Chapter 6

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 "I'm an Angel." He stated, narrowing his eyes as he stared your way. "And you're Y/N. I've heard about you."

"An Angel?" You questioned, still shrinking into the corner of the car, your heart beating furiously at the stranger who had just magically appeared in the car. "They're just myths, and what has been said about them is nothing good." You muttered, narrowing your eyes as he stared your way.

"I assure you, I'm not a myth. But as for the other part, there are certain Angels who do more harm than good." He told you.

"Wait Cas. You just said you've heard about Y/N. What do you mean?" Dean asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

Dean and Sam seemed very comfortable around this Angel, but your parents had always taught you to never trust the Supernatural, no matter what being they were. Demons, Angels, Vampires. They were all a threat, and they should all be taken out. You had never heard of a hunter befriending a Monster before, and it concerned you that your husband was being played. Reaching into the back of your jeans, you reached for your small pocket knife. In your history books, there had been a couple of symbols meant to banish Angels, and you tried to recall one to your mind while keeping an eye on the being in question.

Ignoring Dean's question, Cas turned his attention on you, specifically the hand that was hiding your small knife. "I wouldn't do that Y/N. I don't feel like being thrown far away once again, and we have things we need to talk about."

Holding his hand out, you reluctantly handed over your pocket knife, wincing when his hand grasped yours, holding you tight. "Let me go!" You exclaimed, pulling on your hand, but he wouldn't budge. Frightened, you turned towards your husband, hoping he would help you.

"Cas, buddy, you're scaring her." Dean argued, and Cas sighed.

"Y/N, I'm not attempting to harm you. I just needed the contact." He answered, making Dean narrow his eyes at his friend through the rear-view mirror. "I've heard things about you, and I wanted to see if they were true."

"What things Cas?" Sam asked, and Cas let go of your hand. Relieved, you wrapped your arms around yourself, wondering again what your parents had gotten you in to when they had given you away to Dean.

"Y/N's family line is long and powerful, much as yours is. It was prophesied that you and Y/N would marry. As for the rest, it's always been fuzzy." Cas explained.

"We were meant to be?" You asked, glancing back at Dean who seemed shocked at the Angel's words as well.

"I guess you could say it that way. It was meant to put together two of the most powerful hunting families. Your offspring will be strong, and may one day lead the rest of the hunting community." Cas continued on, and the thought of having children with Dean brought redness to your cheeks. Life in the compound had been strict and sheltered, and having personal relations with a man not your intended had been extremely frowned upon.

"I" You stuttered, not even knowing what you wanted to say. You were completely rattled, and were extremely grateful when Dean pulled the car into the garage and shut the engine off. "I need to go."

Rushing out of the car, you raced into your room, forgetting to help with the groceries. Locking the door behind you, you braced yourself against it, your heart pounding. You had never expected any of this when your Father had come to you a couple of weeks ago, telling you of your impending marriage. In the worst way, you wanted to talk to your family, to have some sort of connection with that previous life, but your parents were probably off hunting, and you were newly married. You weren't expected to crawl back to your parents, or even contact them at first on the phone. It was expected you would spend the beginning of your marriage getting acquainted with your husband, and your new community.

Dean's POV

Watching as Y/N raced out of the car, I was torn. I wanted to go after her, to make sure she was okay. So much had happened to her in such a brief period of time. Her life had been turned upside down, her thoughts and ideas being stretched and molded to fit new ideas. Then Cas had to arrive, messing with both of us with his news.

"What the hell, Cas?" I grumbled, stepping out of the car and leaning over the roof. "You don't just drop news like that without a little warning! You scared her, and now she'll probably want to run back to her parents!"

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Sam asked quietly, surprising me. "Didn't you want this to not work out? That way you fulfilled your promise, but you weren't saddled with some pitiful girl."

"That was before I knew Y/N." I mumbled softly. "She doesn't need to go back to the freaking compound! They'll ruin her. I can see her spirit inside her. She'll make an amazing hunter, if she has the chance."

"You care for her." Cas noticed as he tilted his head.

"What?" I asked. "Well, maybe. But not because of no damn prophecy. I'm done with prophecies, or fate, or whatever you call it. I just want to help Y/N out, and if she decides to move on, then so be it." But the thought of her moving on, finding someone else that would feel those lips against theirs, her smooth skin under theirs, had me clenching my hands. Sure, maybe I lusted after the girl, felt sorry for the life she had led until now. But that didn't mean I had feelings for her.

Cas and Sam both didn't seem to buy my argument, but I didn't care. "So, with that settled, what brought you here to begin with?"

"I wanted to meet Y/N for one." He answered. "But to also tell you that with Lucifer on the loose, the Angels are looking for answers. And they automatically blame us."

"Well, we are the ones who went and visited him in his cage." Sam pointed out.

"So, does that mean you're on the run? Since you were the one who said yes?" I asked Cas, watching as guilt flooded his face.

"Yes. I am as you say, on the run. I want to find him before they do, and reverse some of the damage I've created. But I'm afraid I'm going to need your help for that." Cas answered, pretty much saying what I knew he would.

Sighing, my eyes turned to the hallway, where Y/N was no doubt wondering what her life had come to. Knowing that this latest news would probably just make matters worse. Running my hand along my mouth, I glanced at Sam. "Let me try to explain this to Y/N. Then we can figure out our next step.

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