Part 47

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Even though Maeve fought hard for you to stay longer, Dean was ready to get on the road as soon as possible. While you had been sleeping Dean had gone somewhere, finding a car seat for your new little girl, hooking it into the backseat.

You had tried to talk Myra into coming to the bunker with you, but she had refused. She wanted a change, you could see that. But you knew how scary it could be. You had pulled her tight in for a hug, making her promise that she would come visit.

Maeve had given you a large box to take back with you as well. "Now don't you open that until you get home," she ordered, smiling wistfully at you with your little Myra snuggled up against your chest. "I just wish I could talk you into staying a while."

"Dean won't rest until we're back home safe. We've had a rough time lately, and he needs the comfort home provides."

She nodded. "I understand. But now that you know about us, please don't be a stranger."

You promised you wouldn't, letting Dean help you down the sidewalk and climb into the Impala. He took Myra in his arms, confidently cuddling his little girl before placing her in the car seat. It took a couple of moments but he finally figured out the straps, securing her in safely.

Waving bye at Myra nad Maeve, you settled back in the seat. Cas had gone on ahead, leaving the road trip to you, Dean and Sam.

It was a couple of hours before you would be back home, and you were worried about how your newborn was going to take it. But she was asleep right now, and that's all that mattered.

"So, what was in that box?" Dean asked, his eyes checking the rearview mirror constantly, checking on you and his daughter.

You glanced at the box sitting at on the floor below your daughter. You hadn't opened it yet, following Maeve's instructions. But your curiosity was piqued as well. "I wasn't going to open it until we got back to the bunker."

Dean was silent for a moment. "But what if it's a trap? Or something like that? We don't want it in the bunker."

"But I also don't want to open it right beside our daughter," you argued. "If it is a trap."

"Why don't we pull over soon," Sam suggested. "We can leave Myra in the car, check out the box. That way the bunker stays safe, and she does too."

You all seemed to agree on that idea, and as soon as the next town appeared, Dean was looking for a spot to pull over. He picked a little burger shack. Picnic tables were placed around tall pine trees, while the other side had pull in parking spots where the waitress would come to them. Dean walked off to order food for everyone, while Sam picked up the box, placing it on one of the tables. Myra was still sound asleep in the car, the windows open to let a nice breeze blow in.

"I really don't think Maeve would send us a trap," you argued. "She was sweet."

Sam tucked his hair behind his ear. "I agree. But we need to be careful. Dean wants everything to be perfect when we get home, and this is a threat we have to take seriously."

"Did you know he sent Cas back to make sure the nursery was ready," you chuckled softly. "Poor Cas. Probably has no idea what he's doing. At least we got most of that done beforehand."

By this time Dean was coming back, his hands full of burgers, fries, and milkshakes. "Let's open that thing!" He exclaimed, setting the food down, plopping a couple of fries into his mouth.

Lifting up the cardboard lid, you peered down into the contents. "A baby blanket!" You exclaimed, pulling out the hand-crocheted item with glee. "This was my daughters," a note from Maeve was pinned onto the pink and white striped blanket.

Underneath the blanket was a couple more baby items, things that would come in useful. But that wasn't what caught your eye. Reaching inside, you pulled out a couple of binders. "What are those?" Dean asked, his mouth full of hamburger.

You began thumbing through the pages, seeing history unfold in front of your eyes. It was the beginning of the compounds. Every detail, every little idea placed on these pages. The years progressed through the pages, and you found yourself looking at your parents. There were pictures of you, alongside a younger-looking version of Maeve.

Tucked in the back was a folded piece of stationery paper, the writing on it neat and cursive.

"My dear Y/N," the letter stated, and you recognized it immediately. It was written by your Mom. There was no date, no indication of when it was written.

"Not to sound anti-climatic, but if you're reading this, I'm probably dead. Maeve promised me she wouldn't give this to me until then.

I hope you'll forgive me for making you marry a man you hardly knew. But you see, I knew his Father, and I knew the type of man Dean would become. He was what you needed. A life out of the compound, away from your Father's hold. A chance to be a normal person, hunter, with a man that cared more about you then the monsters he killed.

As I write this, you're leaving in that long black car of Dean's. I could see the fear in your eyes, the hurt you felt as we shipped you away. Your Dad had made it seem like it was for the best of our community. But I had arranged the marriage because I wanted what was best for you.

I know that I probably won't see you again. You're free of this life, and for that I will be eternally grateful to Dean Winchester. But I do love you, and I hope you know that.

Enjoy your life. Raise me some adorable grandbabies. But do not come back to the compound life. It was right. At first. But as many things do it has become jaded and wrong. It needs to change. I know you could do that, but I'm not putting that stress on your shoulders.

Love, Mom" 

An Arranged MarriageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz