Chapter 19

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 Running around the corning, you saw people running frantically away, cars peeling out on the cracked highway. But it was one car that shown light a beacon, and you ran as fast as you could to it, your sobs making it hard to catch your breath.

As your legs threatened to give out underneath you, the entire community rumbled before bursting into flame. The force of the blast sent you and the other people flying through the air, screams heard as the people close to the gate were engulfed in flames and debris.

Your heart was bleeding for the people you had known, the family that was dead, but you couldn't think about that now. All you could think about was the man climbing out of the car, his hands running through his hair as he stared at the engulfed building in horror. "Dean!" You called out as you rounded the car.

Instantly turning, his eyes landed on you, his entire body relaxing when he realized it was you. "Y/N!" He exclaimed, racing towards you. "I thought you were...the fire..." He muttered, pulling you tight to him, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I thought I had lost you."

"It's not that easy getting rid of me." You tried to lighten the situation. "But seriously Dean, we need to go. Lucifer is not going to be happy that I escaped."

"Yeah, and the rest of the gang needs our help stopping the Croatian virus from spreading." He grumbled, letting go of you so you could climb back into the comforting confines of the Impala.

"Missed you baby." You whispered, petting the car to hear a little chuckle from Dean.

"It's nice seeing both of my girls getting along." He smiled, before starting the car up when you reached over, grabbing his hand.

"Dean, stop!" You exclaimed, already half way out of the car before he was able to stop the Impala.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" He yelled, as you raced over to a group of people laying on the ground. Your friend, Myra lay at the end of the group, her familiar brunette with purple streaks easy enough to recognize, even in the smoke and dust.

"Myra!" You screamed, dropping to your knees beside her. Seeing blood on her clothes, you quickly checked for a pulse, relieved when it was there.

"Y/N, we've got to go!" Dean yelled, racing towards you.

Trying to wake your friend up, a shadow covered the entire area, the sky turning red with smoke and fire. "Y/N, I know you're out there. You can't hide from me. I'll find you, and I won't be forgiving when I do." Lucifer's voice boomed around you.

"Y/N!" Dean tried yanking on your arm, but you refused to leave your friend.

"Dean, she's hurt, I can't leave her!" You insisted.

Cursing under his breath, Dean reached down, picking her up in his arms. Racing back to the Impala, he placed her on the back seat before the two of you climbed into the front seat. Glancing in the rear-view mirror, Dean gunned his car, tires squealing as he left the carnage behind him.

Turning in your seat, you watched as your entire childhood went up in smoke. People you had known all your life laying lifeless on the ground. People were running down the road, their faces streaked with tears, panic forcing them away from the only home they had ever known. Your parents were both dead, your Dad once again disappointed in you before he faced his maker.

Tears slipped down your cheek as you wished things had ended differently. Now you would always be known as the girl who brought destruction on those she cared about. Your hands were bloody, all these lives lost your fault. At least you had seen Myra, but even that wasn't set in stone. She was pale, her shirt covered in blood, and you hoped she would make the trip to the hospital.

Dean's POV

Never had I driven the Impala so fast, but I kept my foot on the petal, glancing over to the passenger seat, relieved that it had been easy enough to find Y/N. It was like it had been planned from the beginning. Driving up, I had been devastated as I watched the entire compound go up in flames. Believing that Y/N was inside, and that we would never get a chance to fully get to know one another. It had made me realize how much of an impact Y/N had made in my life already.

When she had called me name, and I turned around to see her racing towards me, I couldn't even begin to describe the relief rushing through me. She was there, no longer in Lucifer's grasp, and I had never been more grateful. Holding her in my arms once again was like coming home, and I couldn't wait to get her as far away from that place as possible.

My heart hurt for all the hunters that had lost their lives. The children who had been innocent. But I was not disappointed that one community was gone. I didn't want people to die, but hopefully the demise of this one would slowly make the other ones disband.

I had been ready to drive away when Y/N had raced out of the car. I had no idea what she was doing, and my only choice was to follow her and bring her back to safety. I would have rather left the stranger behind, but I couldn't ignore Y/N's pleading eyes. Hearing Lucifer call out to Y/N had the blood chilling in my veins, and I picked the lady up, needing to be as far gone as possible. Even if it meant bringing an extra person with us. Not even sure this woman would last the trip to the nearest town, I still placed her broken body on the back seat of the Impala, relieved when Y/N climbed back inside.

As I carefully made my way through the throngs of people rushing away from the burning buildings, I couldn't stop glancing towards Y/N. It broke my heart to see her sitting there, tears in her eyes as she watched her childhood go up in flames. No doubt her family was still in there, lost to her forever.

Reaching over, I grasped her hand, squeezing it assuring her that everything would be alright. Giving me a half smile, she scooted closer, resting her head against my shoulder. "I knew you would come." She whispered, my heart swelling at the thought of her believing in me. "I held onto hope that you would come and save me from Lucifer. I just didn't imagine it would end like this."

"I'm so sorry." I mumbled, knowing words weren't enough.

"Do you know what's funny?" She asked me, and I shook my head. "A part of me is relieved. My parents are gone, and so are friends, and that makes me sad. But lately I've come to realize just how backwards these communities are, and a part of me is relieved that there is one less hunting community in this world. That these people can make a life for themselves in cities, where arranged marriages aren't forced on unsuspecting people."

"Hey, arranged marriages aren't all bad." I teased, trying to lighten the mood. "After all, it brought us together."

"That's the best part." She whispered, her eyes closing as she cuddled tighter against me.

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