Part 32

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Dean's POV

"That's where he's keeping her?" I checked to make sure as I stared through the binoculars at the derelict apartment buildings almost a mile away. The three of us were staked out on top of a high rise hotel, far enough away that Lucifer shouldn't be able to notice us, but close enough for these far range binoculars to work. "I really didn't think living with the rats would be Lucifer's style."

"He has it spelled on the inside. Transformed to look like one of the nicest hotels," Crowley spoke up from behind us. Jumping to our feet, we stared at him, waiting for his next move. "I do have to say, he has no idea that you're even in town yet, so you buffoons did something right."

"Why are you helping us?" Sam asked.

"Like I told squirrel there, I'm not really enjoying being under Lucifer's thumb. I'd like him locked up, just as much as you three."

"How's Y/N?" I asked, needing to know.

"She's annoyed, and missing you," Crowley spoke up, but it seemed like he was keeping something back. "She annoyed Lucifer, enough that I had to step in before he killed her."

"That's my girl," I whispered, even though I wished she wouldn't put herself in harm's way.

"So, what is your plan?" Crowley asked.

"Dean...," Cas warned me, just as I had the same idea. Sure Crowley said he wanted to help, and he gave us the keys, but who's to say he wasn't going to double-cross us?

"Wings," Crowley threw at Cas. "Don't you trust me?"

"No," Cas spat. "I still don't understand why you're helping us."

"I told you!"

"You told us what you thought we would want to hear," Sam spoke up. "But you had the keys. You're infiltrated into his little camp. Why didn't you do it?"

"Because I'm too close to him! Any false move on my part and your girl dies!" Crowley exclaimed.

"Crowley, thank you for the rings. But I think we need to keep this part of our plan a secret. At least for now," I spoke carefully, not wanting to upset the man who could be our biggest ally. "That way Lucifer won't suspect anything."

"As you wish," Crowley muttered. "But you might want to hurry. He has a new plan, and it involves blackmailing you with Y/N."

With those parting words, Crowley vanished. " Dean, I still don't like this," Sam muttered.

"I don't either, but we don't have another choice," I insisted. "So, we leave in an hour. Cas will drop us off on the roof before creating a distraction down below. We'll slip in, get Y/N and set up the cage. And somehow, we'll force Lucifer inside."

"Doesn't sound like a foolproof plan," Sam grumbled. "But it's the best we have."

Making our way back down to the room we had rented, I couldn't help but agree. It was a half-assed plan at best, but we didn't really have any other choice.

Your POV

After the news Crowley had provided, both he and Lucifer left you behind in the gilded prison. Sitting in the chair facing the window, you pressed a hand to your belly, wondering if it was true. If you were really carrying Dean's child. Sure, you had only been together one night, but it had been a magical night.

You weren't sure you were ready to be a Mom quite yet. Your entire life you had been groomed for this. Groomed to be a Hunter's wife, to carry his children so that the hunting community could continue and prosper. You had hoped for a little more time with Dean before that came true. You weren't sure what he would do. Some rogue hunters like him and his brother refused to carry on the hunting line, and you weren't sure if he would be that way.

Or if he would expect you to become the little housewife that had been expected of you for so long. Something that you refused to be after your taste of the life you could have. There had to be some sort of compromise. Where you could have a life and family with Dean, but not become the timid little housewife that was usually expected from Hunter's wives.

As you contemplated your future, a bright reflection from one of the rooftops caught your eye. Quite a ways away, it appeared, then disappeared just as quickly, and you stood up, standing as close as you could to the window, trying to figure out what it was. So far, during your short stint here, you hadn't seen anything like it before, and you were curious.

It happened a couple more times before disappearing for good, and you sat back down, thinking that maybe something metallic had fallen on the roof. Hoping that maybe it was Dean coming to break you out was too much of a coincidence, and you didn't want to get your hopes up.

"How are you?" Lucifer asked as he stepped into your room. Immediately the large room seemed to shrink, and you wanted nothing more than to find someplace to hide. You had no idea how to handle him, and you were afraid he would attack you once again.

"How do you think? I'm a prisoner who just found out she's pregnant," you muttered, earning a laugh from him.

"Why do you want to be with Dean? Because you and I? I think we could be happy together. You make me laugh, and I needed someone around like that," he chuckled, sitting down on the chair next to you.

"Because I love Dean. And this child I'm carrying is his. You're the devil, who wants to be with the devil?"

"A lot of girls, actually," he answered. "I am quite a catch for many people, including Demons and witches as well as the average woman."

"I doubt that," you said, watching as he clenched his jaw.

"This isn't what I came to talk about," he muttered. "I was thinking we leave this place behind. Find someplace a little more...well you know. A place that Dean of yours won't be able to find. That is until I've come up with a sound plan to get rid of that annoying man, his brother and the little angel on his shoulder once and for all."

"And where might that be?"

"I was thinking Mexico," he told you as he stood up. "The weather's warm, there are some nice beaches, and I doubt Sam and Dean have ever left the United States."

"I don't want Mexico!" You exclaimed, panicking. If Lucifer packed you up for Mexico, it would take days, if not weeks before Dean found you, if he could at all.

"Fine, if you don't want Mexico, then somewhere in the mountains. We'll live like hermits in a cabin, no roads, no electricity, nothing!" He yelled back. "We leave in an hour!" 

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