Chapter 22

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"And I think I have an idea." Cas spoke up for the first time since you had walked into the room. "It's going to be difficult, but I think with Y/N's help we can pull it off."

"I'm already not liking this." Dean muttered, but you placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to assure him that it would be okay.

"Let's just hear him out. Then we can decide." You spoke softly, slipping your hand into his.

"I know Dean won't like this, but I think it's our best shot." Cas continued. "I think Lucifer still likes Y/N, even if she did escape him. I think we can work with that angle."

"No." Dean growled low in his throat. "I'm not letting her anywhere near him, ever again."

"Well, it wouldn't be for very long, and we could have him distracted while we split up, trying to stop the shipments." Cas continued.

"Dean, I know it's not the best idea, but I think it's the only one we have." Sam muttered, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't like it. Who's to say he won't take her and run off once again, and the vials are still dropped off at all the stores." Dean argued.

"Dean..." You started, squeezing his hand. "What if we don't have any other choice? What if we don't do this and millions of people die? I can't have that. It's my fault that you weren't able to stop it in the first place, let me do this. Please."

Sighing, Dean rubbed a hand across his face. "So Cas, how were you thinking of doing this?"

"We need to get Y/N back out in the spotlight. Where she can be seen by Lucifer. Maybe she goes back to the original warehouse, and he shows up there. Then the three of us track down the shipments, destroying them before they hit the shelves." Cas went on.

"And no one will be there to protect Y/N?" Dean all but yelled. "I know we want to stop the virus before it spreads, but we can't just throw Y/N to the wolves!"

"I'll be fine." You whispered, even though you weren't sure you would be. "Lucifer might have used me as bait to get to you, but I'm not sure he ever truly meant to kill me. He was twisted, and evil, but there was a part of him that seemed to care for me. I think I will be okay."

Dean's POV

It was one of the hardest things I had ever faced. Standing there as we argued about using Y/N as a distraction for Lucifer. My first instinct had been to lock her up in the dungeon until all of this had passed. I didn't want to lose her again, and who knew what Lucifer would do if she was close to him once again.

But I could tell how much this meant to her, which made it even harder to make a decision. I knew she felt as if the virus still being out there was her fault, and I wouldn't be able to change her mind. But I wasn't just going to let her go to him in prepare. There had to be something that would make it a little safer.

"If we're letting her do this, then there has to be some rules in place. Otherwise it's not gonna happen. Even if I have to lock you up." I insisted, everyone's eyes on me.

"What do you have in mind?" She asked, her hand still resting comfortably in mind.

"We create a ring of holy oil. It will keep him contained, for a couple of moments at least. Also, we search through each and every one of these books, try to find a spell that will get you the Hell out of Dodge if things start to go bad. That's the only way I'm gonna let this happen."

"Fine, it's a start." She agreed, pulling her hand from mine to clasp her's together. "Let's get to work!"

I watched as she bounded off to the bookcases, and even though it hurt, I knew this was making her feel like part of the team. That she was doing something productive and worthwhile. Even if I hated it, I didn't want to be the one taking that from her.

"Dean, I know you don't like this, but what choice do we have? If we don't have some sort of distraction, Lucifer will know right away when we mess with the shipments."

"And do we even know where the shipments are?" I asked.

"They were taken in three trucks. One is on route to California, one on its way to Texas and Mexico, and the third to New York City."

"And how are we supposed to stop all three?" I asked, this task seeming more and more impossible.

"We were able to place trackers on the trucks before they were moved out." Sam explained. "If you take one, I take one, and CAs takes the other, we can blow them up, and stop the shipments from spreading."

"While Y/N gets up close and cozy with Lucifer once again?" I asked as she came out, her arms full of dusty books.

"I don't like it either." Sam whispered. "But I don't know what else to do. And we can't have innocent people dying because we wanted to keep one person safe."

"But she's not just one person." I mumbled. "She's my wife. A person that I care for deeply. Hell, I love her."

Cas placed his hand awkwardly on my shoulder. "Dean, if the worst does happen, and I hope it doesn't. I promise you I will go to Heaven for you. I will do everything in my power to bring her back."

"That still doesn't comfort me." I muttered. "She's so innocent and brave, and willing to put herself in harm's way to save people. But isn't she one of the innocent people that should be saved as well?"

"That's the worst thing that could happen. Give her some props. She's tough." Sam insisted, just as she came over.

"Aren't you guys going to help me research? We don't have much time!"

The smile on my face was fake. "Of course. Cas was just going to make sure we have everything else we need, weren't you Cas?"

Nodding, the Angel vanished, and placing my hand on the lower part of Y/N's back, I guided her over to the table. My stomach churned at the thought of what was to come, but it seemed like I was the only one who was against it. 

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