Chapter 16

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As Lucifer rounded the corner of the fence, you waited for alarms to go off. For sirens to sound announcing that the protective sigils were gone. That one of the biggest, baddest evils in the world was standing at their front gate.

But you could see inside, and life was running just as normally as usual. People were walking back and forth, from their homes to the stores. You could just imagine what was happening at this time of day. Students were almost done with school, and the girls would head home to help their moms with the chores, while the boys went to train. Sure, some girls went with them, but those were the outcast girl's. Girl's that usually ended up leaving the compounds rather than become the town's whore, or the town's recluse.

Sure, you weren't coming back to the compound on your terms. But you were still back, a short time after you had left the first time. And it was amazing how different you felt. You were a completely new person, looking at this dusty, dirty place with new eyes. You could see how many things were wrong with this place, with this system. But that didn't mean you wanted Lucifer burning this place down. It had been where you had grown up. You had family, and friends here. You might not agree with the way it was run, but you didn't want to have it end in front of yours eyes.

"You're awfully quiet." Lucifer whispered next to your ear, pulling you close to his side as he quickly transported you over the wall, landing in the deserted alley. "Did I accidentally lose your tongue?"

"Sorry, lost in thought." You muttered darkly. "Just trying to figure out how I can stop you from ruining this place."

He seemed to seriously consider your statement. "Let me think. Would you kill your new husband? Because that might actually work."

Your eyes wide, you stared at Lucifer. You hadn't actually expected him to take you up on a trade. But you had never imagined it would be something so horrible. "I can't kill Dean!" You exclaimed.

Smiling wickedly, Lucifer brushed the hair back from your cheek. "I know. Which makes this so perfect. The only thing you can do to stop me is something you would refuse to do."

Without giving you a moment to argue, Lucifer pulled you tight to his side again, making his way towards the busiest street on the road. Gulping, you had no choice but to follow him, with his grip too tight on you. Heading down the street, you smiled at the people who stopped and stared at you, surprised to see the leader's daughter back after being married off.

"Y/N, dear, it's so nice to see you!" Mrs. Nibbs started to say, but stopped when Lucifer turned on her, his eyes glowing red as he raised his hand.

"You know Y/N?" He questioned her, as she was frozen in her spot.

"Well...yes, Y/N and I..." She stuttered, frozen in fear.

"Spit it out." He muttered, waving his hand.

"She is my mother's best friend." I explained. "Please let her go."

"I don't think so." He smiled, and with a snap Mrs. Nibbs's head snapped, her neck breaking instantly. You watched in horror as her lifeless body fell to the ground.

"You've just killed one of the most influential people in this community." I warned him through my tears. "If you wanted to stay inconspicuous, that was not a good move."

"But it was so much fun." He told you gleefully as people started to gather around.

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice boomed, and with your heart in your throat, you turned to see your Father storming down the street, his community council following behind. You weren't ready to see your Father. Knowing he would be unhappy with you for being back, especially without your husband at your side. Then, when he realized you were the reason that Lucifer was here? If Lucifer didn't kill you, he probably would.

"This is getting fun!" Lucifer all but squealed, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

"Y/N?" Your father called out once he noticed you standing there, right in front of his dead friend.

Dean's POV

"Can't we ask for help?" I muttered, knowing there had to be other hunters out there that could help us. Maybe I could send them with Cas, while Sam and I went to rescue Y/N from Lucifer's clutches. "Someone out there should be willing to help us!"

"I'm not sure who." Sam mumbled, running his hand along his mouth. "Everyone we know is dead. Sure, there are other hunters, but it would take time to get time. Time we don't have."

"What if we call for help, and until they get here, you assist us in stopping this virus. As soon as they arrive, or at the first sign of Y/N, you leave. Because right now we don't even know where she is. Or if she is..."

I interrupted Cas, unable to hear those words spoken out loud. "She's alive. She has to be alive. And I guess that's the best plan we're going to come up with."

"Why don't we call her community?" Sam suggested. "Ask them for help. They should be more than willing to help out their son in law."

"And tell them what when they show up and Y/N is nowhere to be found?" I questioned, not wanting to see the hatred in her father's eyes. He hadn't been warm or inviting at the wedding, and I had no idea how he would react when he found out I had lost his daughter.

"You're going to need to tell him sometime. And this way he can help us, and maybe we can all search for her as well. We need more manpower Dean." Sam insisted, and I knew he was right. I just didn't want to do it.

"Fine. But if I tell him, we might not get the help we'll need." I muttered, pulling out my phone.

"Then we'll contact another community. Or figure out something." Cas answered simply.

Pulling up the number I had yet to use in my phone, I clicked it, my heart beating faster than I wanted to admit. Holding it to my ear, I paced away from my brother and best friend, waiting impatiently as it rang and rang. When I had given up hope they would answer, it picked up, someone breathless on the other end.

"Hello?" a female voice rang out.

"Yes, I'm looking for Mr. Y/L/N. Is he there?" I asked her, hearing commotion in the background noise.

"I'm his wife, but he's very busy right now. We have sort of an issue going on." She explained.

"This is Dean Winchester. Your son in law." I started telling her, stopping when she started yelling at someone in the background.

"Oh Dean!" She exclaimed. "It's good to hear from you, but right now isn't a good time."

"But it's pretty important." I tried. "We need your..."

"You see..." She continued. "I don't know what you've done, but Y/N is here right now, and so is Lucifer. So, we're a little busy."

With a click, she hung up the phone. Holding it loosely in my hand, I turned to look at Sam and Cas, shocked at what I just heard.

"So, will she help us?" Sam asked, and I shook my head.

"No. They are dealing with Lucifer." I muttered, wondering what I was going to do now.


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