Road trip

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This trip in the car was so much different than the first time. Then, you had been tired and nervous, just starting your new life. Dean had been distant and uneasy. The entire mood of the car ride had been silent and awkward. Now, Dean had the music going, classic rock music that you hummed along to as well. Sam was busy on his phone, his attention far away. 

Leaning over the seat, you smiled over at Dean who glanced over at you. "What type of music do you listen to?" He asked you, turning down the radio. 

"Just a mixture. Y/F/B along with the music my parents grew up listening too. Stuff like this." You answered him just as one of your favorite songs came on the radio. "Ooh, turn it up!" You exclaimed, and with a chuckle Den did just that. 

Singing softly along to the music, you blushed when Dean turned to stare at you once again, his eyes wavering from the road for just a minute. "You've got a great voice." He told you, making you duck your head. You weren't used to compliments. "No seriously. Your voice is beautiful."

"It is." Sam agreed. "So please sing louder. It beats listening to Dean's off key singing all the time."

Crawling over as far over the seat as you could, you cranked the music up, covering up everyone making Dean chuckle once again. Leaning back in your seat, you smiled, realizing that you were happy. Life was different and strange, and sure you were heading to hunt Lucifer down, but you were happy for the first time in as long as you could remember. Dean had given you that, given you a chance to be yourself, and you could feel yourself changing, growing, each day you were away from the community. Maybe Dean was right. Maybe the communities were warping people, turning people away from how they should act. How they should be.

Sighing in confusion, you settled against the door, tucking your legs underneath you. Closing your eyes, you let the gentle rhythm  of the Impala lull you to sleep, feeling safe with Dean behind the wheel.

Dean's POV

Singing along to the music with Y/N had been amazing. I had been truthful when I told her she had an amazing voice. I could listen to her over any of my cassettes any day. Seeing her sitting there, her eyes shining as she sang along, her voice crisp and clear, I had felt something shifting in my heart, and I knew I would do anything in my power to keep her safe. 

When she leaned back, settling into the back of the Impala, I turned to see Sam staring at me, an unusual look on his face. Unable to read it, I raised an eyebrow at him, but he just shrugged his shoulder and turned back to his phone, leaving me wondering what was going on in that brain of his. 

Turning my attention back to the road, I continued driving, not even seeing the trees and houses that passed as my mind was focused on other things. Like the hunt in front of us. Usually I didn't worry about them, knowing that Sam and I are a good team, and that somehow we would always get past every obstacle thrown our way. But there was a new person involved, and I worried that this was going to be too much for her. We should have started with something small, like a ghost, or a Vampire. Instead, we were throwing her right into the frying pan, and I hoped that she, and us wouldn't get burned in the process.

Unsure and a little nervous, I gripped tight to the steering wheel, my knuckles cracking as I held on too tight. "You okay?" Sam asked me, and I nodded, my jaw clenching involuntarily. 

Seeing a gas station up ahead, I pulled over, needing the chance to clear my head while taking care of Baby as well. Coming to a stop, I climbed out of the car, Sam doing the same. Heading into the gas station, he left me there, and I glanced in the back window, wondering why Y/N hadn't moved yet.

Curled up against the door, Y/N was sound asleep. My spare flannel shirt was wrapped in her arms, cuddled tight to her chest as she twitched softly in her dreams. She looked so innocent that for a moment I wondered what a girl like her could ever see in me. It made me want to be a better person.

After filling up the gas tank, I checked to make sure Y/N was still asleep. Following Sam into the gas station, I perused the aisles, wondering exactly what Y/N liked to munch on. There were so many things that we didn't know about each other.But I wanted to learn. I wanted to know everything about her that I could. Grabbing a couple of different candy bars, along with a bottle of water, I quickly made my way towards the jerky section, running into Sam along the way.

"Chocolate bars?" He teased. "Not really your style."

"I wasn't sure what Y/N would want, and she's still asleep." I snapped back, making him smile widely. "What? Speaking of which, what was that look earlier?"

"You really care for her, don't you?" He asked me, as I turned my gaze away from him, perusing the jerky section with more interest than needed. 

"Sam, she's my wife. I'm stuck with her, so of course I want to be nice to her." I answered him, not ready to discuss my feelings with him, or anyone else for that matter.

"No, it's more than that. I know you, and it's easy to see. Hell, you were about ready to rip my head off this morning because I hugged her." Sam argued, reaching down and grabbing my favorite kind of jerky before I could. 

"Sorry about that." I muttered. "I'm not sure what came over me."

"It's love." He threw over his shoulder as he headed up to the cash register. "I can see it, and she probably can too."

Standing there with my mouth hanging open, I wondered if it was true. If Y/N could see the feelings and emotions that were growing with each day spent next to her. 

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