Chapter 13

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Feeling lips brush your cheek, you tried to wake up, struggling when darkness met your eyes. "Shh, this won't hurt. Just because I'm Lucifer doesn't mean I'm going to hurt everyone I meet."

Your heart pounding, you tried to crawl up the bed, away from the glowing red eyes in the darkened room. "Leave me alone!" You screamed, as you tried to climb off the bed. Falling to the floor, you crawled over to the nightstand, reaching up to grab your knife, even though you knew it would do nothing but piss him off.

But maybe, if you had the chance, you could lock yourself in the bathroom, and place a couple of sigils to protect you until Dean came back. If only you had listened to him, but you had been sure of yourself, that you could protect yourself.

"Whoa there girlie." Lucifer exclaimed, holding his hands up as if he wasn't going to hurt you. Not believing him for a second, you kept scooting, until you crashed into the table. "I don't want to hurt you. At least not yet. You're just leverage, much needed leverage to keep those Winchester's busy."

"But..." You muttered. "You're Lucifer. You're known for killing everything in your path."

Before you could even blink, he was in front of you, picking you up off the floor as if you weighed nothing. "That's not true! I didn't kill Dean, and he's been in my path more than anyone."

"I'd rather have you kill me." You told him, staring into those chilling blue eyes of his, amazed that this was the face of Lucifer. You had imagined someone monstrous looking, someone that you couldn't even gaze upon without wanting to rip your eyeballs out. But he seemed like a normal man. Except for his eyes. You could see the evil, the cunningness deep within his eyes, chilling you to the bone.

"Sorry sweet cheeks." He grinned, pinching your butt. "But I have my plan in place, and I don't want to switch it now."

Struggling against his hold, you felt the air around you tighten, almost until you couldn't breathe. Everything felt so tight, like your skin was going to pop, before the entire room went black. Still held tightly in his arms, it felt like you were flying, even though you couldn't see anything to prove that. As suddenly as those feelings appeared, they were gone, and you found yourself in a bright and airy room. So unlike where you imagined he would take you. Setting you down on the floor, he stood back, a proud smile on his face, his hands on his hips. "Well, what do you think?" He asked you.

Moving around, you took in the fluffy bed, it's comforter a brilliant blue against the pale wood. French Doors lined one wall, showcasing the sandy beach and the lake beyond. "Where did you bring me?" You asked him, wondering why he had picked this room, and not some sort of dungeon. After all, he was Lucifer.

"Those men of yours know nothing about me." He started explaining, heading over to the other wall where cabinets hid a small refrigerator. "I've been in placed dark and smelly for as long as I can remember. I wanted someplace clean, and away from all the blood and turmoil I plan on creating. Little does Dean know, but this place is close to where they are looking. But they'll never find it. I made sure of that."

"What are you going to do with me?" You asked. Sure, he had said he wasn't going to kill you, but thoughts of torture kept running through your mind.

"I haven't decided yet." He admitted. "At first, I wanted to string you up, to break you so that the girl Dean's falling in love with is no more. But there's something about you. I want to learn about you, to see what made you the way you are. You don't seem like other hunters."

You weren't sure which scared you more. The torturing you had imagined, or Lucifer's interest in you. "You won't be here all the time. I will find a way to escape." You promised him, watching as he threw his head back and laughed.

"I do love a girl with spunk." He chuckled. "Go ahead and go outside."

Narrowing your eyes at him, you tested the door handle, to find it opened easily. Stepping outside into the chilly air, you took in a deep breath of the lakeside smell. Pine trees, the smell of the water, it was soothing and wonderful. But you were more interested in the fact that there were cabins to both sides of you. No fences, or anything to keep you in. Glancing back to see him leaning against the doorframe, watching you.

The thought of going back to Dean at the front of your mind, you began running, your bare feet digging deep into the sand as you tried to head to the next cabin. To the help of the person sitting on their back porch. "Help me!" You exclaimed, but it was as if the person never heard you. Sitting there, a bottle of beer in their hand, their gaze stayed on the lake, never turning to see you.

Running as fast as you could through the deep sand, you screamed when you ran straight into an invisible force. Shoving you backwards, you landed on your butt, breathing heavily. "I'm Lucifer. Didn't you think I would have a couple tricks up my sleeve?" He asked, appearing right next to you. "No one can see either of us. It's as if this cabin, and this part of the beach are empty. They can't hear you, and they won't be able to save you. This barrier runs completely around the house, even through the lake. You are stuck here. No way out."

Snapping his fingers, you were transported once again, landing back in the bedroom, staring at it in dismay. "So, I'm still in a prison. Just one with a view and a comfortable bed."

"Yes, you can look at it that way. But now, enough about this. I want to know all about you. Your life before you were forced to marry that annoying Dean Winchester." He clapped his hands together, pulling a chair over and plopping down in it. Pointing to the bed for you to sit.

Dean's POV

"That was a waste of time." I grumbled, shutting the Impala off and turning to stare at both Sam and Cas. "We weren't even close to Lucifer."

"I don't know what happened." Cas stuttered. "All the signs pointed to that abandoned house. He should have been there."

"Well, looks like we're back to square one." Sam sighed, climbing out of the car. Following suit, I took a minute to stretch the kinks out of my back. Turning to the motel, I saw the curtain still closed in our room, and I wondered if she was sleeping. I couldn't wait to go in there and see her. I felt like a silly school boy, crushing hard on one of the girls in his class. But this time, she was my wife, and I had feeling she would reciprocate my feelings.

But the more I stared at the window, the worse this feeling in my gut became. Something was wrong. Even though the door was still shut, and there was no sign of a fight, I still couldn't help but feel like something had happened in that room.

Striding to the door, a frown on my face, I was stopped by my confused brother. "What's up Dean?" Sam asked, easily reading my body language.

"Something doesn't seem right." I muttered, my hand on the doorknob. "I don't have a good feeling."

Believing me, Sam pulled out his knife, and Cas dropped his Angel Blade. Stepping into the room, I could immediately smell it. The smell of sulfur, and something else. Something very powerful. My heart plummeted when I saw the tangled bed sheets, the table that was knocked sideways. "Y/N?" I called out, even though I knew she wasn't here. Still, I checked the bathroom, my knees buckling when I didn't find her. "Damn it!" I screamed, slamming my fist into the wall. Not even caring about my scraped knuckles, I turned to Sam. "I shouldn't have left her behind. I should have ordered the sigils be put up. Now she's gone, and I have a good idea about who took her."

"Who?" Sam asked, even though I think he already knew the answer.

"Lucifer. Lucifer took my wife. And I'm going to do everything in my power to get her back." I promised, hoping that she was okay. 

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