Part 46

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You were exhausted and sore. Every fiber of your being was forcing you to sleep, but you fought it. You couldn't go to sleep, not until you knew that everything was going to be okay.

Dean had long since been brought to this house, along with Sam and Cas. He had tried to force his way into the room, but Mauve was a stubborn woman and had kept him downstairs with her husband. You could only imagine how that was going. All three of your male companions sitting with the man who had kidnapped you right in front of their eyes. All the while worried about you, who was upstairs in one of the bedrooms, giving birth.

Your baby, a girl, was snuggled on the side of the bed, wrapped in one of Mauve's old throw's. It had been a long delivery, but Mauve had stayed by your side the entire time. Another woman had shown up from town, never talking to you, but had helped when needed.

"She's a strong girl," Mauve said softly as she stared down at your daughter. "I don't have a scale, but she's a big baby."

You smiled over at her, weakly raising an arm to push the throw down a little bit. She stirred, her little fists moving up to her mouth. "She's perfect," you whispered, knowing that you should get her to bring Dean up. Dean needed to see his baby, but you wanted another moment alone with him.

"Sweetie, your Mom would have been so proud," Mauve spoke softly, her eyes glazing over with memories.

"I'm not so sure," you whispered. "My parent's and I...we didn't exactly see eye to eye. And they're dead because of me."

The older woman sat down on the edge of the bed, rubbing her thumbs together as she waited for the right words. "Y/N, I know you and you're parents never saw eye to eye. Especially your Father. But your Mom? She hated this life as much as you did. She called me, the night they betrothed you to Dean. She was nervous but excited. Knowing that you would have a chance to have a real life. To raise kids away from the community. She hated that community, and I know she won't mind the fact that it's gone."

"I think the communities were good in the beginning," she continued. "But as with most things, they have gotten skewed. Maybe someday, you'll come back, and lead like your father once did."

You shook your head. "I don't know if that will ever happen. I like my life now. With Lucifer in the cage, I can live a happy life with Dean. Without the rules of a community."

She smiled sadly. "I can understand that. And I know my Herald. He might have been upset, but he won't force you to stay. But before you go, there is someone you might want to see."

Before you could ask who, the door opened slightly, Dean peeking his head inside. "Is it safe? Or am I going to get shot at?"

Mauve stood up, motioning him inside. "I won't shoot. Unless you tire her out too much. She's been through a lot, and needs rest."

"Yes Ma'am," he answered somberly, his eyes searching the bed, coming to rest on the bundle to your side.

Mauve stopped at the door. "Let me know if you need anything. I'll be back with food, and a visitor soon."

"A visitor?" Dean asked, leaning down to press his lips gingerly to your forehead. "Anyone I know?"

You shook your head. "I have no idea who she is talking about. I thought it was you, or Sam, or Cas."

Your words bounced off of Dean as he rounded the bed to stare down at your daughter. "A girl?" He asked, and you nodded. "Can I..can I hold her?" He asked.

"Dean, she's your daughter. Of course, you can hold her."

His hands shaking slightly, Dean reached down but pulled back. "Dean, you won't hurt her."

Taking a deep breath, he tried again, slipping his hand underneath the throw. Lifting her up, he froze when your daughter began squirming. Blue eyes blinked up at Dean, and Dean glanced at you. "Blue eyes?"

"Lots of babies have blue eyes," you argued. "They'll probably change."

He held the baby in his arms, against his chest, staring down at her in wonder. "Have you considered a name?"

"I didn't want to make that decision without you," you assured him. "It's a joint decision."

His attention was back on his son, who had just taken Dean's finger in his tiny little fist, holding tight. "I have no idea."

"I was wondering," you started. "How about Myra? Myra Winchester."

"Myra?" Dean asked. "We would name her after your friend?"

"Just a suggestion," you backtracked quickly. "Unless you have another idea."

He shook his head. "No, I like it."

Dean stayed by your side for the next hour or so. Even when you fed your baby, he stayed, his eyes wide as he took everything in. Finally, you had fallen asleep, and he slipped out of the room, no doubt heading down to tell Sam and Cas everything.

You slept for a solid three hours before Myra had you waking up, needing her diaper changed. Mauve took over, insisting that she wanted to help out as much as possible. Leaving you to watch in amazement as the door opened, and your old friend Myra walked inside. She walked with a slight limp, a long, jagged scar running down one arm. But she was alive, and that's all that mattered. "Myra!" You exclaimed, wanting to climb out of bed, but one stern look from Mauve had you putting the covers back down.

"Y/N, I can't believe it's you!" She answered, quickly enveloping you in a hug. "I've been so worried about you."

"Me? I've been so worried about you. I'm so sorry we left you at that hospital but..,"

She shook her head. "Don't worry about it. They saved my life, and I was brought here."

"Back to a community," you whispered, knowing how much you had wanted her to be free as well.

She shrugged, glancing over as Mauve baby talked to your newborn. "It's better than nothing. I have a job, and they're nicer here."

You stayed silent for a moment as she worried her bottom lip. "So, a baby now?" She finally asked.

"Unexpected, but yes. I have a beautiful baby girl."

She smiled, but it didn't reach up to her eyes. "You've got everything then. A husband, a baby. Life out of the community."

You reached over, grabbing her hand. "You could have that too. Come with us. There is plenty of room at the bunker, and I could use some female company."

She rolled her eyes at that. "I could see that. Those three men down there could be overwhelming. But who is that tall one?"

You could see her interest that she was trying so hard to hide. "That's Dean's brother. Sam. You'd really like him."

She blushed slightly, just before Dean came back into the room. "Y/N, how soon do you think you'll be ready to travel? We have a car, and I'd like to get back to the bunker as soon as possible."

Mauve spoke up before you could. "She is not going anywhere for at least another day!" She exclaimed. "She needs rest, and quiet, and not on some bumpy road."

Dean glanced at you for help before slipping back out of the room. Mauve chuckled before handing Myra back to you. "Men," she muttered. "They have no idea what giving birth is like. You take as much time as you need sweetie."

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