away for only a day, you were grateful to Dean for taking you away from that kind of life. No matter what happened between the two of you, he had opened your eyes to this new and exciting life.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked quietly as the two of you watched his brother head straight for the produce section.

"This is so much more than I ever expected." You answered him.

"What? Shopping at a big chain grocery store?" He teased, and you found yourself getting mesmerized by the smile he sent your way. Dean was a very handsome man, and you couldn't believe he was your husband.

"No, just life. Everything's loud, and boisterous. So full of life and joy. Growing up, I knew that when I turned twenty I was to marry, and not to a man of my choosing. I had always thought it would be to a man in one of the compounds, not someone like you. Who has already shown me this outside world."

"They kept you sheltered, didn't they?" He asked, the smile fading from his face. "But we need to get one thing straightened out right now. I'm nothing special. Hell, if you ask most of your community members, they can't stand Sam and I. You have probably been disgraced because you married me, and you haven't fled yet. So, enjoy your little glimpses into the real world, but it's usually a lot darker and meaner than this."

"You mean like those men back there?" You asked him, wondering why he felt he needed to talk about himself that way.

"Yes, no... Listen Y/N. What I'm saying is you're looking at this like it's a fairy tale ending for you, and it's not. There's still heartbreak and hurt, and monsters and darkness. Sure, there might be more to do and see then in a compound, but you'll probably want to run back to your Mom and Dad after another week out here."

Before you could answer Sam came rushing back, his arms full of different vegetables and fruits. "Y/N, do you like any of these?" He questioned you, and you nodded, but for once a smile didn't reach your lips.

Glancing between his brother and you, he placed his items in the cart, and you could see he wanted to talk to his brother, see what had happened.

Staying silent, you walked behind the two men, a little disheartened. Sure, you hadn't expected everything to be rainbows and kittens, but Dean seemed determined to show you this wasn't any better than the compound. In a way, you were wondering if he was attempting to push you away. If his words last night had been his way of hoping you would leave without him going against his word.

But you didn't want to leave. You wanted to get to know him, and his brother better. You wanted to understand why he seemed so closed off and why he seemed to put himself down all the time. You thought Sam could become a close friend, and you wanted to explore the bunker more.

You for sure didn't want to go back to the compound. The communities looked down on those that ran away from their marriages, no matter the circumstances, and you knew you would be shunned for the rest of your life.

Silently, you helped them bag up all their items, the cashier lady giving you a couple of strange glances, and at one time asking if you were okay. It must have looked weird to her. A young woman, much younger than both men, silent and not smiling while in the company of two gruff looking men.

Dean had glanced back at you, frowning when he noticed the serious look on your face. Sam glared at his brother, and soon the three of you were storming through the exit doors, none of you smiling anymore. "Dean, what did you do?" Sam questioned his brother as soon as you were away from prying ears.

"Me? Why am I getting blamed for this?" Dean threw his hands up, almost letting the cart crash into a car. "Just because she's not smiling?"

"Y/N, is everything okay?" Sam asked you gently, and for a moment you wondered why you couldn't have been married to him. He seemed so kind and considerate, and didn't continue to push or grumble at you like Dean did. But then you saw those green eyes narrow in on you, those pouty lips thinned out in annoyance, and you knew that you would rather be married to him, grumpiness and all.

"Yeah, it's just a lot to get used to. And Dean reminded me that it's not all happiness out here either." You answered.

"Dean, it's her first day in the real world, and you're already clouding it with your pessimistic views?" Sam chastised his brother. "Let her acclimate you idiot!"

"Sam..." Dean growled, and you didn't want to listen to their argument any longer. With the Impala unlocked, you slid into the backseat, leaning your head against the window. With a sigh, you let the tears slip down your cheek, feeling alone and afraid in this new world. Dean was right, it was dark and dreary, even with all the new things you were finding. Sure, you were excited to be away from the strictness of the compound, but you missed your parents, and the couple of girls you had known. You missed the feeling of belonging, and knowing that you had a purpose. Here, you felt like a tag along, as a second thought.

"Y/N, Sam and I thought we could stop for ice cream on the way home." Dean started talking as soon as he climbed into the front seat. "Apologize for the way I acted. It wasn't right, and I... Are you crying?"

Hastily wiping your eyes, you tilted your head down so he couldn't see your face. "No." You muttered, the hoarseness of your voice betraying your words.

"You were." He insisted. "Damn it." He muttered, climbing back out of the car, and slamming his hand on the roof. Jumping at his anger, you slid farther into the corner of the seat, trying hard not to laugh. "I knew I wouldn't be any good at this!"

You could hear Sam softly talking to his brother before they both climbed back into the car. Sam smiled softly at you, but your gaze was on Dean. "Dean, I'm sorry. It's just..."

"You're sorry?" He interrupted you. "I'm the one whose done nothing but mess with your head since you got here. I should be apologizing."

"Please forgive this ogre. He's not used to relationships." Sam interjected, groaning when Dean punched him on the shoulder.

"Y/N, this is new for all of us. I'm trying to figure things out, so can you be patient with me?" He asked you, and you nodded. "Good."

Dean turned back to driving, and you stared out the window once again. "Dean, did you know there is a strange girl in the backseat?" An unfamiliar voice rang out from beside you, and you turned to see a man sitting there who hadn't been seconds earlier.

Screaming, you reached for the nearest thing you could find, which happened to be a wrench. Holding it out in front of you, you raised it to swing at the guy's head when Sam grabbed it, stopping you. "Whoa Y/N, it's okay! That's just Cas. He's our friend."

"I'm an Angel." He stated, narrowing his eyes as he stared your way. "And you're Y/N. I've heard about you."

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