Chapter 8

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Dean puffed his chest out at your words. "Yes, you did." He said proudly. "But seriously, the more I learn about your community, the more I want to burn it to the ground."

"I think I have a lot to learn about you guys." You muttered. "Are there any other secrets that you need to tell me? Weird people that you're besties with? Other horrific monsters you have released onto this world? Next you're going to tell me you were in charge of that darkness woman who threatened to end the world!"

They glanced between each other, identical looks of guilt on their face. "Seriously? That was you too? Maybe I should find my text book, and you can just let me know what you aren't guilty of starting."

"Y/N, I..." Dean started, rubbing his hand along his mouth. "Life has been interesting. And when you've been in this business as long as Sammy and I have, things are bound to happen."

"Maybe you should have joined a community. They could have helped..." You started, but Dean's glare stopped the words immediately.

"Never! We tried that, just once, and never again. Especially when you've told me everything you've gone through because of them!" He growled. "Hell, you're here now, whether you even wanted to be, or not! You have no choice in your life, and that is not okay!"

"I might not have wanted to enter this marriage, but I knew it was my duty." You calmly explained. "But now? I'm glad. I'm not going to bad mouth them, but I am starting to see that some of their ideas aren't for the best."

Dean's POV

Watching Y/N's face as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that we were probably in 95% of her text books, I couldn't believe how adorable she looked. Each and every moment I was with this woman, who was years younger than me, I felt myself falling for her a little bit more. I knew it would take just one little push and I would be head over heels in love with her.

I was still furious over the little bit of information she had given me about her previous life. Nothing had chilled my blood more than seeing those scars upon her back, and I wanted to head cross country and take it out on her Dad.

Knowing that she hadn't ever done anything more than kiss a boy, and drink a couple sips of beer, it made me wonder what else she had been missing out on. If there were any other surprises that would be showing up sooner or later.

When she asked if there were any other weird creatures we were friends with, it was hard to stifle a laugh. If only she knew the type of people we met or worked with on a daily basis. It was only a matter of time before Crowley came calling.

I couldn't wait for her to get out of her shell, to stop thinking of the rules of the community, and start enjoying life outside it. To know what it truly meant to live. I could already see a little bit of difference, and I couldn't wait for more. And I couldn't wait for more than just the little, teasing kiss we had shared earlier. I wouldn't push her, but I hoped she wouldn't be too slow about the issue.

"Dean?" Sam called out, and I glanced up, realizing I had zoned out for a couple of minutes.

"Y/N was asking what our plan was as to Lucifer." Cas explained for me, tilting his head as he tried reading me. He was better at it than I liked, and when he smiled, I knew he had just figured out how much I was coming to care for Y/N.

Turning to her once again, I couldn't believe how lucky I was. By following through with my father's promise, I had thought I would end up with some mousy, annoying chit who would run at the slightest noise. But Y/N was beautiful, and strong, and I knew she would be a great asset to our team. "We're going to find him, and go from there." I answered lamely. "We have a friend who could help. If not, then his mother is a witch. She knows a spell or two."

"There you go again. Talking about being friends with a witch as if it's the most normal thing in the world." She muttered, crossing her arms, and I had to fight to keep the smile off my face.

"I wouldn't call our relationship friendly." Sam mumbled, and I had to agree with him. "But it's needed, sometimes."

"So, a witch, an Angel. Anything else?" She muttered. "Maybe a unicorn? Or an imaginary friend?"

"Castiel's unicorn is dead." Sam answered, and I chuckled when Cas' eyes narrowed. "My imaginary friend is back doing his things. So, they won't be bugging us."

"I think I'm just going to give up now." She mumbled faintly, and with a pointed glare from me to Sam and Cas, they left the room.

"Castiel's unicorn was a term for his Demon friend. Not the real horned animal." I tried explaining, but she just raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah, doesn't make it sound much better, does it?"

"This is just like a whole new world." She sighed. "One that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to fit into."

"You already do." I insisted. "You've already created this little spot for yourself in our family, and I can't imagine life without you."

My words might have given away more than I intended to, but Y/N didn't seem to notice that. "So, I guess that means I'm off to hunt Lucifer with my husband and family?"

"Yep." I answered. "But don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you. Right now we're just trying to find him. When it actually comes to caging him back up, I don't want you close."

"Dean, I've been sheltered all of my life." She argued. "Please don't try to shelter me here as well. I can handle it. And besides, field work is always the fastest way to learn."

Staring at me with those big, beautiful eyes of hers, I swore she already learned the puppy dog eye trick from Sam. Groaning, I nodded. "Fine. But the minute it gets too much, you let me know, got it?"

Nodding, she came forward, wrapping her arms around my middle. Snuggling her head against my chest and holding tight. Pulling her tight to me, I relished the feel of her against me, knowing how easy it would be to get used to this.

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