Part 40

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Crowley seemed to be the only one at ease. Leaning back in his chair, casually sipping his whiskey, he was in no hurry to tell you why he was there.

Sam moved to stand behind you, silently protecting you and your unborn child from Crowley and whatever he was planning. Cas had slid the branch back into his trench coat, his hand wrapped around the silver handle of his Angel Blade. Both men had frowns on their faces, staring at Crowley with a mixture of hatred and distrust. "Crowley, what happened to meeting back in that alley?"

He shrugged his shoulders, refilling his glass with a snap of his fingers. "I was being followed, I believe. And I figured you would already have the ingredients ready."

His shoulders hunched, Cas glared at Crowley. "Followed by who? They could have followed you here!"

"You silly Angel," Crowley muttered, cocking his head your way. "I managed to slip past them, and I figured Y/N here would welcome the chance to bring her precious little squirrel back. After all, it doesn't seem like it will be long before her little one is born."

Sam laid a possessive hand on your shoulder, but you were the one to speak. "Crowley, please tell me you're not tricking us. I just want Dean back, and..."

"Darling, I've found out I have a soft spot for you," he interrupted you, leaning forward in his chair, the glass barely hanging from his grasp. "I helped you out against Lucifer, and I want to help you again."

You knew you had no choice but to trust him enough to give him the ingredients. To hope that he would come through and help you out. Dean was suffering in that cage, and you knew you would do anything to bring him back. And so did Crowley. "What are you going to do with the ingredients?"

"That's not important," Crowley tried turning your attention away. "What's important is getting Dean back to your family."

"Bullshit," Sam spoke up, his hand tightening slightly on your shoulder. Glancing up, you could see the sneer on his face, the way his jaw ticked. He was not happy, and you didn't blame him. You were just worried you might be sitting in the middle of what could see be a brawl. "We want Dean back, but we're not going to just give these items over to you."

Rolling his eyes, Crowley pulled a slim piece of paper from the pocket inside his pocket. "I swear I'm not trying to rule the world. These ingredients will take care of those trying to rule over me."

"How?" Cas grumbled low in his throat.

Crowley handed you the piece of paper. Scribbled upon the thick parchment was the ingredients you had collected, along with a single spell. It spoke of targeting those trying to harm you, but the bottom was ripped off. "Crowley, where's the rest of this?"

"I don't have it," he answered, sounding sincere. "This is one of the spells my Mother left me in case I ever needed to protect myself. I've never used it, but I need to get rid of this threat so I can take over my rightful place in Hell."

"Excuse us for a moment," Sam muttered, nodding his head toward the kitchen. You stood up, following him and Cas down to the hallway.

Crowley called out as turned out of sight. "Don't linger long. Every second you waste is a second Dean is rotting in that horrid place."

"I don't trust him," Cas announced as soon as you were far enough out of earshot. "Let me see that paper."

Taking the paper, he quickly read through the spell. "This seems simple enough, but the fact that part of it is ripped off...,"

Sam ran his hand through his hair, staring down at you as you nervously nibbled on your lip. "Y/N, I hate this. The stress is not good on you, or the baby. I just wish there was another way."

Softly placing your hand on his arm, you smiled up at him, "I do too." Quietly moving to the doorway, you glanced back into the library, checking on Crowley. He hadn't moved from his spot, swirling the amber colored liquid in his glass as he stared into space. "I think we have to trust him on this. It's our only hope."

"I don't know what's going to happen, but Y/N, I want you to promise us that you will stay with us, and let Sam and I do everything," Cas insisted, his blue eyes landing on your swollen stomach.

You thought back to how far you had come. From that quiet girl who had lived such a structured, unusual life. To getting married off to a man you didn't know, only to fall madly in love with him. Going against Monsters, even Lucifer. None of that mattered now. You could only think of the little girl growing inside of you, and the fact that you wanted her family back together, in one piece, when she finally arrived in this world.

"I promise," you assured Cas, the look on your face convincing him.

All three of you seemed to sigh at once before Sam took the lead. You followed behind both men, staying close to Cas as Sam came to stand in front of Crowley. The Demon barely looked up from his glass, humming deep in his throat.

"We have the ingredients, and they're yours. Just tell us how we're going to get Dean back?"

"First the ingredients," Crowley insisted, holding his hand out. "And the paper please."

Sam handed the paper over, while you gave Sam the bag of other ingredients. Cas pulled the branch reluctantly out of his pocket, handing it over as well. Once they were all in front of Crowley, he smiled up at you.

"You know, if Dean was up here, he wouldn't have let you hand those items over. He would have done anything else then give me what I wanted."

"Don't make us regret it," You growled.

Crowley stood up, setting his glass on the table, his other hand full of the ingredients. "Well, this has been fun, but it's time for me to go now."

"Crowley!" Both Sam and Cas exclaimed. "You lying son of a....,"

Shaking his head at the men, he snapped his finger, and you suddenly found yourself out of the familiar library of the bunker, standing in some dank, dark, stone covered hallway. 

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