Chapter 9

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Your POV

Dean decided it would be best to wait until morning to leave, and you had to agree. You wanted to stay at the bunker, sleep in your own bed one more night before your new adventure. You didn't want Dean seeing how nervous you were, or you knew he would insist that you stay home.

This would be your first hunt, your first chance at really proving yourself to Dean. It just scared you that it wasn't something easy like a ghost, or vampire. No, it had to be Lucifer, and that thought had your hands shaking. Sure, Dean said that he would make sure you were safe, that you would always be protected. But this was the big bad you would be facing. 

Climbing into your bed after Dean had left your room, you pulled the covers up tight, trying to imagine what tomorrow would bring. Hoping that you didn't act too foolish, or get in Dean's way. You wanted to prove yourself useful. That Dean had married well. 

Sighing, you closed your eyes, praying that you did Dean proud tomorrow.


"Wakey, wakey!" Dean exclaimed, pounding on your door as he walked past. Groaning, you rolled over in bed, surprised to see that it was already 8 in the morning. Much later than you usually slept.

Feeling like you weren't starting the day off well, you raced out of bed, quickly changing into a pair of ripped jeans, along with a simple long sleeved shirt. Braiding your hair, you wrapped it into a bun, slipping in to your sensible boots before leaving your room behind. You could hear Sam and Dean talking in the kitchen, but it stopped as soon as you stepped inside.

"Y/N!" Dean exclaimed, taking a step towards you. Surprising you when he pulled you into a hug, you glanced at Sam. He just shrugged, so you enjoyed the embrace.

"You must have already had your coffee." You muttered once he pulled away.

"Like three pots full." He answered, his hands almost shaking from the caffeine. 

"How long have you been up" You asked as you made your way to the nearly empty pot. Pouring yourself a cup, you made your way to the fridge, trying to figure out what you wanted for breakfast.

"Not sure I even went to sleep." Was his answer, far closer to you than you expected. Glancing up, you saw Dean standing right behind you as Sam left the kitchen, a smile on his face. "I couldn't stop thinking, so I came in here. Researched, and stuff."

"What stuff?" You asked him, as he backed you up so your back was against the cool door of the fridge. With one hand braced on each side of your head, you should have felt afraid. But you weren't. There was something about Dean, even though he was a fierce hunter, you felt safe with him. Sure, your heart was pounding, but it wasn't from fear. It was from exhilaration, waiting to see what he would do next.

"You." He whispered, leaning down so his lips were just a breath's away from yours. From this close, you could see tiny gold specks in his mossy green eyes. His eyes were so mesmerizing, that you didn't realize he was speaking until a moment later. "I couldn't get those big beautiful eyes out of my head. Or the way your lips felt against mine."

"Dean..." You started, licking your bottom lip, wishing he would just close the distance and kiss you already.

"I never expected to feel this way." He whispered, his lips barely brushing yours. "I never imagined that this arranged marriage could actually be a good thing."

Before he could fully kiss you, he pulled away, reaching to the counter beside the fridge and handing you a plate already made up with your breakfast. "Eat up. We've got a busy day ahead of us."

With those parting words, he strode out of the kitchen, and you did nothing but stand there and watch him go. Picking up a piece of bacon, you thought about the man who was turning your world upside down.

From an early age you had resigned yourself to an arranged marriage. Hoping that you would at least like the man you had married. You had really expected your husband to be as gorgeous as Dean. You hadn't expected these feelings either. Butterflies in your stomach when ever he looked at you. A deep aching feeling low in your stomach. A feeling you had never felt before.

Your thoughts muddled, you tossed your uneaten breakfast in the trash. Walking into the hallway, you can straight into Sam.

"Whoa. You okay?" He asked, holding you steady.

"Yeah, just clumsy." You answered. Truthfully, running into Sam was like running into a brick wall. He was tall, and even though he was lean, he was full of muscle. Moving to go past him, you peered up at him in surprise when he didn't release your arm.

"Um.." He muttered, letting go and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just... we haven't had much of a chance to get to know each other."

"No, we haven't." You agreed, standing there and waiting for him to say his piece. 

"But I just wanted you to know that I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. I know this is a whole new lifestyle for you, and that Dean isn't always the easiest person to get along with. I was just hoping that maybe we could be friends, or you could even come to think of me as your brother." He muttered, and you could see that he was being truthful, even if he was having a hard time figuring out the words. 

"I would like that." You answered truthfully. "I've never really had a close friend, and I've always wanted a brother. I'd be honored to call you mine."

"Great!" He exclaimed, reaching down and pulling you into a hug. "I know you and Dean are going to be great together. I can already see a difference in him. A softness that wasn't there before."

"I just hope it doesn't hinder him or his hunting." You admitted, just as footsteps came thundering down the hall.

"Sam, are you hitting on my wife?" Dean roared, and Sam pulled away quickly. 

"Dean, we were just talking. Y/N and I were getting the chance to get to know one another. After all, she's my sister now." Sam answered, as Dean glared at him. 

"Fine." He grumbled, still frowning. "But let's get this show on the road! Cas is already on location, waiting for us. He has a one block radius of where Lucifer might be."

At the mention of Lucifer's name, the smile left your face and your nervousness returned. Your words from earlier were true. You didn't want to be a hindrance to Dean, and to cause issues on such an important hunt. But you didn't want to be left behind either.

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