Part 43

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You stood as close as you could to the wards, feeling their power wafting off of them, turning your stomach. There wasn't much to be seen in the room encasing the cage, but you looked closely anyways. Hoping there was some sort of manual, or key that would help you rescue Dean.

"Dean?" You called out while he stayed silent. You were worried for him, wanting to see him for the first time in months. But he stayed in the shadows, his face nothing more than a darkened blur in the corner.

"Y/N," he sighed. "I know you've come a long way to save me, but I want you to go back. I want you to keep yourself and our baby safe. It's not safe for you down here."

You could hear the give in his words. He had given up hope, and it killed you to know your brave husband had been beaten down. You hadn't gone through everything to be stopped like this.

The hidden entrance into this room had long since closed back up, the evil army banging on the the stone wall. You had no idea if Crowley had survived, which meant you were completely on your own. Leaving your spot beside the wards, you began walking the walls, learning everything you could about this cavernous room.

You ran your hand along the walls, searching for some sort of hinge. Dean stayed quiet in the cage, but the other man stood up, moving closer to the edge. You had hoped he would stay silent, but you had known it was only a slim possibility.

"Y/N? Why haven't you come to talk to me?" He called out, his hands wrapped around the steel bars.

"Leave her alone!" Dean growled, finally standing up. You really couldn't see either man in the faded light, but you didn't have to see them to know how pissed Dean was.

Lucifer threw his hands up in the air, acting as if he wasn't doing anything wrong. "Hey! I know we've had our own fun down here, but I wanted to have a conversation with someone a little....prettier."

Dean threw himself towards Lucifer, tackling him to the ground. You yelled for them to stop, just as the door you had been searching for slid open. Crowley stumbled inside, his once pristine suit torn to shreds but otherwise okay. "Smart girl," he muttered, seeing you standing there. "But why haven't you saved Dean yet?"

"Crowley, get her the hell out of here!" Dean growled just as Lucifer slammed him into the iron bars.

Ignoring Dean, Crowley snapped his fingers, and the room flooded with light. The door slid shut behind Crowley, and you got your first real look at Dean in months. His hair was longer, the ends no longer standing in spikes. A light ginger beard covered his chin, as did cuts and bruises. His flannel shirt was wrapped around his bicep, the other arm covered in bruises as well. He looked a fright, skinny and haunted. You wanted to pull him out of the cage, take him home and feed him bacon cheeseburgers before cuddling in bed.

"Dean, do you know how hard she has worked to save you?" Crowley asked, standing at the edge of the wards, shoving his hands in his pockets. "She's not gonna leave her without you by her side."

Lucifer pulled Dean back and Dean turned on him, slamming his fist into Lucifer's cheek, sending him to the ground. "Crowley, stop playing with her. If you can't get me out of this freaking cage, then get her out of hell and back to Sam and Cas!"

With a snap of his fingers, the wards glowed golden before fading away. "Go ahead Y/N. It's safe for you and the little one."

You watched Crowley closely, making sure that he wasn't pulling a fast one over you. Both Dean and Lucifer had stopped fighting, watching with interest as you stepped close to the faded wards. You could feel the fear rushing through you, making your hands trembled. Your daughter kicked at your stomach, and you wondered if she was warning you away before something back happened. Or if she knew her Dad was close by.

"Y/N, you don't have to do this," Dean told you, his hands tight around the iron bars. His eyes were wide as he watched you closely.

You took a deep breath, smiling up at Dean. "But I do. We need you back in our lives Dean." Without any further time for arguments, you stepped across, closing your eyes as you waited for something to happen. For the power of the wards to flow through you, harming you or your little girl. But nothing happened, and you glanced up at Dean in surprise. "Dean, it worked!"

"Good job sweetheart," he spoke softly. "But now what?"

Crowley, who was still in the background, rolled his eyes. "Now she opens the cage door, dumbass. But better be quick. We only want one person out, not two."

Lucifer smiled wickedly, moving towards the cage door before Dean could even blink. You left your hand off of the handle, hoping that Dean would find a way to back off Lucifer. "Lucifer, you are not leaving this cage," Dean growled, slamming Lucifer into the iron bars. "This is where you will stay. Forever."

"I don't think so," Lucifer spat, pushing Dean away. "I'm going to be the one to slip out, and I will take Y/N, and your unborn daughter and raise her as my own. I will teach her how to be evil and corrupted, and everything you wouldn't want."

"No!" You screamed, reaching into the pocket of your jeans, pulling out the Angel Blade. With Lucifer struggling to get out of Dean's grasp, you slammed the blade through the bars, deep into Lucifer's lower back.

He screamed, letting go of Dean, and you took his hesitation to open the door. Dean fell out, and you pushed the heavy door back with all of your might as Lucifer raced to climb out. "No!" He screamed, but he was too late. Dean helped you latch the cage, both of you stumbling backward out of the warded circle. Crowley snapped his fingers, the wards glowing gold once again as you slid to the ground.

Dean kept his arms around you as the two of you sank to the ground, and it was the best feeling in the world. You had missed him so much, and his arms felt like you were finally home. Your daughter must have agreed, kicking your stomach where his hand rested. "Is that....?" He asked softly, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Dean, meet your daughter," you answered, tears falling down your cheeks. You had been so worried that this moment would never happen. All of your pent up emotions and worry had you crying hard, holding tight to Dean. It didn't matter that you were still in Hell, with Crowley's army no doubt in the hallway. You had gotten Dean out of the cage, and that was all that mattered for the moment. 

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