Chapter 33

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Dean's POV

Checking my gun to make sure it was loaded, I felt in my pocket for the rings Crowley had provided. Everything was in place, ready to go, and I couldn't wait until we could finally save Y/N.

"Are you guys ready yet?" I called out, standing by the door. Sam was in the bathroom, and Cas was standing by the window. It had only been half an hour, but I wasn't sure I would be able to wait any longer to put our plan to work.

"Almost!" Sam called out, opening the door, just as Cas turned away.

"Dean, we need to have a backup plan," Cas suggested. "What if they know we're coming? Or if Lucifer is already gone with Y/N."

"Our back up plan is this," I muttered, holding up the vase of holy oil. "I'll chuck it at Lucifer, Sam will light him up."

"That's not really a backup plan," Cas muttered, frowning.

"We don't have much to work with," Sam explained, pulling on his backpack. "Cas, are you ready?"

"I hope so," he answered. Standing close, Cas placed his hands on our shoulders. "Let's hope this goes our way. For once."

With those words, Cas transported us to the top of the building. It was windy, clouds growing heavier above us. Thankfully no Demons were stationed up top, and I strode over to the only entrance to the main staircase.

It was locked, but only took me a couple of minutes to pick. Nodding to Sam and Cas, I opened the door, peering carefully down the hall. The paint was peeling, a stale smoky aroma tickled my nose and I had to catch myself from sneezing.

Sam and Cas were right behind me, angel blade and knife at the ready. At each landing I would peer through the door, checking for signs of life. It wasn't until the 13th floor that things changed drastically. Instead of the grimy gray walls these were a luxurious maroon. The floor was carpeted in plush white. It was easy to see we were in the right place.

"Finally," Crowley muttered, peering out of the doorway to my right just as Sam and Cas stepped into the hallway. "We don't have much time. Lucifer is in his own room, and Y/N is unguarded."

"How can I trust this isn't a trap?" I asked him.

"Do you have another choice?" He muttered, looking at me as if I was a complete idiot. "You want Y/N back, and I want Lucifer gone!"

"Fine," I whispered. "But if this is a double cross, you're getting killed first."

"Whatever suits you squirrel. Now, are we going to stand around all day, or are you going to save that girl of yours? I think she has something special to tell you."

"What news?" I called out, but Crowley was already walking down the hallway, leaving us to follow behind.

"This is too easy," Sam whispered in my ear as we followed Crowley down the hallway. I agreed with him, but had no idea what else to do.

"Just keep your eyes and ears open," I insisted, my gun in my hands. Crowley had stopped at the end of the hallway, his hand on the door.

"She's in here. You have five minutes to set up before Lucifer enters her room, ready to take her away from this place. He plans on taking her to the mountains."

"That's not going to happen," I growled. "We're going to trap him back in the cage once and for all."

Pushing past Crowley I threw open the door, stepping inside. I had waited long enough to see Y/N, and I wasn't going to wait any longer.

She was standing by the window, her back turned to me, but as soon as the door was opened, she turned her head. It only took a second for her to recognize me, and before I knew it, she was running across the room, throwing her arms around me. Feeling her soft body against mine for the first time in too long, I pulled her as tight to me as I could, my head resting on top of hers.

"I knew you'd come," she whispered, refusing to let go. And I didn't mind.

"I will always be there for you," I insisted.

"I hate to break up this sweet reunion, but Lucifer will be in here at any minute," Crowley announced.

"Dean, we need to go. Lucifer has a plan!" She exclaimed, pulling back to stare up at me. She seemed scared, and worried. "He is getting ready to move us to a place you'll never be able to find, and I can't have that. Especially since...," she started to say, before the door slammed open, breaking off of it's hinge.

Both Sam and Cas turned, their blades in front of them. I turned, pushing Y/N behind me as I held my gun up towards whoever the intruder was.

Lucifer strode inside, clapping his hands. Crowley hid ot the side, trying to stay unnoticed while I stuck my hand in my pocket, making sure the rings were still there. "Nicely done," he clapped his hands. "I was wondering if Crowley was up to something. I just never imagined him working with the likes of you."

"You kidnapped Y/N," I muttered. "You knew that we would be coming after you."

"Oh, I counted on it. Especially with the news Y/N has for you. Oh wait? Has she told you yet?"

"No, she hasn't. We were too busy getting ready to get out of here," I muttered. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

"Oh, I don't think you're going anywhere yet," Lucifer answered, slamming the door shut.

"Now!" I called out. Both Sam and Dean charged Lucifer as planned. With their blades at the ready, they swarmed Lucifer before he even realized it. Making sure Y/N was behind me, I pulled the rings from my pocket.

Chanting as I went, I tossed them against the wall. It immediately broke open, the shattered pieces of the wall getting sucked into the empty dark void it created. "Guys!" I called out.

"A little help!" Sam yelled, and I turned to see them struggling with Lucifer. Cas had his angel blade around Lucifer's neck, while Sam was busy snapping the spell bound cuffs on his wrists.

"Crowley, help them!" I yelled.

"Sorry but this is my cue to leave," he said before vanishing from the room. Groaning, I turned to Y/N.

"Leave. Get out of this room, and as far away as you can. We'll find you. But go!"

Her eyes pleading for me to change my mind, she quickly kissed me, getting ready to bolt past Lucifer and to the door.

As she passed by, Lucifer reached out, grabbing her roughly by the arm. "This ends now!" He threatened. "Unless you want your wife and unborn child to die with a snap of my fingers!" 

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